"We will not succumb to hysteria": how Russia is experiencing a scandal at Farnborough

The Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko and Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Yuri Slusar told Forbes about the scandal with non-issuance of visas to the members of the Russian delegation at the international Farnborough Airshow".
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International air show "Farnborough» (Farnborough) opened near London. He began with a scandal for Russia. On Friday, 11 July, it was reported that half of the delegation did not receive visas. To go to the air show can only be 167 people out of 347 said. The situation stepped the Russian Embassy in the UK. Diplomats asked to clarify the situation and to resolve the visa issue. In response, the representative of the British Foreign Ministry said that the non-issuance of visas is related to the Ukrainian crisis.

Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko in, London does not see the logic: without a visa on his hands were as the first person companies and technicians. A Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Yuri Slusar, who heads the Russian delegation at the "Farnborough", argues that the policy did not affect the business - at least not yet.

In the meantime, to take part in the air show hastily refused Sberbank. I do not come to London, and the general director of the state corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov, who loves to such events: he was willing to talk to the press and actively meets with partner companies. At this time, Theezov, which is under US sanctions, however, and did not apply for a visa.

Despite the "trimmed" the delegation represented Russia at "Farnborough" pretty much (preparation for the interior was carried out long before the stories with Ukraine and sanctions). Articles and advertisements in all aviation magazines dedicated to the salon. Two aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 in the livery of "UTair" and Mexican Interjet next to the Boeing 787. Many aircraft models, rockets, engines; all with dignity and in a big way. The current Russian exposition would be amiss for the visit of the President of the country. From the status of persons, however, on the "Farnborough" were only Slusar and Yakovenko. They looked at the achievements of the domestic aviation industry and answered numerous questions of the visa scandal.

- Interested in the topic of visas, the participation of the Russian delegation. How you have to get out? In fact, half of the delegations there.

Yuri Slusar [hereinafter - YS]: That's right. On the visa has been declared 347 people were given 167-E, that is, [came] exactly half. The activities of the delegation is complicated, but not paralyzed. Got half do the work of two. unityth, we will have to reduce the program of the visit here. We will try as much as possible to work out the agenda more effectively and more quickly, which was originally formed. It is, incidentally, does not focus so much and not only colleagues from the UK as our partners around the world who participate in our programs, and we are in them. This, in particular, China, India, Brazil, Canada and so on. D. All obligations of the Russian delegation for its part will fulfill certainly let it be harder to do than in a different situation.

Well, we can say that the organization of MAKS in 2015. We will try to invite all representatives of all countries - without any restrictions: you are welcome, we are waiting! And here, in fact, we did not come themselves, and by invitation only: [we were told] Come, dear comrades, on the "Farnborough". Well, come. Paid stands, payment of hotels, tickets, infrastructure, and it turned out that not all behave properly. Once financially then let [compensate] ...

- Claims presented?

YS .: The claims so far not presented. Size produNow until the end of the march estimate. Accurate assessment we did not do. But you know very well that the hotel at the time of the salons - "punitive": you paid for the month came-not arrived - the money burned. Sorry for practicality, but just a pity money, among other things. We are due to the subject in any tantrum does not fall. Competence delegation maintained. We counted that we had planned about 200 contacts - the delegation and all the companies that came here. I hope that, with rare-rare exception, we successfully carry out all.

- And if at all possible financial compensation in this situation?

Alexander Yakovenko [hereinafter - AY]: First, we will understand. And then we'll decide what to do.

- Does this story with visas is related to the situation in Ukraine? British Foreign Ministry spokesman expressed - the media refer to it, now would like to comment on the part of Russia.

AY .: This British position. They did on Saturday [12 July] statement that the non-issuance of visas is related to the Ukrainian problem.

- I know that the magazineists have not received (Agency "Russia Today" (ex-RIA Novosti), "Russian Newspaper", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", partly to ITAR-TASS). Tell us what kind of situation?

AY .: We're all going to analyze, because everything happened fairly quickly. On Friday, when they realized that there is a serious problem with the presence of the Russian delegation at the "Farnborough", we wrote a note, made a formal request. The first thing we asked - is to give an official explanation why the Russian participants are not given a visa. And second, we called on the British side in the remaining days - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - to rectify the situation with those who are not given a visa.

We noticed that not received visas significant part of the top-managers of Russian private and public companies. We get on the middle level and high - no. But in general, the issuance of visas is quite chaotic. Here Yuri Borisovich [Slyusarev] gave a visa, and the technique that serves the SSJ 100, not given. As it corresponds to the position in Ukraine - it is not very clear. From my point of view, there is no logic. But we allthese issues will talk and analyze the information received. Trying to understand why and who simply delaying the process of issuing and whom - right denied.

The problem with visas for the last time does not arise for the first time. In the summer in the UK there were three major events for which visas were not issued in time, issued just after a few days from the beginning or at the end of the event. At the exhibition of information technology half of Russian companies could not come. At the same time paid the hotel, tickets bought stands - and the stand is, on average, £ 30 000. Serious losses.

A similar situation was with the exhibition of organic products - a significant portion of Russian delegates to could come. And another was a book exhibition - many writers did not get it when they issued the visa, the exhibition has ended. That is a situation we have today. It is understandable, but, nevertheless, as rightly said Yuri, "Farnborough" - is not only the United Kingdom, it is quite a large number of countries. By the way, our computertions do not have any claims against the organizers of the exhibition. The main problems associated with non-extradition of visas.

- Whether due to political complications arise with the business problem? Supply of components, for example? It is known that the same SSJ 100 is largely made up of foreign components, including the UK.

YS .: SSJ 100 - absolutely the product of civil aviation industry. And in this sense we very much hope that the various limitations associated with the supply of military or dual-use, do not touch the SSJ 100. There's a big international cooperation. All of the world's leading manufacturers - and instrument and equipment. Our strategic partner - the company Snecma, together we make the engine for SSJ 100.

- It was a statement that supposedly block the supply of UK aviakomplektuyuschih ... What does it mean?

AY .: While for all these applications, we have not received any explanation. When we receive them, we will work on the fact and understand that emanate from the British. Let us not think out for them. We are ready to work with the Britishparty just as much as they are willing to work with us. In those areas that are open, we are ready to cooperate. If there will be something close to isolate the cooperation with Russia, and this, too, is a fact of life.

- Yuri, was not originally you had to lead the delegation?

YS .: Why? I originally.

- Right from the very, very beginning?

YS .: The decision is usually accepted in the past month and a half. Initially, the minister [of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation] Denis Manturov and did not plan to visit. Before talking about all sorts of restrictions. And I planned originally.

- Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin "tweeted" wrote that the delegation should curtail participation in the exhibition and leave.

He has called you, gave strong recommendations?

YS .: We talked, actually. The model that has been chosen, is as follows: all important, useful, pre-planned part of the program is required to perform. We will try to force restrictions do everything as quickly as possible. Hide his work on the first day of the exhibition - it is, in addition to demonstrationand then bring all our colleagues who have been waiting for the exhibition to talk to us.

What is the international exhibition? Sorry for the banality, it is a kind of platform, so as not to go all in all countries. All collected 1-2 times per year for air shows. Such communication promotes the status of certain programs. Therefore, to cancel the negotiations - to themselves complicate the situation. Once again, all the work will be carried out in a short time.

- How succinctly?

YS .: It depends on the companies. But the most important - for two days. I think I will be able to return home early for various reasons, including due to the upcoming holiday.

- With whom you will meet in person at the salon?

YS .: With the head of Boeing International, continue to meet with the companies Snecma, EADS International, the Italian Finmeccanica. At the working level, dealing with the business, we are not to see no change in connection with non-extradition of visas - on the contrary, we see stability.

- At Boeing, for sure, will be a question about titanium.

YS .: Ask a question about titanium.

- And Airbus must be the same inquestions.

YS .: And Airbus, yes. We have been, and remains the position that contacts with our customers perform. Understand their experiences in connection with the imposition of sanctions. Same Airbus consumes 65% of the titanium "VSMPO-AVISMA." But we all perform, there is no reference to the political developments there.

- In the "Farnborough" you did not bring military equipment as is usually done. Le Bourget will be next year. Claims for the Crimea and Ukraine will not disappear. How are we going to do with military hardware? Only like?

YS .: Besides the "Farnborough" and Le Bourget air shows there are others, such as Chinese. If we have something we can not sell, we offer here, we can in other countries.

- Should we hope that "Farnborough" will be announced and signed a contract on our part?

YS .: I would like to repeat once again, because of the history of the visa, the Russian delegation will suffer only in the number of participants: many of those who negotiated the contracts and preparing, not just arrived. We picked up the banner dropped out and are confident that all the signing of the contracts will be fulfilled. We do not see withyazki between the non-extradition of visas and reviewing business plans. We hope that this will continue.

- What would you have paid attention to the Russian exposition?

YS .: We have traditionally represented all of our holdings and companies. Located at our historic site. Attention is drawn to the selectors of the first and second levels, first of all, engine manufacturers. If we compare with the "Farnborough-2012", the biggest competition is developing between the component manufacturers.

On the "Farnborough" our basic programs. SSJ 100 - two cars are shown in the livery of "UTair" and Mexican Interjet. The program in Mexico is developing quite successfully. Operator happy - and we with him. And medium-range aircraft Irkut MC-21 showing its treadmill. And to him there were problems, by the way. Staff, who had run the simulator did not come. However, everything will work out.

We do not show respect and are presenting our joint Russian-Chinese project for wide-body aircraft. But, using the site, let slip that in May inThe burden of Vladimir Putin's visit to China, signed a memorandum - in fact, we are announcing the start of the project. This aircraft, which will be developed jointly with the Chinese side. In September it will be presented to the business concept of the project. It promises to be ambitious.