Cyprus companies gained control of the airport of Rostov

The Rostov companies "Primary Don", "Donskoy Tabak" and "Sigma Finance", which owned a total of 53.0732% of the shares of OAO Rostov-on-Don Airport, left the ranks of its shareholders.
These shares have moved into the direct disposal of the three independent companies registered in Cyprus, the message says airport. The right to dispose of 326,000 ordinary shares (24.9962% of the share capital), previously owned by LLC "Primary Don" received Pelegrino Ltd. RF Airport management and investments Ltd. Now owned 34,633 ordinary (2.6554%) and 5,500 preferred (0.4217%) of the shares formerly owned JSC "Donskoy Tabak". "Primary Don" and "Don tobacco" are included in "Agrocom".

Asetaco Ltd. He received 78,539 ordinary (6.0220%) and 247,510 preference (18.9779%) shares of the company "Sigma-finance." Earlier it was reported that the Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region 23 May 2013 invalidated the decision of the extraordinary meeting of the non-payment of airport shareholders dividends on all shares for the first nine months of 2012 and the fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal on July 24 upheld the decision of the arbitration of the first instance. The Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District appointed the consideration of appeals of "Rostov-on-Don Airport" and LLC "Primary Don" on September 24, 2013 The plaintiffs in the casepay dividends made oblminimuschestvo, in whom Rostov region owns 38.0003% stake in the airport, and five individuals.

OAO "Rostov-on-Don Airport" was registered in April 1993, has the status of international airport of federal significance. Airport passenger traffic in 2012 amounted to 1.874 million people, cargo turnover -. 6204 m In 2012, net profit of the airport amounted to RUR 181,965,000.