Kiev wants to nationalize the lottery business of the Russians

Ukrainian lottery market may soon go completely under state control.
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A group of 11 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine introduced to Parliament a draft law number 2307 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on introduction of a full state monopoly to conduct lottery business to protect the economic interests of Ukraine." If the bill is actually a private lottery market will cease to exist in Ukraine, in the first place hit by Russian businessmen, owning almost all the Ukrainian lotteries.

One of the authors of the bill, the leader of the Radical Party of Ukraine Oleg Lyashko noted that the adoption of this document will shift profits to 500 million hryvnia (over 1.3 billion) annually from the pockets of private owners to the state treasury. At the same time Ukrainian parliamentarian said that in addition to financial goals bill also pursues the task to "knock out Russian companies with the lottery market in Ukraine."

According to the text of the bill (there are at the disposal of "Izvestia"), the principle of state monopoly on the lottery is the prohibition of the territory stolenus any lottery, except for government, which is organized by state lotteries. Organizer of the state lotteries is a legal entity, which is 100% owned by Ukrainian government.

Back in the late summer of last year the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Oleksandr Shlapak said that about 94% of the Russians control the lottery market in the country. For example, 80 of the 112 operating lotteries in Ukraine (71% market share) owned by LLC "MSL" (with offices in all regions of Ukraine and more than 6.5 thousand. Distribution network points), the owners of which, according to the Ukrainian authorities are Russian industrial shareholders -financial group "Alfa group". Ukrainian lawmakers in the explanatory note to the bill stated that the principal owner of "MSL" LLC is associated with the co-owner of "Alpha groups" Mikhail Fridman Cypriot businessman Marcos Shiapanis.

Another 25 lotteries as said Shlapak in the summer of 2014, or 23% of the market, takes JSC "Patriot", owned by offshore companies is a Russian citizen. This citizen kamembers pointed excited is Oleg Boyko, co-owner of the gambling holding Ritzio International. The remaining 6% or 7 Ukrainian lotteries controlled by private enterprise "UNL", which is owned by private investors from Switzerland and Austria (owned lotteries, "Keno", "Super Lotto" "Lotto Troika", "Loto Maxima" and others.).

Lawyer and Partner of the Law Office A2 Mikhail Alexandrov believes that the State is authorized to transfer this sector under its control.

- For example, in Russia today are the state lottery, while in the 1990s, the Russian market has been a huge number of independent players, including with the participation of foreign capital and foreign owners, - the lawyer said. - Another example is the ban on gambling activities in the Russian Federation when they were closed all the casinos, regardless of to whom they belonged, and, mind you, in international courts nobody addressed.

Simultaneously, Alexandrov said that if Ukrainian law involves not the introduction of a complete state monopoly of the market, and discriminatory measures tlko for companies with Russian owners, then I could have a reason to complain.

Project Director of the lottery "Golden Key" Anatoly Lizdunov considers that remains to be after the adoption of the Ukrainian side of the bill to determine in what way they will implement it. In the case of a rigid implementation of the Ukrainian state can suffer a loss, as are private lotteries.

- The hard option - is to take a close and the work of existing companies, but lotteries market simply collapse. The state will lose more tax deductions. While restoring this area from scratch - a long process. It is necessary to open a large number of terminals, marketing center, to hire a lot of professionals to advertise - Lizdunov said. - It costs a lot of money and effort. But I think there the Ministry of Finance understands everything and go on a drastic measure - rather, they simply will buy existing companies and there is a change of owners.

Moreover, these private companies - operators of lotteries will be in the unenviable situation of having to go to the proud or closingie their projects or sell them is not always at market prices.

Some experts fear that after the lottery business in Ukrainian legislators may want to remove the Russian presence in other sectors of the country.

- They creep up to the Russian property companies, but very carefully, following the example Tymoshenko, who was engaged in these things in 2004-2005. And now they originally probed the ground for such seizure, which is still inevitable. While the test is conducted in such assets, for which the Russian government will not stand up - gambling - said deputy dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of HSE Andrew Suzdaltsev. - They look like we sreagiruem. In the future it will be the banks and mobile communications - until it is too serious a swing, but that the attempt to seize Russian assets will inevitably be made - it is 100%.

Russia's economic presence in many areas of Ukraine is essential. For example, in the financial sector in Ukraine there are Russian banks with state participation. onannym Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, as of January 1 this year, the net assets of the Savings Bank of Ukraine amounted to 46.74 billion hryvnia (about 116 billion rubles), the VTB's net assets amounted at 1 January 36.5 billion hryvnia (about 91 billion rubles). In addition, Ukraine is represented and Alfa-Bank with net assets as at 1 January 2015 the amount of 36.7 billion hryvnia (about 92 billion rubles).