Vnesheconombank will restructure the debt of the Eurodon Group owned by Vadim Vaneev

The corporate recovery will affect only non-core assets of the group.
The head of Vnesheconombank (VEB) Sergei Gorkov announced loan restructuring group "Eurodon" companies by almost 50 billion rubles., Reports "Interfax" and Reuters. The main owner of the group Vadim Vaneev agreement confirmed, but the figure did not comment. "The theme of the debt restructuring is related to the construction segment of the" Eurodon ", - said the representative of the bank, but did not specify details. Benaiah also added that it is a question about the possible sale of some non-core projects. This will pay off part of the debt to VEB, which is the holder of the collateral structures of the group, says a person close to one of the parties to the negotiations.

GC "Eurodon" Benaiah - one of Russia's largest industrial turkey producers. Group for the first nine months of 2016 produced 39 200 tonnes of turkey meat in slaughter weight, taking 2nd place after GC "Damate", according to the Agrifood Strategies. As Forbes magazine wrote in March 2013, just since 2006 the main creditor "Eurodon" VEB has approved it almost 18 billion rubles. loans. And before that - has 17.9 billion rubles. the construction of the next indeykovodcheskogo complex in Rostov region with capacity of 60 000 tonnes. In addition, the Agricultural Bank reported in 2013 by the opening of Benaiah project on industrial production duck three lines of credit for 5 billion rubles. It turns out, all "Eurodon" approved the allocation of more than 40 billion rubles. credit.

introduced VEB

The former head of the Directorate of Natural Resources and Construction VEB Ilgiz Valitov, according to investigators, allegedly persuaded Vaneeva that Brimstone - company of the bank, and the transfer of 40% of the business - the loan guarantee, led to "Vedomosti" investigators lawyer Tagir Valitova Samakaev. Valitova Court declared guilty of fraud on a large scale and sentenced to four years' imprisonment in a penal colony and a fine.

In winter 2016 in the company there was a corporate conflict, and the proportion of Farid Gazizullina group received investment company A1 (part of the "Alfa Group"). Immediately after this the Cyprus Brimstone Investments, which owned Gazizullin and then A1 filed several lawsuits in an attempt to challenge the previously issued guarantee "Eurodon" at 24 billion rubles. (About 17 billion rubles -. Loan from VEB and 7 billion rubles -. By RAB on a project on the production of duck). However, on the day of the resignation of the then head of VEB Vladimir Dmitriev A1 has sold 40% of "Eurodon" VEB as the main creditor. A1 representative assured that the company received a better offer.

Business "Eurodon" consists of a few major companies. This poultry enterprises "Eurodon" and "Eurodon-South" (turkey production), "Donstar" (duck production), as well as producer of hatching eggs "Ursdon". Among the non-core assets - Company "Metal-Don" (metal structures) and LLC "Irdon" (house-building). Poultry will remain our core business, "Eurodon," said Van.

The decision on the sale of non-core assets for the most correct "Eurodon", says the president of consulting company Agrifood Strategies Albert Davleev. The company strongly zakreditovana, and it needs to focus on its core business - the production of turkey. If during the period of active construction of poultry houses construction companies were needed for their own use, but now another problem - fill in the poultry houses and feed the birds, says the expert.