Interprogressbank can get under the control of law enforcement agencies

"Interprogressbank" can get under the sights of siloviki. They will check his possible participation in the offshore empire of Alexei Krapivin. The bank itself, according to observers, is already breathing heavily.
According to sources at The Moscow Post, Interpromprobank (IPB) may soon be attacked by security officials. Can a bank be part of an offshore empire built by its owner Alexei Krapivin? And is it not ruled by the former head of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin?

Alexei Krapivin is the son of former partner and adviser to Vladimir Yakunin Andrei Krapivin, who unexpectedly died under mysterious circumstances in 2015. No body was opened. A few months later, Vladimir Yakunin was sent to resign.

The reason was his son's acceptance of British citizenship and a colossal embezzlement of budgetary funds. Around RZhD, the Krapivinsk "firm-stickers", with which money could be withdrawn to offshore, were in full swing. Could the SPI participate in these schemes?

The second person who "fed" with RZD was the shareholder of the IBI Boris Usherovich, who controls dozens of firms that receive multibillion-dollar contracts from RZhD. Ushevich probably used the offshore schemes of Andrei Krapivin, and could be covered by Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, subsequently charged with receiving major bribes. Discovered at his home more than 8 billion rubles. could pass through the IPA.

The whole history of the Institute is connected with criminal personalities. In 2006, the bank owned by Vladimir Antonov. Subsequently, many banks Antonov burst, and he gained the glory of "killer banks." In 2007, the IPA was sold to a previously convicted for a robbery attack by Herman Gorbuntsov, who was a business partner of Boris Usherovich, Valery Markelov and Andrei Krapivin. Gorbuntsov, apart from the IPB, owned the "Metropolitan Commercial Bank," created under tenders led by Vladimir Yakunin of the Russian Railways.

The partnership resulted in the disappearance of $ 1 billion from the state corporation, in which Gorbuntsov was accused. He, in turn, accused his partners, who eventually became shareholders of the STB and had an account in it called "the client of Tokyo." Money from him went to the accounts of offshore, the remaining cashed.

As a result of the partners' conflict Gorbuntsov in 2010 had to flee together with his family to Moldova. Before that, he lost a significant part of his funds, which he estimated at $ 2.5 billion. Vladimir Yakunin's partners "shod" him to such an amount? The IPA also switched to them. In 2012, in London, Gorbuntsova was assassinated Was it a consequence of the conflict of former partners? And was not the death of Andrei Krapivin his continuation? Vladimir Yakunin could have been guilty of the attempt and death?

The offshore empire of Krapivin?

Through offshore Krapivina, RZD has worked with the largest train and aircraft manufacturers by the Swedish company Bombardier Transport, which supplies the microprocessor centralized arrows and signals Ebilock-950. Trading systems went through the offshore Rambo Management and laying - the British company Multiserv Overseas Limited, which allegedly won the tender for supply.

The owner of Multiserv Overseas Limited was the company Multiserv Management LLP, headed by Yuri Obodovsky. Krapivin's offshore scheme became known after the publication of the secret documents of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, one of the world's largest offshore company registrars. It was about tens of millions of euros that settled in offshore.

The offshores of Krapivin took part in the Moldovan scheme, when from Russia they were withdrawn from 2011-2014. $ 22 billion. Redstone Financial Ltd and Telford Trading S.A. received $ 277 million on their accounts in the Swiss bank CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvetique SA. Maybe the IPA participated in this?

In addition, offshore Krapivin issued loans to various Cypriot structures for which assets were acquired in Russia. In 2014, Gordox issued a $ 100.5 million company from the Virgin Islands to purchase the Cypriot structure Sterema. And that later became the owner of "Bamstroymehanizatsiya, one of the main contractors of the largest reconstruction project of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The works were estimated at 177.3 billion rubles. Vladimir Yakunin just a genius! You withdraw money to offshore companies, and then you credit them with enterprises, from which, probably, then again you withdraw money to offshore.

For the reconstruction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and Transsib, Krapivin, Markelov, Usherovich and Obodovsky created the "Group of Companies 1520". She won the contest for the electrification of the Eastern range. The contract amount is 28 billion rubles. The company is still the largest RZD contractor. Works with profit.

Confuses only that the value of the company is 0. That is, it does not have any equipment or even a desk or laptop. Perhaps, this is an ordinary gasket, the money from which goes to the offshore companies of Krapivin.

Andrei Krapivin, using his acquaintance with Vladimir Yakunin and the support of Valery Markelov, whose evil tongues were associated with the Solntsevo OPG, created an offshore empire, which now officially passed to his son. But is it?

Krapivin, Markelov and Usherovich continue to receive contracts from RZhD for billions of rubles and even fell into the rating of "Kings of the state order."

Perhaps someone above uses Vladimir Yakunin as an intermediary between himself and the contractors of Russian Railways. Otherwise, it would be surprising that their place was not intercepted by new predatory "sticking". Who can be this mysterious patron? It is known that Vladimir Yakunin is the founder of the cooperative "Lake". Does not the source of his well-being strike from there?

Is the IPA close to collapse?

During the four months of this year, the IBR lost almost 78% of its profits, the loan portfolio decreased by 9%, and this is almost 2 billion rubles.

Loans to enterprises and organizations decreased by 12.8% (2.5 billion rubles), corporate funds by 8.47% (1.2 billion rubles.).

According to banking expert Arthur Shakhov, the decline in these indicators may indicate a loss of confidence in the bank about the parties to legal entities, which are usually more acute than individuals, feel the appearance of problems in the bank. And they are confirmed by the result of the bank's activities.

The return on assets and the profitability of capital have fallen by about 20%, and this is a very sharp drop. According to these indicators, the bank slid down to 54 and 32 places, respectively.

Capital adequacy ratios and liquidity ratios do not match the recommended values ​​of the banking methodology. It is enough to compare the figures presented in the table and indicated as recommended in the right column.

Especially noteworthy is the capital adequacy ratio K5, which shows that the funds of citizens attracted by the bank must be fully covered by its capital. The recommended value is 100%. In the IBP, this indicator is 16.79%. It turns out that the bank has 4 (!) Times less money to cover the money of citizens than it should be. Is this an alarming call for bank customers? Maybe it's too late to take his money from him?

It's unclear where the bank's profit in the amount of more than 800 million rubles has gone. Could this money be withdrawn to the offshore of Krapivin? It seems that the IPA still fulfills its main purpose - lending to related companies and its shareholders. Usually this leads to sanation. And there are a lot of examples in the banking market.

Vladimir Yakunin himself does not disdain offshores. The media have repeatedly mentioned the Far East Land Bridge transport companies and the "Regional Hotel Network", registered in Cyprus. Presumably, they included the investment fund VIY (Venture Investments & Yield Management LLP), controlled by Yakunin and registered in London, where since 2010 the son of the ex-head of Russian Railways, Andrei, lives. Could he be related to the assassination of Gorbutsov in 2012? And why not return to Russia?

History IPB - just a criminal saga some. And it's even strange that a bank with such a reputation has customers. Do they not have such shareholders in the bank? And if one day the money will be together with the shareholders in offshore? According to rumors, Boris Usherovich is already there. Preparing to receive partners?

They would have to hurry, because the siloviki probably already took aim at the bank. And not today - tomorrow they can come there? And after them the employees of the Central Bank will come, who at such rates did not check the bank for more than a year. And, probably, then such violations will open, that the bank will be sent to the sanation.