Uralkali mixed up with politics

Suleiman Kerimov wants not only money for his company. 
The settlement of the conflict around Uralkali may be delayed. According to unofficial information, the sale of Suleiman Kerimov's 21.75% stake to banker Vladimir Kogan has stalled, as co-owner of Uralkali has put forward new "non-financial" conditions. According to the sources, Mr. Karimov wants to regain influence in his native Dagestan which he lost at the beginning of the year. But the sources of "Kommersant" claim that these conditions are unacceptable to the Kremlin, and if Suleiman Kerimov will insist, the conditions of redemption of shares will only get worse for him.

Yesterday, the agency "Prime", citing sources reported that the main owner of "BRIC" Suleiman Kerimov (Fund Suleyman Kerimov Foundation owns 21.75% of shares) has set new conditions for one of the contenders for the purchase of this package banker Vladimir Kogan. According to the agency, because they deal may be in jeopardy. Conditions are "non-financial nature" and do not relate to the value of securities, but "can turn the deal on its head." At the same time the source of "Prime" added that the problems with the return of Mr. Kogan advance already paidof Kerimov, will not. Mr. Kogan and representatives of "Nafta Moscow" Suleiman Kerimov, the situation does not comment.

Source: "b", familiar with the negotiations, argues that the new conditions - political and primarily relate to the return positions Kerimov in Dagestan (entrepreneur, Lezgins by nationality, was born and raised in Derbent). In the past few years after in 2010 became president of Dagestan Magomedov Dargin, Suleiman Kerimov influence in the country is seriously strengthened. In December 2012 the general director of "Nafta Moscow" Oleg Lipatov even became the first deputy prime minister of Dagestan. Among Mr. Karimov called public interest Makhachkala airport Uytash and a local seaport, the entrepreneur has a number of investment projects in the republic. He put in a big football club "Anji" and planned real estate development megaproject "Anzhi City."

However, in January 2013, and. about. President of Dagestan Ramazan became Avar Abdullatipov (elected President of 8 September), which is gradually replaced and rightsstvo Republic (Oleg Lipatov his left) and supervisors of infrastructure projects. Now the main "business partner" of Dagestan has become the owner of the "Amount" Avar Ziyavudin Magomedov. Suleiman Kerimov has lost influence in the region, and in August, sharply reduced funding "Anji".

The rumors that Vladimir Kogan is the main contender for the stake in the "BRIC", appeared in the beginning of September. According to sources, "b", Kerimov out of the capital was a condition set by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to resolve the conflict between the "Belaruskali" and "Uralkali" and the release of the General Director of the Russian company Vladislav Baumgertner arrested in Minsk (yesterday he was released from prison under house arrest). According to unofficial information, Mr. Kogan had to pay the first tranche of Suleiman Kerimov, some sources of "b" even claimed that the transaction has been completed. Its amount, according to various sources, "b", is $ 3.7-4.5 billion.

However, the confirmation of the transaction is still there, and the market increasesthe number of rumors of all new applicants for "Uralkali". Among the main owner ROSSOShANSKAJa called "Fertilizers" Arkady Rotenberg and ONEXIM Group of Mikhail Prokhorov. First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov recently said that among the contenders there are foreign investors, as the Financial Times reported yesterday that asset interested a "sovereign wealth fund" and industrial group in Asia.

According to one of the interlocutors "b" familiar with the situation, the load to the sale of Suleiman Kerimov package wants to return not only the business, how much political influence in Dagestan, but in the Kremlin are inclined to believe that the "no" Uralkali "should not be the subject of federation ". contract options ONGOING says the source "b" - but the opportunities to strengthen the positions in Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov on the table there. "The condition for receiving the money for Suleiman Kerimov is its equidistance from the centers of power in Russia, including the Kremlin and the White House," - says the source "b". He explains that if the businessman would agree to a deal without floorcal conditions and, for example, will leave Russia, the final buyer of "BRIC" is unlikely to be Vladimir Kogan, and the terms of the transaction will be more beneficial to Suleiman Kerimov. Otherwise, he says, share "Uralkali" Mr Kogan will buy, but "more stringent" conditions.