Investigative journalist died after falling from the fifth floor

Maxim Borodin investigated the activities of Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group in Syria.
The Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SCD) in the Sverdlovsk region has begun pre-investigation investigation into the death of Maxim Borodin, a correspondent for RIA Novy Den, specializing in investigations. The journalist died from injuries sustained in the fall from the fifth floor. His colleagues believe that he could fall from the balcony through carelessness. Human rights activists say that on the eve he asked them for help.

Ekaterinburg journalist Maxim Borodin died on April 15 in the intensive care unit of the city hospital number 23. "He never regained consciousness. Doctors fought for his life for several days, but the injuries were too serious, "his colleagues from RIA Novy Dnei wrote. On April 12, the journalist was found neighbors under the balcony of his apartment, located on the fifth floor.

The Investigation Department of the Kirovsky district of Yekaterinburg started a pre-investigation investigation into the death of the journalist. "During the audit, measures are taken to identify and interview possible witnesses of the incident, as well as to interview the deceased's acquaintances, the exact cause of death is revealed, for which an appropriate study will be carried out. Several versions of the incident are checked, including the accident, "reads the report of the management of the TF for the Sverdlovsk region.

Maxim Borodin is known for conducting author's criminal investigations. Previously, he worked as a television reporter on Channel 4, in recent years in the NA Novyi den. He was one of the first to talk about the losses suffered by the "Wagner PMs" in Syria in early February. According to him, three Sverdlovsk people figured among the allegedly fought in the "Wagner PMs": Stanislav Matveyev and Igor Kosoturov from Asbest and Ruslan Gavrilov from the village of Kedrovoye. They, according to the materials of Maxim Borodin, were killed near Dair al-Zor.

The editor-in-chief of IA "New Day" Polina Rumyantseva believes that a tragic accident happened to Maxim Borodin. "At the moment, the facts we possess say that it was a tragic accident. Imagine a five-story Khrushchevka: the old balcony, with its partition below the belt, is covered up with some construction debris. Apparently, he smoked and accidentally fell out. There were no grounds for him to commit suicide. We talked with him a week before what happened. He had to go to work in Moscow in our news agency, he was building grandiose plans, "said Polina Rumyantseva.

However, local human rights activist Vyacheslav Bashkov told that on the eve of his death Maxim Borodin appealed to him for help. "On April 11, at five o'clock in the morning, Maxim called me and with a worried voice said that he was surrounded by security officials, on the balcony a man with arms and people on the stairs in camouflage and masks. Maxim expressed the opinion that in the shortest possible time they would break into his search, and now, apparently, they are waiting for the court's permission. An hour later Borodin again called and said with a guilty voice that he was mistaken, apparently some sort of exercises, and apologized, "Mr. Bashkov said on his Facebook page. He noted that after this no one Max Borodin had ever seen. In his opinion, the death of a journalist could be connected with professional activity. "Maxim was engaged in criminal chronicles, as well as doing serious reporting on socially important issues. It is very difficult to express any version without official data. This is not suicide - there are no prerequisites and reasons for this. We are waiting for the results of the pre-investigation investigation, "he said.

However, law enforcement agencies earlier noted that the death of a journalist did not have any criminal characteristics. In particular, the apartment was closed from the inside, and besides him there was no one in it. A death note was not found.

Condolences in connection with the death of Maxim Borodin expressed in the Sverdlovsk Creative Union of Journalists and the Regional Department of Information Policy. "It was an experienced and dedicated journalist. We share the bitterness of loss along with friends and friends of Maxim, "the department said. Farewell to the journalist will be held April 18 in the mourning hall of the hospital number 40. Near the journalist's house in Yekaterinburg will be posted his portrait, to which those who wish can bring flowers.