Nogotkov refused to give Svyaznoy to the creditors

According to RBC, the owner of Solvers Group Oleg Malis sued the founder of Svyaznoy Maxim Nogotkov.
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Malis complains that blocks the transmission of Marigold Trellas controlling stake, which Solvers should get assignment after ONEKSIM debt.

That Malis Nogotkova suing in the courts of London and Cyprus, where registered Trellas, RBC told two sources close to the ONEKSIM, and two sources close to the creditors Nogotkova and belonging to him through Trellas companies.

"Shares Trellas after ONEXIM ceded debt Solvers Nogotkova group, they have been frozen. Maxim gave the transfer order on the alienation of shares in favor of a new lender, but then immediately cancel it, "- says a source close to the creditors Nogotkova.

"Technically, the stock is no longer Trellas Nogotkova, but not yet Malis, Marigold is trying to win time", - he said.

Through Trellas Marigold possession of its assets, the largest of which - a GC "The Messenger," The Messenger Bank, Enter and Pandora. Shares Trellas were laid on the bridge loan from Onexim in the amount of $ 120 million, Marigold could not pay for it in November last year, as a result of ONEXIM said that jointly with the NPF "Blagosostoyane "takes 90% GC" The Messenger ". However Marigold refused to sign the necessary documents to complete the transaction. Then ONEXIM Group ceded receivable Solvers Malis.

As told RBC in December Malis, Solvers applies for all Trellas assets, including bank Messenger. However, he stressed that the company intends to develop, rather than deal with their resale.

Malis said at the time that the decision of the court in Cyprus, all assets are frozen as collateral for the company's requirements, part of ONEXIM. Personal loan is secured by a guarantee Nogotkova and 51% Trellas.

Advisor of "Yukov and partners" Vsevolod Miller believes that Malis will receive shares through the courts. "If the loan agreement with ONEKSIM was no specific prohibition on assignment of rights requirements, the London court will oblige to transfer the shares to a new creditor," - he said, adding that if the lawsuit was filed in the Arbitration Court (in London is an arbitration court), the decision It will be made within a month, if the court normal, then consideration may be delayed for up to two years.

According to the source, blisomeone to ONEKSIM, gaining control over Trellas Malis will give nothing, since all the companies belonging to it, too, has its own lenders. "Malis and also have to negotiate with them," - he said. Moreover, Malis, the bank expects to receive the Messenger, you need the consent of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Bank of Russia.

Malis and Marigold neither confirmed nor denied the lawsuit, declined to comment. On the websites of courts of London Information about the lawsuit has not yet appeared.