Uralvagonzavod: the secret of disappearing billions

After the general director of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko asked the government to provide 50 billion rubles of state guarantees, the experts have suspected that the money may be "carved up". Moreover, the working methods of Mr. Sienko threaten the entire Russian railway coach manufacturing. 
"Uralvagonzavod" new "begging" the money from the budget

The expert community has formed the opinion that the recent difficulties in the Russian economy can become for the Russian state-owned companies a reason to "extort" from the dozens of budget, or even hundreds of billions of state guarantees, as previously already received Russian oligarchs, when in 2008 their " covered "the wave of the international financial crisis.

The mechanism of this "begging country-wide scale" is quite simple. This or that corporation states that because of the "difficult circumstances" it can not perform its function, and therefore it is necessary to give the budget billions of rubles. This is not always the "circumstances" are so very "complicated".

One of the first who has already begun to "download" the money from the budget allocation under the pretext of state guarantees was the general director of "Uralvagonzavod" Oleg Sienko.Tak October 8, 2014 it was reported that the leadership of the corporation "Uralvagonzavod" asked the Russian government to provide enterprisesstate guarantees for loans in the amount of 35-50 billion rubles.

Siyenko "cover up" the federal program?

But what are "Uralvagonzavod" much needed additional 50 billion rubles? !! According to the most Siyenko these additional funds are necessary for the enterprise implementation of the federal program (OP) "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation until 2020".

"We looked at about 35 to 50 billion rubles, plus we were asked to increase the share capital. The modernization program provides for 60% of public funds, 40% - funds of the company, but such profits do not have to provide it, and the program has not been canceled "- said Oleg Siyenko.

In other words, the general director of "Uralvagonzavod" has publicly admitted that he was unable to obtain the expected income taken into account in the calculation of the federal program spending. And once Siyenko could not make a profit, then the state budget (ie from taxpayers' wallets Russian) he must present as much as 50 billion rubles !!!

But until 2020 for the modernization of all production corporation Uralvagonzavod is planned to allocate aboutabout 150 billion rubles !!!

That is now the CEO of "Uralvagonzavod" asks to give him an additional nearly a third of that amount.

It would seem that after the recognition of Mr Siyenko its failure in making a profit to the company entrusted to him and burdening the state with unnecessary costs by as much as 50 billion rubles, it should be immediately fired from their jobs as "inefficient manager." In Soviet times, I would say that it is necessary to "drive the factory filthy broom!"

Absolute economic inefficiency?

And, by the way, what else is interesting: "Why Oleg Siyenko asks" about "35 to 50 billion rubles !!?" Where did this "gap" of 15 billion rubles? Or UVZ top managers are about the principles of "Ask more - give less"? And suddenly Siyenko no proschityval UVZ real needs? !!

Although it is likely, such a huge finances led UVZ not necessary for the implementation of the federal program, and for "plugging holes" in the budget of the "Uralvagonzavod"!

But right now Uralvagonzavod Corporation already findsI was in a deep economic crisis, output from which is not expected !!! This is evidenced by huge loss UVZ size of 1.231 billion rubles according to RAS, admitted in 2013. . But here a short time and become bankrupt! It is to such a sad finale reached the factory, in spite of government support worth 64 billion received in 2011 Uralvagonzavod. But the subsidy has run out of money, and the progress - no!

Moreover, due to the low quality of management Oleg Siyenko "Uralvagonzavod" I have already begun to experience serious problems such as the production of products, and its sales.

Why military production "Uralvagonzavod" is not in demand?

At the same time, it is a problem with sales and is the cause of the acute shortage of income, which in turn leads to the requirements of new state guarantees! Indeed, if the plant produces low-quality products, then it - no one is buying !!!

For example, tanks are manufactured at Uralvagonzavod, do not use special demand at the Ministry of Defence. Not only that, they are rapidly becoming obsolete, but still too expensive (about 130 million rublesubley per car)!

Moreover, according to representatives of the General Staff, in the supposedly "upgraded" the T-72 still missing crew protection from the explosion of ammunition and automatic transmission.

A problem with ergonomics in the "improved" armored vehicle, where it is virtually impossible to use a thermal sight, Siyenko tried to explain the "acceleration of the population." Such ridiculous attempts to justify himself to the problem of production "Uralvagonzavod" forced experts to think about how all the current head UVZ corresponds to the post!

However, this problem of military products manufactured by "Uralvagonzavod" is clearly not come to an end. So, for example, on another "batch" the T-90 is not on-board system, informing about the situation on the battlefield and other armored vehicles showing the location of his unit. It does not meet modern requirements and sighting and observation complex T-90 commander.

Huge spending on PR?

But against the background of such enormous problems only in tankostroitYelnia the field, not to mention the car-building, Mr. Siyenko allows himself the audacity to spend millions of people to budget PR-actions.

Here are just a small "podborochka" how to Uralvagonzavod "PR" the production of military profile, which, as we know, is neither high-quality nor acceptable price. Since October 9, 2014 it became known that Uralvagonzavod is over two hundred exhibits in the exhibition "Unknown Tankprom. Industry in the country and the economy of human life. " According to the press service of the corporation, the event will be held in the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.

Further, 10 October 2014 Siyenko took part in the bidding for the World Cup for professional skills WorldSkills Competition in 2019 in Russia.

In September, the head of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Siyenko made a great show - Ural Transport salon "Highway 2014". Of course, represented at Uralvagonzavod "Highway 2014" product examined "invited guest star" - Presidential Envoy to the Urals Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh, before he is"Uralvagonzavod" iysya employee. In general, everything was in the "best traditions of Hollywood"

That's only in the professional master's Siyenko community accused of banal "window dressing" on the background of the actual collapse of production. By the way, if the CEO of Uralvagonzavod so often happens in the PR-campaigns, when he directs the production entrusted to him? !!

Now alone "pokazushnyh" Mr Senko events clearly was not enough. For Uralvagonzavod began to create their own media companies, which will include local radio, which partner will be the station "Humor the FM", very popular in Nizhny Tagil, and the TV channel "Real Tagil" (broadcast on the same frequency with TNT), the newspaper "Machine engineer" and space for outdoor advertising in the city. Uralvagonzavod plans to acquire their own channel in Yekaterinburg.

But why defense companies responsible for the same and the transport sector, needs its own media corporations? !! And where does "the FM Humor" and TNT, on which there are endless "Comedy Club"? How all this will help the production of tanks and wagons? !!

All-Russian "scam"?

Another big scandal "Uralvagonzavod", occurred after October 7, 2014 it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin has supported a ban on extending the life of old cars.

It is no secret that one of the main opponents of the continued operation of older cars feel it Uralvagonzavod General Director. Earlier Oleg Siyenko experiencing problems with sales, reiterated: "Plant The problem is that the service life of rolling stock often prolonged illegally, because of which decreases demand for wagons and locomotives Corporation," and warned that "all It may affect employees Uralvagonzavod "

Instead of old wagons Uralvagonzavod representatives advocated the use of new "innovative" cars. But the trouble is that these same "innovative "cars produce only Uralvagonzavod and the Tikhvin Railway Car Building Plant Alexander Nesis. While the car-repair plants in Russia - 200 pieces, and their task (overhaul cars) they cope quite well. But because of all these ideas Siyenko 200 car-repair plants may be left without work.

But that's not all! According to estimates deputy chairman of NP operators of railway rolling stock, an expert of the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT MGUPS) Farida Khusainova, from 137 incidents last 115 years (or 84% of the total number of accidents) occurred through the fault of the trolley cast parts. So, in 104 incidents "blame" frame trucks new cars 2005-2012 years of release, and the old frame 70-80-90's release during the same period were the causes of accidents only in 27 cases.

Simply put, it is the details of the new ( "innovation" as they are called in the Uralvagonzavod) cars break down in 84% of cases of accidents. It turns out that in the case of a total ban on the use of the old ( "Soviet") of cars, on which insists so head Uralvagonzavod, Russian rail transportationalmost completely lose their security and lives of millions of passenger trains will be in danger!

Is Mr. Siyenko plans are not a threat to Russia's national security? !!

Extremely poor quality of cars?

The cars, produced at Uralvagonzavod, according to bloggers and ordinary, and titled experts, have very low quality. "They say that cars have UVZ very cheap but bad", - says 22 August 2014 popular blogger Daniel Tikhonov, who told the public how it is spent UVZ this PR-campaign against the old cars.

We agree with the criticism of railway products UVZ and federal officials. So, for example, allegedly "innovative" Uralvagonzavod wagons, according to the Ministry of Transport, broken ten times more frequently than has been guaranteed by the manufacturer.

In 2014 Uralvagonzavod plans to deliver more than 7,000 cars. But with the quality of the state corporation will receive a shaft of complaints, which threatens to worsen the already non-shiny financial results (note that only the first 9 months of last year, "Uralvagonzavod" losses amounted to1.2 billion rubles - Ed)..

Forgotten "daughter"

Another general director of "Uralvagonzavod" in the reproach that he absolutely does not care about the subsidiaries of the enterprise. As a result, Mr. Siyenko not cease to criticize the local authorities.

For example, in early August 2014 an extraordinary session of the Regional Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo region parliamentarians recognized the situation prevailing in the CHP LLC «Yurga Machine Building Plant" ( "Yurmash" is a Uralvagonzavod), emergency (disaster), which may result in human casualties, cause damage to human health, considerable material losses and violation of people's living conditions on the territory of the urban district of Yurga.

As a result, August 8, 2014 Yurga TPP was officially introduced state of emergency, and the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev even appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a complaint that the head of the "Uralvagonzavod" will do nothing to help his "child", "Yurmash" !

"I made the firmamentof that the owners have taken the company, and what to do with it - do not know. In practice, the company takes responsibility for the fate of Bucyrus ", - said Aman Tuleyev in June, 2014.

Uralvagonzavod is MMM?

As a result, only 25 September it became clear that "Yurga Machine Building Plant" still get 1.2 billion rubles for the development of production and repayment of accumulated debts to the budget and extrabudgetary funds.

"September 24 was a credit committee. "Svyaz-Bank" took such a decision. It tied loan "Uralvagonzavod" for modernization and development of production "Yurga Machine Building Plant", "- said the deputy governor of the Kemerovo region Alexander Miroschnik.

That is, in fact, it is not even saved Siyenko controlled "Uralvagonzavod" "Yurmash" and "Svyaz-Bank" by issuing a new loan UVZ. So what, Mr. Siyenko all its production to raise funds builds? !!

It seems that the director of "Uralvagonzavod" uses tactics MMM founder Sergei Mavrodi. That's just MMM leastwarn that it is a scam ( "Pyramid"), and in Uralvagonzavod - no ...

Deputy Oleg Siyenko "got burned" on corruption?

Against the background of financial problems and low quality products on the "Uralvagonzavod" often takes the crime of corruption. For example, in 2013, Deputy General Director of Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" Semen Mlodik has been detained in Moscow - Sheremetyevo airport while trying to fly to Kiev.

He was accused in the fact that he, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Promtractor Wagon" (part of the Concern "Tractor plants", GTC), stole about 273 mln. Rub. Deputy Oleg Sienko, according to investigators, through controlled company acquired the stake of ZAO "Promtractor-wagon", which was later transferred to one of his offshore companies.

It is noteworthy that in the end, the court discontinued the criminal proceedings against the former director of "Uraltrac" (included in the SPC "Uralvagonzavod") Seeds Mlodik for alleged money laundering in connection with the lapse of time. That is quite MlodikI could be guilty of this crime !!! Moreover, according to rumors, the closure of the case "contributed" and he Siyenko.

As a "sawing" in UVZ

In fact the general director of "Uralvagonzavod" really can be suspected in the output from the assets of the enterprise! It became clear after the August 25, 2014 Seventh Arbitration Court of Appeal (Tomsk) invalidated the deal selling a controlling stake in the coal company «Zarechnaya» structure Nusenkis businessman Victor - "Interconsulting".

As a result, now the Uralvagonzavod faced the threat of losing one of its assets. The fact is that this trade dispute structures associated with the former partner Nusenkis - ex-Prosecutor General of Ukraine Gennady Vasilyev, who transferred the rights to the assets of investment company A1. In the future, "Interconsulting" resold "Zarechnaya", "daughter" of "Uralvagonzavod".

In other words, the company "Uralvagonzavod-Logistik" bought in advance controversial asset! But why Mr. Siyenko required to acquire such a dubious asset for Uralvagonzavod? All deabout the fact that the Criminal Code of "Nina" sells coal is not directly but through a trader CCZ Trade (Lugano, Switzerland).

This means that through Siyenko CCZ Trade can not only move away from Russian taxes, but do yourself a good "fat" on the difference in prices, as CCZ Trade trader is obliged to raise prices for exported coal. As a result, the version appears that through CCZ Trade Mr. Siyenko displays UVZ assets.

The fact is that before the absorption of the coal company "daughter" Uralvagonzavod presented her ten-year contract to transport 100% of its cargo, and for a very special price.

The experts considered either rail operator "Uralvagonzavod" in order to heighten renatbelnosti coal sales is going to reduce his own profit or UVZ simply decided to withdraw money from "Zarechnaya" with "a sliding" scheme involving the company's management. For example, the assignee of the coal company a large sum for the state contract "Uralvagonzavod-Logistik" then swallowed "Zarechnaya" and the money has been successfully "sawed" among top managers in the process of change of ownership.

And the VedasSiyenko could not know about this "combination"! So, he, too, was "in proportion"? !!

According to experts, is now a rich set of problems "Uralvagonzavod" is added, and the banal "raspilevanie" the company's budget, all of the strings of which are particular to Mr. Siyenko. It seems that when it "Uralvagonzavod" from a thriving enterprise has become a "colossus with feet of clay", which at any moment could be ruined, and the formation of the budget of the enterprise takes place on the "principle of MMM".

And now when the machinations of Oleg Siyenko already known to the general public, he has the nerve to ask the state 50 billion rubles. Now there is only one question: "How long will the federal government going to suffer at the post of the General Director" Uralvagonzavod "such ineffective top manager Oleg Siyenko !!?".

It is clear that the investigation of his activities as head of Uralvagonzavod is high time to take the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation!