The second-largest nickel deposit in Russia went to the Swiss

The Government Commission on Foreign Investment on Thursday approved the purchase of the Swiss company Molumin AG of 75% shares of Kamchatka NPK Geotechnology.
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The Government Commission on Foreign Investment on Thursday approved the purchase of the Swiss company Molumin AG control over 75% of Kamchatka NPK "Geotechnology", which owns the license to a number of fields with large reserves of nickel, copper, cobalt, gold and palladium, told reporters after a meeting of the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation Igor Artemyev.

"If we talk about the most important, it is the second largest nickel mine in Russia. First in importance is at the disposal of "Norilsk nickel", and is the second - in Kamchatka, in these special environmental conditions, control of his company "Geotechnology" - Artemyev said.

"And the Swiss company Molumin AG, controlled by Swiss citizens, implies to acquire 100% of the company AMP, and that, in turn, owns and intends to sell 75% of the company" Geotechnology ". That is, simply put, sold 75% stake in the company, "Geotechnology" - said the head of the FAS.

"And today, a government commission approved the deal. Of course, the development of the mining complex in Kamchatka, taking into account environmental ogreanicheny ... it is essential for the development of Kamchatka. Because it is a large field, and it is necessary to make everything work, "- he added.