The money in the pocket to Maxim Liksutov will arrive on the subway

The head of the Moscow Department of Transport, Maxim Liksutov, will now profit from one more state corporation.
The operator of public WiFi-networks Maksiatelekom and Gazprom-media have agreed to place advertising in the Moscow metro together.

The companies created a joint venture "Kvant", in which a controlling stake in which will be owned by Gazprom structures. But Maksimaltelecom, which has been tied up several times with the head of the Moscow transport department, Maxim Liksutov, will also receive a profit from advertising in Moscow transport. How can this be called correct?

Features of privacy

Officially, Maxim Liksutov leads a respectable life of a Russian official. Despite the fact that he divorced his wife, an Estonian citizen Irina Liksutova, continues to fight for the Moscow transport as for himself.

The wife of Liksutov Irina is now partly owned by TRANSGROUP INVEST, associated with oligarch Iskander Makhmudov. Dividends from this company make it one of the richest women in Estonia.

The company Maximatelecom, which will advertise in the Moscow metro, is offshore. According to RBC, at the moment Malver Holdings offshore is owned by another Estonian citizen, Urmo Wallner.

Isn't it a bit too much offshore and Estonian citizens on one Liksutov? Maybe a bit too much, because he himself is a former Estonian citizen. However, this, unfortunately, coincidences do not end.

The portfolio of state orders "Maximtelecom" provided Maxim Liksutov?

Maksiatelecom already has contracts with the Moscow metro for more than 600 million rubles. Most likely, when the company "Quant" spread its wings, the contracts will be more by several hundred million.

The only thing that looks ugly is the fact that Urmo Wallner and his offshore company are related to another project directly connected with the wife of the head of the Depression of Moscow and Iskander Makhmudov.

We are talking about the Aeroexpress project, which, in theory, should provide a rail link between the center of Moscow and the three airports of the capital's air hub. Urmo Wallner, suddenly, was an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors of Aeroexpress.

The company is owned by Iskander Makhmudov and Delta-Trans-Invest LLC. Which belongs to Worldwide Invest AS LLC. Which, in turn, belongs to TRANSGROUP INVEST. The beneficiary of which is Irina Liksutova and this is not a secret.

That is, it turns out, Maxim Liksutov is currently trying to “make friends” with a company owned by his wife’s adviser with Gazprom Media? And the state will not lose money from such friendship?

Maxim Liksutov has long considered the Department of Transport of Moscow his personal fiefdom?

Although compared to how much the wife of Liksutov and Makhmudov, in principle, earned on the Moscow metro, the advertising project may seem like a trifle. Before Maksim Liksutov refused Estonian citizenship and divorced, he was a partner of Makhmudov quite officially. This is also not a secret.

Now the partner of the former wife Liksutov Makhmudov is the main contractor of the Moscow metro. His Transmashholding can be called a regular partner of the Moscow government.

Only contracts for the supply of new metro cars are estimated at 54 billion rubles. And Mosgortrans ordered 300 trams from Makhmudov. And I am ready to pay for them 56 billion rubles. I wonder how much richer Irina Liksutova will become from such orders? Can she become the richest woman in Estonia?

And by the way, can they ride these trams? And then the electric buses that Liksutov promoted in every way, even taking pictures with fashion bloggers (we are talking about Maxim Katz), even with Liksutov could suddenly stop inside and not go anywhere.

Of course, according to the official version, the electric bus just discharged the battery. But evil tongues say that this is happening now on a permanent basis. Maybe they are lying, of course, but the opinion of Muscovites on these electric buses is contradictory.

But in one, Muscovites, as well as residents of other cities, are certainly united. They do not like when they are beaten by unknown people is not very clear why. But Maxim Liksutov, perhaps, loves. Not when he was beaten, of course, but by unknown people.

Liksutov himself also started a private army?

More recently, a video appeared on the Internet in which unknown men twist the arms of Elena Shuvalova, a Moscow City Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Shuvalova arrived at a public hearing on the interleaving of the territory of Mosgortrans. She behaved quite correctly, showed the certificate to men who blocked her way. But they decided not to let her pass, and then they used force at all.

And to understand who were these gentlemen is not possible. Perhaps, they were fighters of the organization ANO TsPPP, which can secretly cooperate with the Department. Managed by Maxim Liksutov.

Which was the initiator of the creation of the "Center for the Prevention of Offenses of Crimes" (CSPP), This partner organization of another society, the "Officers of Russia" has already received 10 trial contracts and the protection of law and order at transport hubs.

It sounds, of course, proudly, "Officers of Russia", crime prevention. That's just why law enforcement at Liksutov does not deal with those who are supposed to do this by status? For example, the transport police. Or are her fighters not ready to twist the hands of women, but Liksutov needs to?

If you really want

Maxim Liksutov is now in an extremely convenient position. And he can generally regard the partnership with Gazprom-Media as a new stage in his career. Say, now everything is absolutely possible.

Just say that his position is not vulnerable. On a straight line, the president hinted that government officials and offshore companies are incompatible concepts. Therefore, the special services can closely look at the offshores of his wife and partners.

Who at the same time can try to find out who Urmo Wallner is, who is called the beneficiary of Maximetelecom.