Sochi springboard

How Dmitry Chernyshenko will take the lead over Gazprom-media.
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"Understand, in order to pass through walls, you need three things: see the goal, believe in yourself and do not notice the obstacles," - he taught the hero Alexander Abdulov in the film "Magicians" Vitorgan Emanuel, who played Master Institute Kovrova magic. The main thing with this - do not rush. All these qualities are inherent in the new head of "Gazprom-Media" Dmitry Chernyshenko, who made a name for himself at the Olympics in Sochi and the successor to Mikhail Lesin.

Some call Dmitry Chernyshenko, "an outstanding manager", a "new generation of leaders, while others -". Kinder Surprise ", accidentally caught in the presidential personnel reserve Somehow, he managed to find a compromise between the representatives of government and business elites of the Sochi Olympics, at a high level to organize the Games, which he rightfully earned the favor of President Vladimir Putin. Will Chernyshenko repeat the success of the media market, historically considered one of the most secretive, politicized and corrupt?


"US Senator suspected former head Minpechafive Russian corruption", "US Attorney General was asked to check the data on Mikhail Lesin property", "property Lesina in the United States was under threat" - screamed the headlines Russian news sites July 31, 2014 " I wrote Attorney General Eric Holder a letter with the request to check the chief of propaganda Putin on corruption charges, "- said Republican Senator Roger Wicker in his" Twitter ". The message Wicker argues that Lesin, being in government service, owned assets "at many millions of dollars in Europe", and after the resignation of the US bought property for $ 28 million. The senator did not specify where he was aware of the possible assets Mikhail Lesin. But it is clear that the official income of the last of the civil service would be insufficient for such purchases. Lesin was forced to defend himself. "It's definitely not my property, the children staged their lives themselves, took for these transactions loans, they exist in the bank - he said in an interview -. It is clear that this is pure zakazuha".

After a couple of weeks in the press there was one more compromising material: Mikhail Lesin allegedly filed aThe US Court of his two maids, demanding compensation for the violation of labor laws. And more lawsuits have been filed in 2013

"Lesin made a hint that it was impossible not to understand, and it alone has resigned," - said General Director of the Center for Political Information Alexei Mukhin. "The first rumors about the resignation of Mikhail Lesin appeared in June of last year - adds a senior official of one of the structures of" Gazprom-Media "-. After the Olympic Games in Sochi in its place were to appoint Dmitry Chernyshenko, but just to make it not happen. "According to him, Lesin was given another six months. You can not fire a little more than half a year after a triumphant return to the media industry.

habits Minister

"Gazprom-Media" is one of the largest holdings in the Russian Federation, and it is in its structure - a large corporation, where there are all the media - said in an interview with Mikhail Lesin. - One of the strategic tasks in front of me - is to build a full-fledged single Holdng, which will be much more efficient use of their capabilities. "

Lesin saw the solution to this problem in a merger of the "National Media Group" (NMG) and "Gazprom-Media". That is why in the last year, "Gazprom-Media" were reducing rates and salaries, to prepare the company to the union.

Mikhail Lesin not sit idly by initiating several high-profile industry initiatives. In particular, it was established "Industrial Committee on telemetry." Historically advertising sold by TNS ratings, but the channels are constantly make claims to their quality. The first channel in 2005, announced the refusal from cooperation with TNS. In June 2014 "Industrial Committee telemetry" established "Gazprom-Media", Channel One, VGTRK, LMWH and "CTC Media" has announced a tender, but he failed. When Yassin was revived professional award "Taffy". Sam holding "Gazprom-Media" in November 2013 bought for $ 602 million (excluding debt) main assets "Prof-Media" Vladimir Potanin (TV-3 television channels, "Friday", "2x2", four radio stations and kinokompaniyu "Central Partnership "). In addition, when Yassin OJSC "Gazprom-Media" has acquired a production company "Gudstorimedia" series producer "Real boys", "Voronin", "Eighties", as well as Red Media Group, is engaged in the production of thematic channels. All this, of course, was purchased with the money of shareholders, and they are one of the versions were unhappy with such expenditure. Controlling stake "Gazprom-media" directly and through offshore companies owned by Gazprombank. Co-owners of the bank - "Gazprom", VEB and pension Gazfond. The council consists of representatives Gazfonda "SOGAZ" Group, among which the major shareholders - the structures of Yuri Kovalchuk and Gennady Timchenko.

Another version says about the advertising market to consolidate in a single player on the basis of "Video International" (currently in Vi, the company founded by Mikhail Lesin in the 1990s; in 2010 the media reported that the structure of the bank "Russia" and its two founders, "Surgutneftegaz" and "Severgroup" Alexei Mordashov, completed the acquisition of 100% shares of the companies group "Video International". ItKim package they own now, is unknown.) For example, in the summer of last year , the State Duma adopted two amendments to thelaw "On Advertising". Company Vi using Lesina has lobbied the amendment abolishes the ceiling of 35% of the total volume of television commercials for one vendor. Another amendment, to ban the sale of advertising on pay channels, was on hand to-air channels, which shortened the audience and flows to the cable and satellite TV.

New Vi

All this was done for a reason. The main surprise was the advertising market in the beginning of October 2014, namely a single advertising seller. First Channel, VGTRK (controls the TV channel "Russia 1" and "Russia 2"), the National Media Group (REN TV and Channel Five) and "Gazprom-Media" (NTV, TNT, "TV Center", "Star" , the TV 3, "Friday" and "2x2") on an equal footing created a new Seiler. The brand has remained the same - Vi, and led the company CEO current group Vi Sergei Vasiliev. It turns out that each of the founders would have been 20% in the "new» Vi. At that time, Vi served nine air channels (Firstanal, REN TV, Channel Five, TV-3, "Friday", "2x2", "U", the Disney and "Carousel") and RTR ( "Russia 1", "Russia 2" and others.) and holding "CTC Media" (STS, "Home", "Pepper" and "CTC Love") has provided consulting services. However, the reward for them is not much inferior to the Commission for the full service.

Vi counterbalance played its own sales house "Gazprom-Media", which, together with the agency "Alcazar" was selling advertising on NTV, TNT, "TV Center" and "stars". However, with the advent of "Gazprom-Media" Mikhail Lesin weakened position of the holding. CEO seylp Hausa Sergey Piskarev went to Vi, and the "Star" and "TV Center" oversubscribed deal with "old" in Vi. Also entered and VGTRK. As a result, by the end of 2014 almost all the TV commercialson the air is not controlled "new" and "old" in Vi, the owners of which are the structures associated with the bank "Russia" and its founders. That is the beneficiary of the changes turned out to be all the same, Yuri Kovalchuk, Gazprombank and remained out of work.

It turned out one morenot a very nice detail. When holding television stations began selling advertising through Vi, they began to collect less. Charges sank a disproportionate drop in the advertising market. «Vi trades in its own way, - says one of the market players. - They try to sell the entire inventory (promotional offer on a television channel, which can sell sales house -. Note "To.") To the maximum, reducing the cost of air time. The "Alcazar" and "Gazprom-Media" has been a different approach: let not sell everything, but expensive. "Previously, the company" Alcazar "beaten Vi in the regions, although it was a small set of channels and sold it less inventory. But working better than Vi. The confirmation is the fact that during the formation of structure in the updated regions in place of the people invited Vi "alkasarovtsy".

"The idea of ​​a single megaprodavtsa advertising was initially viable, - the vice-president of Media Arts Group Business Development and Product Andrey Kokorin -. Such giants as" Gazprom-media "not interested to have only 20% of its advertising Vendor without clear possibleti influence its effectiveness and efficiency. and the first channel is also not very much wanted to work with Vi in recent years. "

The paper Lesina something went wrong. The market began to speak, he soured relations with Yuri Kovalchuk, complained of his head of Channel One Konstantin Ernst and VGTRK head Oleg Dobrodeev. The shareholders of "Gazprom-media" started to search for a new leader.

Winning Application

Official biography Dmitry Chernyshenko- Without flaws. Born in Saratov, I grew up in Sochi, studied in Moscow. And the first capital amassed, not jeans or trading office equipment, and doing computer graphics. In 1989, while still in "STANKIN" (Moscow State Technological University), along with classmate Ilya Slutsky and Alexei Krasnov, he founded a small enterprise "Computer Marketing Service". They are among the first to have mastered the three-dimensional graphics, sold it to Sergei Mavrodi: it Chernyshenko made the first commercial "MMM", received $ 1,500 for his work. The company expanded, there was an advertising agency "SFT-Advertising", Which in 1993 was transformed into an advertising agency Media Arts, and several years later it was a group of companies.

sports marketing direction of Media Arts also appeared thanks to Dmitry Chernyshenko. In 2002, at the request of analysts researched sports marketing market in Russia and forecast of its explosive growth as advertising in the early 1990s. So within the group appeared Sportima agency and Chernyshenko went to meet with the then-head of the State Sports Committee Vyacheslav Fetisov. At that time, sports marketing in the country no one did, and Sportima agency became a partner agency to promote major events like "Ski Track of Russia" and "Cross the Nation". That's why Fetisov proposed in 2005 Chernyshenko candidacy for the post of director general of the bid committee of the Olympic Games in Sochi. By the way, Chernyshenko was one of the initiators of the Continental Hockey League (KHL). Fetisov as the famous hockey player could not have him in this is not supported. On the creation of the CHL Chernyshenko said back in 2005. The project, however, then was called "Eurasian Hockey League."

WhenRussia applied for participation in the Olympic Winter Games, took the new structure, which would have interacted with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), engaged in the organization and preparation activities. These functions, and took the first Bid Committee, and then, when the Russian has won the right to host the Olympics, "organizing committee" Sochi 2014 ", which has grown from a small structure with a few people personnel into a giant company, the State of which at the time of the Games exceeded 53,000 human.

"Chernyshenko worked in Media Arts to the care in the Bid Committee, - says Andrey Kokorin, who worked in the company since 1995 - from us along with him quite a lot of people took in the" application "But the brainchild of Dmitry Chernyshenko. , for nothing is left. "for us, Sochi became almost native. We provide events for the visits of the international evaluation committee, held meetings with representatives of the IOC, wrote a hymn Sochi application, developed and filmed commercials and movies. In general, there were a good marketing partner of the bid committee and even organized a fes yearsTiwal "Sochi - YES!" in support of the application and, and held a victory ", - says Andrey Kokorin.

Was there a conflict of interest for Chernyshenko here? Head of the Organizing Committee claimed that there is no, because as soon as he took over Bid Committee Sochi 2014, Chernyshenko sold a 30 percent share of Media Arts.

"He is a very honest, hard-working, learning and communicative person - the director of the Russian Olympic Committee for International Cooperation Elena Anikin -. We were both in the application newcomers Committee When Dmitry started working in Sochi, he was not even. a very good knowledge of English "" Chernyshenko -. a typical bureaucrat, - it speaks of the ex-head of the project in Sochi, one of the major companies -. When he first started, everyone was interested in, we helped him, and he felt the power and authority, arrogant. There was a smile on duty, became silent and all neutral. "

Kozak to help

One of its undoubted merits -he is a great organizer, is to assemble a team and assign people to their seats. "That he was able toAlways - confirms Andrey Kokorin -. And in Sochi, he not only led his of Media Arts, but also to recruit people from the market, which have proved to be real professionals." In July 2007, Sochi won the right to hold the Winter Olympics in 2014, after which the team returned Chernyshenko part in the business. It has begun the next stage: Chernyshenko headed "Organizing Committee" Sochi 2014 "At this point, the top manager of a well-managed to prove itself and get support in power..

The patron can call Chernyshenko Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Olympics. "Without the support of a lot of things Kozak Chernyshenko would be difficult to implement," - says one of the representatives of the Russian Olympic Committee. "During the preparation for the Olympics he was able to establish many useful contacts, - says head of the Center for the Study of interaction between business and government, Paul Tolstoy -. Sochi - Putin is a toy, but Chernyshenko engaged in the organization and management of this toy, so was able to raise their status. "

"Organizing Committee" Sochi 2014 "could not yetloho earn. Operating profit non-profit organization made up about 9 bln., Exceeding the corresponding figures of the Summer Games in London and Beijing. It consists of a monetary gain and acquired assets, including property , which is transferred to organizations involved in the development of sport. the recipients of most of the property became the Olympic and Paralympic Committees of Russia, subordinate organizations of Ministry of Sports of Russia, Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of Krasnodar region, as well as the administration of the city of Sochi.

I played ago

After the Olympics, Dmitry Chernyshenko career involved personally Dmitry Kozak. He was offered to head the investmentarm of the Savings Bank - "Sberbank CIB", FSUE "Russian Post", but he refused. Sam "Olympian" originally wanted to go back into the media business.

In September Chernyshenko accepted an offer to become manager Gennady Timchenko's business and from 1 October led the Volga Group. "The ability to Dmitry Chernyshenko very successfully implement complex projects with many participants and resourceto allow me to rely on its excellent results in our group", - he said then Gennady Timchenko.

Timchenko and Chernyshenko met in Sochi, during the preparation for the Olympics, and the denser the relationship established in the framework of the Kontinental Hockey League. Businessman is chairman of the board of directors and the president of the St. Petersburg of the KHL hockey club SKA. Chernyshenko last year became president of the KHL.

In Timchenko, a former head of the "Organizing Committee" Sochi 2014 "worked for only two and a half months. Already in mid-December last year, it became known that Chernyshenko will replace Lesin.

Mikhail Lesin played by their own rules, trying to create a single megaprodavtsa advertising, which would completely control the market. His interest is understandable: in the falling market conditions easier to accumulate the cash flows in the same structure, the degree of transparency of which depends on the will of the head. Dmitri Chernyshenko different approach. He is the manager, clearly following its goal.

A couple of weeks Chernyshenko had many things: set up the key positions of their Proverannyh for Media Arts and Sochi people gave up the single seller of advertising, create Lesin based Vi. "Now there is a return to the same model that existed prior to the appointment of Mikhail Lesin, with some modifications. In particular, there is no separate trading house on regional advertising sales, what used to be" Alcazar. "Invited top managers that it is, infact, and created in the first place Sergey Piskarev, - says CEO of the communications group Dentsu Aegis Network Mikhail Voschinsky. - We can not say that the previous model was highly competitive, but it still provided a few more tools and opportunities for agencies and their clients in the context of optimizing the placement of the television. "

The next step, Dmitry Chernyshenko, may be an attempt to create a unified information policy of the media, members of "Gazprom-Media", ie the solution of the problem, which has not managed Mikhail Lesin. Then other goskanalov will be satisfied, and all the shareholders of the largest media holding - and "Gazprom", and Kovalchuk, and Timchenko.