The Ministry of Justice noted violations in the alleged Putin's daughter's fund

If Katerina Tikhonova does not eliminate them, she faces a fine of 2 thousand rubles.
The Ministry of Justice found a violation in the work of the foundation, which was established by the alleged daughter of the Russian president.

Science - at the end of the list

When they talk about Katerina Tikhonova, they usually remember the fund "Innopraktika", which, under her leadership, is working on the creation of the "Silicon Valley of the Moscow State University". Remember the generous partners of this fund and the state orders they received. Although formally Tikhonova only heads "Innopraktiku" - established this structure in December 2012, Moscow State University.

And yet the girl also has her own fund, which she created a little earlier, in November 2012, with Natalia Popova, the main specialist of the Office of Career Guidance and work with talented young people of Moscow State University, with her future deputy for "Innopraktika". He is called the Foundation for Interdisciplinary Initiatives in the Natural and Human Sciences (FMI). And he is engaged, as stated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with the provision of financial services. And the rent of buildings, the sale of land ... No, science, however, is also engaged, but "scientific research" is at the very end of the list of its activities.

At the same time, this financial NGO for some reason does not submit any accounting or other reports. According to the law, such a secretive fund had to be covered a long time ago through the court, but ... "The interlocutor" asked the Ministry of Justice why this does not happen, but while waiting for an answer, I decided to get acquainted with the FMI closer.

"Fund? You are mistaken"

Registered PMI in the center of Moscow - Novinsky Boulevard, house 3/1. This is at Novy Arbat, right on the Garden Ring. The place is not cheap, but the price is scaring a little. Eight-story replica in the style of neoclassicism, with massive columns. In the building of this business center, only one office space is being rented - only for 650,000 per month.

- And on which floor is the foundation? - I ask at the reception.

- The Foundation? (Sincere surprise.) What fund ?! It's a business center. Here are commercial organizations. You are mistaken!

"That is," I clarified, "is there no Fund for interdisciplinary initiatives?"

- No, and no other fund.

"They still work here anyway"

At the same time, another fund was registered in the same business center - the Fund of grateful graduates of the International Law Faculty of MGIMO (obviously other MGIMO funds created ungrateful graduates). He, like FMI, is headed by a certain Semyon Shevchenko. Telephone and fax for both funds are also common. And the same phone number and address - at the collegium of lawyers "Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov and partners" (Yuri Monastyrsky - one of the founders of the very Fund of grateful graduates).

I'm calling to the college. It turned out, Semyon Shevchenko, who is the director of the foundation of Katerina Tikhonova, is their lawyer.

- But he very rarely appears at us, - the secretary Lyudmila has explained. "I can not say anything about the funds." We do not have them.

"But they indicate your telephone."

- Well ... It is possible that they just gave this contact phone, because they still work here anyway.

- I do not understand, do the funds work for you or do not they work?

"... I can not tell you."

This is not enough: the contacts between the two funds and the board fully coincide with the data of two more structures - the Moscow International Center for Entrepreneurship and Total System Services-Rus, which belongs to the Cyprus offshore and deals with payment software.

Accident? Natalia Popova, a partner of Katerina Tikhonova on the Fund for Interdisciplinary Initiatives, did not respond to the requests of "Interlocutor". Head of FMI Semen Shevchenko also did not communicate. He left our questions unanswered and Yuri Monastyrsky, whose bar association provided Tikhonova with her registration data.

At the same time the collegium of Monastyrsky receives state contracts from the structures connected with Rosatom, Rostekh and Gazprombank. These are the main partners of another fund of Katerina Tikhonova - "Innopraktika". But whether there is a connection between the general contacts and the contracts received, the lawyer did not tell us either.

Court or fine

In the Federal Ministry of Justice, the "Interlocutor" also could not immediately tell why the secretive PMI did not submit the statutory accounts. Our request was forwarded to the Main Directorate of the Ministry for Moscow. Which, coincidentally, is thirty meters away from the central office of the Sibur holding, whose shareholding belongs to the husband of Katerina Tikhonova.

But the answer still came. And about. The head of the department Elena Gerchikova said that from the side of the fund there were indeed revealed violations that FMI was ordered to promptly eliminate before September 18. Otherwise, the fund "daughter of Putin" is waiting for liquidation through the court. Well, or a fine - up to 2000 rubles.

It is interesting that, according to the agency's response, violations in the PMI were found by them literally a few days before our appeal. Several years have not been found, but here ...


946.488.139 rubles. 21 cop. for the last four years, received 36 state contracts, the fund "Innopraktika" (and its subsidiaries) under the leadership of Katerina Tikhonova.


Tikhonova Katerina Vladimirovna

She was born on August 31, 1986 in Dresden (GDR).

Deputy Vice-Rector of Moscow State University, deputy. Director of the Institute of Mathematical Research of Complex Systems of Moscow State University, Head of the Center for National Intellectual Reserve of Moscow State University (together with the National Intellectual Development Foundation, this structural unit of the Institute is mastering state contracts under the brand "Innopraktika").

Known also as a prize-winner of various acrobatic rock'n'roll championships. Vice President for Marketing and Development of the World Confederation of Rock and Roll.

According to several sources, he is the youngest daughter of Vladimir Putin. Married to the son of Putin's friend - businessman Kirill Shamalov. In the Kremlin, this information is not refuted.