Stands of war

The street retail market is again being recarved in Moscow.
Origin source
At the flea stalls with vegetables on Trifonovskaya street in the center of Moscow, the evening built a traditional turn of the neighboring inhabitants - close is not enough shops with fresh herbs, edible strawberry and even banal bananas and potatoes. The hosts kiosk, a family of Azerbaijan, sell vegetables in the capital of the last twenty years. They, as well as any and all owners of stalls in Moscow, expect major changes this summer.

In the Central Administrative District (CAO) of the capital is under way to replace the experiment assorted stalls and tents on the new model stalls. The city authorities decided to make the past due to the budget, and hire the right play at the auction. It is assumed that the center of the old stalls will disappear by the middle of 2015 Since the autumn, said the head of the department of trade and services of Moscow Alexey Nemeryuk experiment to expand the boundaries of the Third Ring Road, then its effect will spread to all the other districts.

The experiment takes place in the interests of Moscow and Muscovites, say the mayor's office and expect to gain in the budget, the elimination of Subarudy, trade quality growth and acquisition of aesthetic unity.

Citizens seem to not mind: to the portal "Active Citizen" idea of ​​demolishing the old kiosks supported by the majority.

The owners of stalls in the main believe in the opposite. Those with whom talked to "Ko", talking about the redistribution of non-stationary on the retail market, which threatens the capital reduction in the number of street stalls, loss of jobs and a jump in prices for essential goods.

Give Way

As part of the experiment, in the Central District authorities intend to establish a hundred stalls of the new sample. If all goes according to plan, by the end of 2016 about seven hundred updated shopping facilities will be in Moscow.

As planned by the authorities, the tenant is invited to stand, fully equipped with technical equipment (racks, refrigerators, cabinets, etc..). New lease agreements will be concluded for five years rather than three years as previously.

"An entrepreneur can start trading activity - explains Head of retail trade department of trade and services of Moscow Kirill Frolov. - He does not need to look for products, order the object to solve the problem of connection to the power lines. "

Kiosk auction in the capital is held two, they played 18 stalls, mostly with specialization "Ice Cream." Hard specialty stalls, by the way, another innovation. In the same kiosk "Ice Cream" can not sell any milk or yogurt.

"On May 4, 1992 I am selling ice cream in Moscow. That's what I do 23 years old, apparently, this year is coming to its logical conclusion, will continue to have more difficult "- sums up the CEO of the company" Interays "Sergei Kuranov. He is seriously thinking about new lines of business, and like him, in the capital hundreds.

"People who do not have a network in which two or four points, for them all - the collapse," - emphasizes Sergei Kuranov.

However, so consider not all representatives of the business community. The founder of the restaurant chain "Teremok" Mikhail Goncharov believes that reforming the system of kiosks in the city - a necessary measure. In his view, threaten innovation prefinimatelyam CAO at least the loss of business, but also with the prospect of recovery.

"We will not dissemble, most of the stalls worked very badly. This is evidenced by the level of "support" the inhabitants of the city, which just was not, - says Mikhail Goncharov. - If Luzhkov was hell and anarchy. The last three years, the street network for the first time worked by the rules, but we all know that the contest was held with great difficulty and often the intervention of the Raiders. Now an attempt is made to create a clear and comprehensible system. "

The main problem on the basis of auctions threatens to become the cost of rent, entrepreneurs fear. Even the starting price bidders seemed overpriced (in the range of 30 000 rubles. Per month, depending on the location of the object). And as shown by the first auction, in some cases, it increased more than threefold.

Thus, trading session for renting a booth "Ice Cream" on Pokrovka street, 47 were completed on the figure of 67 320 rubles, a kiosk on Ostozhenka left lessee 100 000 rubles, and in Shabolovka -.. And all for 150 000 rubles. per month.

Moreover, from July 1, will take effectTrade tax: at each kiosk entrepreneur will pay monthly to the Treasury, in addition to lease another 27 000 rubles.

"Sales of ice cream in the winter fall, revenue may decrease three to five times, - says Sergey Kuranov. - Previously I saved the opportunity to sell ice cream in the summer, and in winter - dumplings, frozen vegetables. Now the range is built tougher. "

Many entrepreneurs have worked in the city for land lease contracts, which in terms of rental payments very little. For example, a kiosk "Ice Cream" and could pay 2000 rubles. per month. There were those who won the right placement of kiosks at auction where the starting price per square meter for the center of Moscow started from 6000 rubles. However, the high rent was compensated by including trafficking in low-alcohol drinks and cigarettes, which are now prohibited for sale.

"Individual entrepreneur it can not pull exactly", - said Sergey Cancer, CEO of the company "Markon" and chairman of the NGO Committee on Franchising "Support of Russia". According to eqPerth, so will be able to work unless the supply chains of large enterprises. In the case of kiosks "Ice Cream" we are talking about companies "Ice-Fili", "Iceberry", "Russian cold", "Baskin Robbins" et al., Who will be able to compensate for the winter a simple, secure loans. "Iceberry" and "Fili" are among the winners of auctions have already taken place.

Entrepreneurs do not exclude that in general such methods place under the sun conquers the retail network, fighting for the buyer, often give preference to products from the stalls.

This, by the way, give away, and city officials. For example, Alexei Nemeryuk, commenting on the new scheme of organization of the kiosks in Moscow, noted that "the entrepreneurs will be able to participate in the auctions and to continue to trade in the same place, unless, of course, there remain kiosks as such, and their place is not to occupy shops" .

However, Moscow authorities openly say completely get rid of the stalls of the intention periodically stating that the number of stalls not decrease, entrepreneurs will have the right to participate in the AUCZion on the new points.

However, the exact number and specialization of new kiosks are still unknown - entrepreneurs about this every time just to learn the next auction. Also, none of them really knows whether there will be "long occupied" place on the new map placing kiosks in Moscow or kiosk "Submit" to distant lands, where there will be buyers.

On the Rights of the bird

Today, the streets of Moscow, according to various estimates, running from 8000 to 8500 non-stationary stalls. This figure includes stalls selling fruit and vegetables stalls with bread and pastries, meat processing plants on the kiosks, stalls with flowers and ice cream, food and drinks of all kinds and kiosks "Press".

Most of them turned out to be outside the law: the terms of contracts with the Moscow authorities to authorize the placement of trade objects in the specified areas, expired on 1 April and conclude new authorities are in no hurry. Formally, most of the stalls of the capital is under threat of demolition.

By 2011, the city concluded contracts with the vendors on the lease of land under Kiosks, but then partially changed their auctions, which was played leashs right to place NTO.

The city authorities have said they do not plan to demolish kiosks, which are located in Moscow legally. However, the business environment does not believe it.

Lose the kiosk overnight could always. As a result of attack on the stalls in 2010 the network "Stardogs" lost 11-15 million rubles. revenues and a third of its autocafe, receive less for two weeks 8 million rubles. earnings; the company "Baking" (a network of "pies out of the oven") 8 of 21 kiosks cut off from electricity, the two were taken, the loss reached 1.3 million rubles. (Results of the affected businesses have brought in January 2011). According to expert estimates, the damage caused by the dismantling of tents and stalls in the capital then amounted to 500 million to 1 billion rubles., Lost their jobs about 10 000 people.

Periodically, the city changed the requirements for the appearance of kiosks. If a long time manufactured the kiosks each according to their own ideas, then in 2011 the Moskomarkhitektura developed a new type of projects stalls. The old stalls entrepreneurs had to be sent to landfill, and seriously invest in the new (productionIOSCO was estimated at 350 000-400 000 rubles.).

"In 2011, it oschuschnie it's a long time that if we produce stalls on new requirements Moscomarchitecture, we will be able to continue the business. At the same time the contracts were not written anything. Three years have passed, and new twists redistribution ", - says Sergey Kuranov.

Rollers and bulldozers

"Only one conclusion that this is a personal zamorochka Sergei Semenovich (Sobyanin -. Note" To. "). Of the 20 000 (kiosks -. Note "Co".) He left 7000, now out of 7000 he will leave 4000 and will continue to press them and, "- he said the" To "is one of the market participants.

However, the idea periodically to demolish kiosks, then changing them into new, it does not belong to the current mayor. The fact that the number of stalls should be reduced - due to unsanitary conditions, questionable quality of the goods and tax evasion, the authorities declared the capital with a constant frequency.

One of the first mass demolitions remember the residents of the "Airport": in 2000, went under the knife stalls on the square near the monument to Ernst Thalmann near the metro (instead poyavilass shopping arcade). In 2004, after the terrorist attack in the metro "Riga", the authorities took up the demolition of kiosks in the subway.

In 2006, the Moscow government and announced its intention to do away with all the street stalls. According to Vladimir Resin, who was then the first deputy mayor of Moscow, "the time has come when these tents must" sentence "- without them it is possible to do." Harvesting planned until at least 20% of the total number of stalls per year. To realize these intentions prevented the crisis. In early 2009, who was then the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, has imposed a two-year moratorium on the fight with stalls, calling to save a small business, jobs and budget. While at the same time in the Northern Administrative District "vendetta" kiosks announced then prefect of the CAO Mitvol. However, it was limited to a temporary ban on the trade in beer and tobacco, which abolished the mayor's office, Mr. Mitvol publicly called "inexperienced person".

Not for the first time took up the street trade and current Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The first year of its operation, and the Muscovites remembered entrepreneurs a real "crusade" nrotiv stalls. Under the knife went tent near the metro "Street 1905", stands the "Belarusian", "Tretyakov" on Novy Arbat and the remains of stalls on Tverskaya. Together with them, positions lost two heads of councils - Tver and Presnensky, and the initiative taken up by the demolition of their colleagues across the city.

The fact that the majority of stalls demolished - during the first days after the mayor's statements were dismantled four - lease terms until the end of 2010, few people worried.

"Within a few weeks it became clear that the formal orders regarding the demolition of the Moscow government did not publish. At the disposal of the mayor of ordering small retail trade facilities of the demolition was not a word. It was about the development of new retail trade objects allocation scheme, "- reminiscent of Chairman of the Bar" Starinskiy, pots and Partners "Eugene pots.

However, this did not prevent further attack on the stalls. As a result, instead of twenty-odd thousand objects of non-stationary trade by 2015 in the city there are about eight thousand streets.

Bold Cross

8000 stalls, still working on the capital's streets, the city's budget contributes fairly little.

According to analyst estimates of holding "Finam" Timur Nigmatullin, at kiosks in the Moscow region accounts for about 1% of retail sales. During January-March 2015 it exceeded one trillion rubles.

Of course, all the owners of kiosks to pay for rent, but its rates were not always great (charge for land lease contracts and accounted for 2,000 rubles. Per month), many work for sublease system, which means that payments are past budget. In addition, entrepreneurs working under the simplified taxation scheme, deducting 6% of turnover, which do not show everything. At the same speed at the stalls may be small, moreover, not all retail turnover makes - at the box office are often held far from all operations (for example, checks are often not allowed in tents with vegetables or bread).

"When taken as a whole, kiosks bring the city is not so much" - agrees Sergey Cancer.

In the past year, he says, control management at the City Hall atled the results of realization of the right to place kiosks through auctions.

"About 800 million rubles. then the city has spent on equipping trading platforms, amounting to about 2 billion rubles. contracts have been concluded three-year lease, - says Sergey Cancer. - It is true that some are played without auctions, such as the press. The whole city seems to be won, but in the public part of this penny, minuscule. "

This is not a reason to remove the kiosks with the Moscow streets, entrepreneurs say. Especially in the city there are places where the kiosks offer the opportunity to buy products that are not going to the supermarket to distant lands. KIOSK is actively used by families with prams, disabled persons, people with dogs.

"We have an important social function, we create a comfortable environment - emphasizes Sergei Kuranov. - The first floors of houses in the city historically constructed under the apartments, there is no place for street retail. Muscovites still visit the chain stores or go shopping on the weekend of the Ring. "

In addition, kiosks - it is also jobs for tens of thousands of citizens who are at risk of losing earnings. Opart in order to preserve jobs and to curb the growth in food prices in St. Petersburg refused the demolition of kiosks, moreover, their number here will be increased from 3600 to 5700, and contracts kiosk owners were able to extend without auctions.

The most profitable "customer" for the budget was always food and drinks. For example, one point "Stardogs" at ENEA pay 210,000 rubles. based on the month. If you evaluate the payment of all companies operating under the brand "Stardogs" You can talk about 50 million rubles. annual allocations.

It is on a street catering Moscow authorities appear determined to get rid of in the first place - to sell hot dogs and sandwiches may be banned.

Such a categorical position is supported by the data inspection Rospotrebnadzor and frightening statistics of growth of food poisoning. During the April 61 raid Office examined the point of catering and found violations in all. The matter is turned into fines amounting to more than 6 million rubles. and the closure of 39 catering outlets.

Entrepreneurs do not rule out that we are talking about stripping the city "under its & raquo ;. Who will it be - a project similar to the "Russian Bistro", "eat at home", or some kind of a new player, it is not known. Perhaps that will take place kiosks traveling with trade caravans, which develops restaurateurs.

"The Moscow market is the most capacious, here we started twenty years successfully working, do not want to leave the grounds for non-market, giving way to other companies", - says Sergey Cancer.

"Cutting" in the two ends

"Officially, the demolition of stalls associated with the optimization of the retail trade, the city's infrastructure for the convenience of the Muscovites, - says Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Yuri RANHiGS Gulbin. - Unofficially, it is a possibility to supplement the budget at the expense of the new tenants or new rental rates as well as new kiosochnyh metal structures. "

In informal conversations, businesses are increasingly inclined to believe that the reform of non-stationary retail ventured for the sake of history and production.

In total for the first two hundred stalls budget allocated 263 million rubles., The production cost of one kiosk was 1.3 million rubles. Inastie in the auction, only the amount of security which exceeded 70 million rubles., took the company "All alone", registered less than a year ago.

She and won the auction. Wishes to compete, tell businessmen, were, however, who did not find 70 million rubles. on payment, the rest were told that it is not necessary to participate in the competition.

"Everyone is more or less clear why this is done, why it is necessary to remove the old objects and produce new objects. The company entered the first trades virtually alone, tender played in one or two steps, "- says Sergey Kuranov.

"We made objects by 350 000-400 000 rubles., A kiosk here is 1.3 million rubles. Well, let it not be 350 000 rubles., And 600 thousand rubles. But the million-plus. It is understood that "cut" is two or three ends. To do this, it was necessary to remove the old facilities and replacing them with new ones ", - he said on condition of anonymity, the owner of several kiosks.

It offers the theoretical calculation: if you put the problem to replace all non-stationary objects of trade, not reducing their number, the budget expenditures will pull billions of rubles.

Entrepreneurs with whom spoke "Co", claimed that the company - the winner of the auction is connected with Alexander Zolotarev, known for vending kiosks are increasingly appearing on the capital's streets.

The official phone company specified in the registration data, the same as the phone company "EPS", which is owned by Alexander Zolotarev and has been manufacturing vending machines.

On the question "To" or entrepreneur or representatives of the company "All he" did not respond, confirming by telephone that the tender for the production of booths, they really won.

By the way, Alexander Zolotarev belongs and sales initiative through kiosks non-prescription medicines, which publicly supported the mayor's office. For this project, tenders for the production of vending kiosks will also be held in the near future. Guess who will be the winner, it is not very difficult.

Redistribution subway

New rules are expected bargainingvlyu and subways subway. As well as on the streets, there will be booths, made from the budget, and will compete for the right to lease at auction. Auction will be preceded by the dismantling of the existing booths, the first demolition was scheduled for June 1, 2015 lease auction is scheduled for the end of June.

One reason for the government reforms called fight against subletting. It is known that the majority of tenants of stalls are five companies, including business structure and Leo Kvetnoy Yakub Yakubov.

"Now there is a redistribution of lining up new chains, their proxies, is in favor of the re-division of affiliated with Sobyanin structures", - says the chairman of the organizing committee of the movement "For fair market" Ilya Handrikov.

Existing tenants underground stalls confident that they can not claim the right to lease the new kiosks because of the price. According to experts, may lose their jobs of 15 000 people.

The pilot auction for kiosks in the subway was held in 2014, it played seven stalls in transition "Novokosino" station. Ltd. won the tender "Vanya", affiliated withrestaurant holding Ginza Project.

Lease auctions preceded reconstruction project hallways and subways at 96 stations. According to official data, commercial buildings area will increase by 3,700 square meters. m, up to 12 300 square meters. m. In the project it is planned to spend 11 billion rubles., stated in the Department of Transport in Moscow. Most competitions have already been announced. At the moment of the rental Metro gets more than 1.1 billion rubles. in year. It is expected that revenues as a result of the innovations will increase to 3 billion rubles.