Yuri Trutnev used Alrosa for himself

A Russian official has become a diamond tycoon and a billionaire.
Origin source
An important source of informal income Yuri Trutnev is Diamond Corporation "Alrosa", which he oversees. Center gemstones control makes daily Trutnev richer, located in a three-storey white building on the northern outskirts of Moscow at street Smolnaya, 12. The building in Art Nouveau style in appearance resembles a large Soviet House of Culture. To get inside, you can only by special permit. The main entrance leads into a spacious hall, in the center of which there are shelves with jewelry, and on the perimeter - small offices to inspect jewelry. Second floor - a production area with a seven-meter ceilings: diamonds are cut here.

In Soviet times the building housed the Smolny lapidary production Moscow "Crystal" plant, and now the premises owned by OJSC "Diamond World" (52.37% - in the Federal Property Agency, and the rest - the "Alrosa" and several minority shareholders). In 2002, under the roof of the "Diamond World" moved Gokhran, Central Excise Customs, the Assay Office and Customs Broker TBSS. Until recently to issue import and export of all kinds of precious stones and metals, pass state control could only here.

In September 2016 he earned another spetspost - in the Far East. "Vladivostok logically fits into the framework of trade relations between Yakutia [production center" Alrosa "] and China, than, for example, Antwerp" - Trutnev said in September at the opening Diamond Exchange in Vladivostok. Sources in Forbes "ALROSA" are confident that Trutnev has the "highest impact" on the company. Every Monday, the president of "Alrosa" Andrey Zharkov, who took office in April 2015, reports on the status of Trutnev.

For Trutnev and Zharkov 2016 was rich in events: Diamond Centre was opened in Vladivostok held the privatization of 10.9% of the shares, it was canceled the export duty on diamonds, preparing joint projects in Africa.

Frequency brokernogo rollback

The idea of ​​a diamond cluster in Primorye credited Trutnev. But the project has been TBSS - the same customs broker that draws diamonds Smolnyy, it belongs to him of "Eurasian Diamond Centre". The company will take the residents of the cluster space for rent, engaged in transportation, customs clearance and storage of goods, said the director general of the Eurasian Diamond Centre Evgeny Sachkov.

Through TBSS passes virtually the entire flow of the export of diamonds. Historically, "Alrosa", the largest exporter of diamonds, exclusively cooperates with TBSS. TBSS revenue for 2015 amounted to 1.18 billion rubles, net profit - 405 million rubles.

TBSS in the 1990s established the natives of the state special communication, the abbreviation of the company name stands for "customs broker special communication", told members of the diamond and logistics markets. TBSS co-founder in 2002 was Michael Poletaev full namesake of which in the late 1990s worked as First Deputy Chief of Special Communication Centre (GTSSS), and was in 2007. about. Chief GTSSS. The current main owner TBSS Sergey Hiryakov also comes from a special communications, told his two friends. In 1999, the Yakut news YSIA has named Sergei Hiryakova GTSSS Deputy Chief of International Relations and customs operations. As his company actually managed to monopolize the export clearance of the diamond?

TBSS performs its function, evidenced by one of the participants in the diamond market, "On the same day as [in TBSS] Care Products, I get the documents." TBSS takes about $ 2,500 to $ 1 million cost of the goods (0.25%). Competitive advantage TBSS provides registration in the "diamond world". State Control Procedures actually take place on the territory of TBSS, so the value placed on a mandatory basis to the broker's warehouse. The broker can affect the time of goods clearance and tighten it if it carries cargo competitor complains manager dealing with the transport of valuables. Alternatives TBSS not, because of its warehouse - the only place where there are inspectors led by Andrei Yurin Gokhran, explains one of the broker's competitors. In the world customs brokers are the leading carriers of jewelry: Brink's, Malca-Amit, Ferrari. TBSS is engaged only customs clearance and transportation to attract third-party companies. "This is a farce", - the president of diamond mining holding African Mining Company (AMC) Oleg Hanukaev.

This approach is consistent with international practice, is not ashamed to Andrew Jurin. The main owner of TBSS Hiryakov familiar with the First Deputy Yurina Andrey Kutepov. He oversees the Gokhran customs.

"Diamond World" became the prototype of the diamond center in Vladivostok, said a representative of "Alrosa". For the Ministry of Finance on the appearance of TBSS spetspostu Vladivostok surprise. "We did not participate in this decision", - said Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev. TBSS and "Alrosa" agreed on this after a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Trutnev, said the press service of the diamond monopoly.

Leviev diamonds laundered through

Creating a diamond cluster Vladivostok caused quite a stir, and let "ALROSA" to lobby for changes in legislation. " At the time of opening of the second spetsposta in customs clearance of export of diamonds Russian authorities lifted restrictions on the export of large diamonds, and in agreement with the WTO to abolish export duties. "It affects the speed with which decisions are made", - admits one of the market participants. Export of diamonds greatly simplified.

"Our goal - to increase the direct implementation in China and the Asia-Pacific region in at least two or three times", - said the president of "Alrosa" Andrey Zharkov. In 2015, sales to China and India have brought "ALROSA" 44 billion rubles, or 20% of revenues, follows from IFRS. Legislative initiatives will "Alrosa" diamond exports increase by 20-25%, or about $ 1 billion.

Almost 70% of the world diamond market take Indian manufacturers. Often they sell polished stones by 20-25% cheaper than the market, says CEO of the Smolensk plant "Crystal" Maxim Shkadov: "They need cash to close the loan and get the next one. Otherwise, they face bankruptcy. " And the first resident of the diamond cluster in Vladivostok became Lapidary Indian company Shree Ramkrishna Export Private. Indian KGK Diamonds Group announced plans to invest up to $ 8 million in a new production facility in Vladivostok. Foreigners organize processing in Russia just for the sake of preferential access to raw materials. KGK has asked the "Alrosa" to conclude a five-year contract (now the maximum - three years) and increase the volume of sold raw materials. The group annually buys "Alrosa" diamond for $ 200 million. "Alrosa" a list of long-term clients are just three of the company KGK Group. Also widely among the "Alrosa" customers are presented the structure of Israeli billionaire and longtime friend Trutnev Lev Leviev. "Ruspres" From the archive of the agency should be that Leviev was suspected of smuggling diamonds.

In 2016 Leviev with $ 1 billion went to the Forbes ranking of the world and took 15 th place in the Israeli list. The site LLD Diamonds, managing Leviev diamond project, billionaire called "diamond king", and the company itself - the world's largest private producer of diamonds. The company also points out that Leviev "made a name for himself on the fact that pressed diamond cartel De Beers, made a deal with their own diamond-producing countries, such as Russia and Angola."

That brought diamonds to Leviev Yuri Trutnev. They knew each other since the mid-1990s, when Trutnev, as mayor of Perm, visited Israel in the production Leviev, said the former governor of the Perm region (now the Perm Region) Gennady Igumnov. The official business covered Rybolovlev (actually Trutnev and Rybolovlev) the interest of law enforcement. Trutnev Igumnova accompanied on that trip. Perm officials and Leviev agreed to set up the lapidary enterprises "Kama-Kristall", which became later a monopoly on diamond cutting Perm - similar in quality to the Namibian asserts Igumnov. And when Trutnev won the gubernatorial chair, and Leviev acquired control over the Permian earner "Uralalmaz". In 2013, "Uralalmaz" exhausted reserves and has become bankrupt. "Kama-Kristall" was liquidated in 2014.

After Trutnev became the curator of "Alrosa" Leviev's business in the Russian diamond market went up the hill. In 2014, in the list of long-term customers, "Alrosa" means only one billionaire structure - Moscow cutter "Ruiz Diamonds". A year later, in addition to "Ruiz" the list includes LLD Diamonds Ltd. and Yakut "Tunalgy" affiliated with Leviev. In addition, in October 2015 "UralTransServis" LLC won the auction for the development of diamond deposits in the Perm region with total reserves of more than 1 million carats. Until August 2013 the company owned "Uralalmaz", and then went to Moscow "AB-Invest". Its owner and CEO Mikhail Medvedev headed by GK "Ruiz" Leviev and is on the board of his "Moscow Jewelry Factory". In addition, the "AB-Invest" is registered at the same address with the GC "Ruiz", and the same phone.

Zharkov has confirmed that now among the "Alrosa" long-term customers appear three companies Leviev. He noted that the LLD is a long-term customer since 2012, and "Tunalgy" - a long-time customer, "Alrosa" for one-time transactions. According to Zharkov, "Alrosa" "tries to sell to one person is not more than $ 20 million per month." Each of the two Russian companies Leviev buys "Alrosa" diamond in the $ 2-3 million per month, he said. It turns out, Israeli "purse" of the structure Yuri Trutnev may have access to diamonds "Alrosa" about $ 300 million a year.

In early 2014, "Alrosa" for $ 91.5 million bought 11 thousand square meters. m in "Aquamarine" complex in Ozerkovskaya Embankment in AFI Development. This development company owned by Leviev. In fact, residential apartments had to be converted into an office, an employee complains, "Alrosa". On the repair took nearly 2 billion rubles, from the data procurement.

A diamond center in Vladivostok Trutnev Leviev has opened another avenue to raw materials, "Alrosa". LLD Diamonds became the largest buyer on the first auction of a diamond exchange, buying up nearly half of the diamond. Auctions at the site of the Eurasian Diamond Centre will become regular, Zharkov said.

Familiar Suleiman

"If no action would be taken, we will leave after 2021 in Africa" ​​- stunned the vice-president of "Alrosa" Rinat Gizatulin forum participants' Exploration-2016 ", held in September. There exploration cost of 14 times cheaper than in Russia, he explained. Establish ties with Africa President of "ALROSA" Andrey Zharkov dashed almost immediately after his appointment. Just two months later, he had already met with Manuel Vicente, the vice-president of Angola, where "Alrosa" is involved in several projects. Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, has long-standing ties with the Soviet Union and Russia. His daughter Isabel dos Santos, from the Russian-born wife has assets of $ 3 billion.

However Zharkov Angola flew a team of gold miner Polyus Gold, said a source close to shareholders "Alrosa". Controlling stake Polyus Gold owned by Kerimov Said, son of businessman Suleiman Kerimov.

The next day, after a meeting Zharkov with Vicente Angolan press reported that "Alrosa" planned in the country large-scale investments, particularly in the project to develop a diamond mine Luashe (Luaxe) worth $ 1 billion. "Alrosa" can get up to 30% in the project and applies for stocks to 350 million carats. Current reserves are estimated at 0,66-1 billion carats.

A few months later a decree was published by the President of Angola, from which it followed that "Alrosa" and the Angolan government agreed to Endiama Luashe startup. Among other investors, the President of Angola have Polyus Gold.

Kerimov was interested in "ALROSA" in 2011. Then the government is considering the full privatization of the company, and its intention to redeem Kerimov. The Russian government is working vice preer Arkady Dvorkovich. His wife Zumrud Rustamov received large sums of Suleiman Kerimov, and at the same time represented the state's interests in "ALROSA".

A friend of the family-Rustamov Dvorkovich had serious ambitions, according to a federal official, "He did not just want to compete with De Beers and Anglo American, he had a slender concept of how Russia could dominate the world diamond market." Kerimov enlisted the support of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, but the deal fell through. The head of Yakutia Yegor Borisov said he was against the full privatization of "Alrosa" and appealed personally to Putin. The president's attention to the low rating of "Alrosa" (about $ 9 billion) paid and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin. Kudrin also engaged in "Alrosa" means a corporation to be displayed in the structure Kudrin friends from among the leaders of the St. Petersburg criminal gangs.

As a result, the sale was put up only 16% of the company. Kerimov lost interest in the transaction and before the IPO to sell his package (1%), "Alrosa". On the relationship between Karimov and "Alrosa" once again talking after the arrival Zharkov. The occasion was the appointment of several people from Kerimov's structures on significant positions in "ALROSA". Company Marketing division headed by a former top manager of "BRIC" Oleg Petrov, and advisor to the Finance Zharkov became a native of "Nafta Moscow" Andrey Rodionov. "Uralkali" sold Kerimov is Dmitry Rybolovlev. Zharkov says that he met with Karimov, when he was president of "ALROSA", the general director of Polyus Gold by Pavel Grachev. According to him, the current owner of Petrova advised "Uralkali" Dmitry Mazepin, and Rodionova he came himself.

Kerimov is familiar not only with Zharkov, but, more importantly, with Trutnev. They met before as Trutnev was the presidential envoy in the Far Eastern Federal District. Owned Rybolovlev and then Kerimov "Uralkali" - one of the largest taxpayers in the Perm region. It was assumed that Yuri Trutnev was informal stake in the company, interests which he lobbied.

Karimov became the owner of "BRIC" in 2010. Trutnev was then headed by the Ministry of Environment and the government commission to prevent the negative consequences of the accident at the mine "Uralkali". Thanks to Dmitry Rybolovlev Commission and the other leaders of "BRIC" has not sat in prison. After some time advisor Trutnev stalMurad Kerimov. This nephew of Suleiman Kerimov, according to a former MEP official said. In 2013, Murad Kerimov after Trutnev went to the presidential administration, and then, when he was appointed envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, became his assistant. In 2016 Murad Kerimov was appointed Deputy Minister of Natural Resources. He took the place of Rinat Gizatulin, who became vice-president of "Alrosa" and is considered a creature Trutnev. Close ties and the appointment gave rise to market rumors about plans to merge "Alrosa" and Polyus Gold. But both companies later denied the talks.

Polyus claimed 4% Luashe. But now the company distanced itself from the project. Its prospects are not clear: The Ministry of Finance is wary of projects in Africa. And the relationship between Trutnev and Kerimov could deteriorate. The reason is considered to be the struggle for the gold deposit Sukhoi Log, which are claimed by both companies.

Influence Kerimov to "ALROSA" is not a major. Since the days of the work the Ministry of Finance Alexei Kudrin closely following everything happening in the company and representatives of the Yakut administration (the authorities of Yakutia and ulus belongs in the amount of 33% of "ALROSA") find fault with everything that seems to them "an attempt of other shareholders to pull the blanket over himself." Egor Borisov said that Kerimov does not affect the strategic decision-making in "ALROSA". "We controlled it well", - he stressed the head of Yakutia.
Battle Yakut Khans

In Yakutia, "Alrosa" a lot, says Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev. In homes, infrastructure maintenance, to provide heat and work. "For us, that's it!" - Admitted the head of Yakutia Yegor Borisov in October at a press conference in Moscow. In 2015, the company paid in Yakutia budget 43.3 billion rubles (77% of the tax and non-tax payments). "Alrosa" is also the largest employer (40 thousand workers) in the region. In 2015, social investment, "Alrosa" amounted to 5.4 billion rubles. Of these, 1.7 billion, the company sent the maintenance of local infrastructure, 2.9 billion - to charity.

Under an agreement with the Yakut government "Alrosa" annual lists of more than 500 million rubles to the fund for future generations of Yakutia. Formally, these funds are spent on social infrastructure. In fact, the money spent is extremely opaque, say two sources close to the Yakut authorities. In 2011, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic revealed that the fund carries on business activities, "not pursuing the achievement of social goals." For example, in 2009-2010, the Fund gave loans to different companies for 700 million rubles. After checking in the fund changed its management. But, apparently, the fund continued business. Since the end of 2015 the central city of the Peace Hospital has signed a contract with him for the purchase of 35 apartments for 90 million rubles, from the data portal zakupki.gov.

Historically, management, located in the headquarters of the "Alrosa" in Moscow, controls the sale of diamonds, and purchases for the needs of its producing "daughters" "farmed out Yakutia". Analysis of the structure of contracts "Alrosa" has shown that one of its major contractors is Alexei Pavlov. Since 2015 affiliated with the owner of the company we have won more than fifty tenders worth about 4 billion rubles. "Daughter" of "ALROSA", "Diamonds of Anabar" The main customer for structures Pavlov stands. Its former CEO Matthew Evseev, who led the company for nearly 20 years, according to SPARK in 2007 owned LLC "ADC" - are now among the largest structures Pavlova "Alrosa" contractor (bookings of more than 2 billion rubles in 2015). Pavlov - relative to Yevseyev, says a source close to the Yakut authorities. Between Evseev and Pavlov LLC "ADC" belonged to Olga Zemskova, its current director. Full namesake Zemskova appears in documents for some purchases "Diamonds of Anabar" as Head of tenders. Another major contractor "Diamonds of Anabar" is LLC "EMG-groups" (2015 won three tenders in the amount of 4 billion rubles). Its owner Dmitry Anatolyevich Gorshunov acted LLP "Omega-Orion" partner of a person with the same as in Yevseyev, surname and initials. The son of a cousin of Michael V. Evseev Evseev headed LLC "Almas", which in 2015 won more than 30 tenders of the same "Diamonds of Anabar" at 710 million rubles.

Internal audit revealed in "Diamonds of Anabar" multiple violations: related party transactions, non-transparent procurement spending. In the spring of 2016 he left Evseev "Diamonds of Anabar" and moved to the "ALROSA" in the status of vice-president of non-core assets. Recently Evseev at all resigned from the company. According to sources, Yevseyev summarized what he "acted like Khan 'not work like-minded Yegor Borisov. After retiring Yevseyev "Diamonds of Anabar" he led Paul Marinychev, a former first deputy prime minister of Yakutia Galina Danchikova that Yegor Borisov called "his faithful companion." Last fall Danchikova become a State Duma deputy from Yakutia and deputy chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee of the supervisory board, "Alrosa".

The procurement of "Alrosa" is also designated a change. A year ago, Zharkov has introduced a new position of Vice President of Purchasing and assigned to it the native of "Rosneft" and "Gazprom" Alexander Parshkova. In the year that has passed since the appointment Parshkova, of the largest suppliers of "Alrosa" entered "daughter" of Gazprom "Gazenergoset resource", "Rosneft" and "NG-Energo" - the contractor "Gazprom" structures (Miller) and "Rosneft" ( Igor Sechin).

Stock schemers Trutnev

In the summer of 2016 Federal Property Management Agency has sold 10.9% of shares of "Alrosa" for 65 rubles, having gained a little more than 52 billion rubles. In late November, the company's capitalization is 655 billion rubles (revenue for the first nine months of 2016 - 256 billion rubles, EBITDA - 150 billion rubles). A significant part of the state bought the Russian Direct Investment Fund and its co-investors from Asia and the Middle East. Among Russian buyers the main share fell on the NPF, but there were large family office business. The last "do not dominate," Deputy Finance Minister assured Moses. Kerimov was not among them, say two federal official and a person close to the "ALROSA".

Officials and organizers of the SPO with one voice repeat, that "the transaction exceeded expectations." For the budget - is unlikely: even shortly Trutnev pointed out that the price of the day prior to placement. "The level of skepticism was high," - recognizes one of the organizers of the transaction. According to him, initially it was against the Ministry of Finance, even though the money from the sale of "Alrosa" at such a low price of oil is not exactly superfluous.

But investors are not lost. When buying, they received a 3% discount to the market price and 50% of the profit according to IFRS in the form of dividends. Three months after the SPO shares rose more than a third, at the end of November, one paper, "Alrosa" on the Moscow Stock Exchange cost about 90 rubles. Quotes are growing on the news about the export prospects of "Alrosa". To sell the package more expensive Trutnev it would be logical to organize the accommodation after all the legislative changes. But the task Trutnev was probably the reverse.

lapidary pest

"Alrosa" was the primary payer of export duties and receive from it the abolition of benefits. Moses estimates the size of 10-12 billion rubles. "Alrosa" is not able to sell on the export of any stones, so the remains will be transferred to the domestic market at lower prices, said Deputy Minister of Finance.

"Alrosa" destroys all the cutting industry of the country ", - says Oleg Hanukaev. "The task of" Alrosa "- to produce and sell", - says CEO of the Smolensk plant "Crystal" Maxim Shkadov. According to him, in September, "Alrosa" raised selling prices for diamonds in the domestic market by 8%. Now the business of diamond cutting can be unprofitable, because until you cancel the export duties margin is not higher than 1-2%. As a result, in the most advantageous position is a branch of "Alrosa" - cutting and polishing company "ALROSA Diamonds". "During the year, they are not on the Russian market will remain competitors," - says Hanukaev. Zharkov do not agree, and cites the example of Russian enterprises profitable Indian KGK. However, they have a significant advantage over Russian competitors, admits head of the "Alrosa": they are part of an international group with its own sales channels.