The investigation of Evgenia Vasilyeva goes to eternity

The term of the investigation into the case of embezzlement in the Ministry of Defense, the main figure of which is the former head of the military department DIO, has been extended once again.
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The Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) of the RF IC extended the investigation into the embezzlement of the Ministry of Defense property, the main figure of which is the former head of the property relations department (DIO) of the Ministry of Defense Yevgeny. This investigation has been going on for more than six years. Moreover, according to the episodes related to Vasilyeva, recent investigative actions are not carried out.

As Rosbalt was told by a source familiar with the situation, the other day the GVSU TFR extended the investigation of the high-profile case until May 14, 2019, increasing its term to 78 months. That is how much the investigation has already been going on in a large single case involving more than 40 different episodes. Much of them relate to the theft of billions of rubles in the sale of property of the Ministry of Defense through the DIO, which was headed by Vasilyeva. Also, in a single case, there are episodes relating to the theft of the boarding house of the students of the Ministry of Defense and the facilities of the General Staff.

The investigation believes that the recent theft was committed by additions. Different companies were engaged in servicing the objects; they were paid by the military department for work that was not actually carried out or was performed in smaller volumes. This time, the general investigation was extended due to several handwriting examinations, the need to complete a large economic examination and get answers to requests to a number of structures. According to the agency’s source, all these investigative actions relate exclusively to episodes with embezzlement at the hostel and at the facilities of the General Staff. “According to the episodes with Vasilyeva, there have been no examinations (like other actions) for more than a year,” the agency source said.

At one time, the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigation Committee of the Investigation Committee merged 32 criminal cases into one theft into the Ministry of Defense. Back in 2013, materials on 12 episodes of criminal activity were isolated in a separate proceeding, the investigation of which had been completed by that time. Vasilyeva and her accomplices were charged with embezzlement, which caused damage to the Ministry of Defense of 3 billion rubles. During the hearings in the Presnensky court, victims in the person of the Ministry of Defense and Oboronservis left the case, and the estimated damage was reduced from 3 billion rubles. to less than 1 billion rubles. Former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov testified in favor of his former subordinate. He stated that he considers Vasilyev innocent, no damage was done to the Ministry of Defense and to the state.

Yevgeny Vasilyev was sentenced to 5 years in prison in a penal colony. At the same time, the servants of Themis did not prudently designate any fine, finding that all financial matters were already being resolved in civil courts. She was also credited with a “term” spent under house arrest (from autumn 2012 to spring 2015). As a result, Vasilyeva spent exactly 34 days in a colony in the Vladimir region, leaving for parole. The absence of the need to pay fines allowed the former head of the DIO to be released on parole.

It is worth noting that the verdict of the Presnensky Court put all the criminal cases under investigation under DIO questioned. The servants of Themis did not find Vasilyev guilty of underestimating the value of the sold property of the Ministry of Defense, which was primarily the result of the investigation: that the shares and buildings came true “cheaply”. On the contrary: the court found that this was the RF IC that overvalued the price of objects in its materials. Vassilyev was found guilty only of the fact that firms under her control illegally received agency fees from transactions to sell objects of the Ministry of Defense, and then “laundered” this money. Thus, the findings of the court contradict the conclusions of the investigation, including on the cases of the sale of real estate “cheaply” remaining in the proceedings of the UK.

The main case, combining more than 40 episodes of theft of assets of the Ministry of Defense by the ex-DIO leadership, remained in the production of GVSU RF IC. In the summer of 2017, the Rosbalt source expressed the opinion that all the investigative actions on the episodes where Vasilyev appeared are completed, but the materials will not be in court “for reasons beyond the control of law enforcement agencies”.