The government of Dagestan found a criminal community

According to the investigation, the customer was in charge of the cabinet.
The Investigative Committee found in the actions of former members of the government of Dagestan the signs of a crime under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code (organization of the criminal community or participation in it). The crime is already blamed on the ex-director of the government agency "Directorate of the unified state customer-developer" Shamil Kadiev. Recently arrested in Moscow, the ex-premier of the republic, his two deputies and the minister, accused of fraud, the investigation sees in the role of active participants in the SEO. It should be noted that in the plot of the accusations of the former head of the government of Dagestan Abdusamad Gamidov a new episode appeared - about illegal provision of state guarantees for obtaining bank loans for 1.3 billion rubles.

According to a source from Kommersant, with regard to Shamil Kadiev, who was in charge of the enterprise, which acted as the customer of various construction projects, the SSG of the SKR opened a criminal case under part 3 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code (the creation of a criminal community by a person using his official position). The organizer of the OPS and its participants face from 15 to 20 years of imprisonment. At the same time, the roles of the latter are still vacant - according to the version of the investigation, the community members were mainly unidentified persons.

Shamil Kadiev is accused of organizing thefts in 2015-2016 of budget funds allocated for the acquisition of a building with a plot of land for a kindergarten in the village of Khalimbekaul in Buinaksk district, overhauling and widening the access roads of the Makhachkala-Kaspiysk motorway, reconstruction of special institutions for the temporary detention of foreigners in the capital of Dagestan citizens and stateless persons, the construction of the engineering infrastructure of the Eagle Nest campsite, as well as the supply of gas, electricity and water to Dagagrokompleks LLC, Ra laid near the village of River in the Kizlyar district. Then the investigation of embezzlement of money allocated to the republic for the development of the life support system in some districts and municipalities within the framework of the federal program "South of Russia" was launched. Subsequently, the TFR combined all these episodes, the damage over which exceeded 75 million rubles, into one production. In February this year, based on the available materials, a new investigation was launched - against former Prime Minister Abdusamid Gamidov, his deputies Shamil Isayev and Rajudin Yusufov, as well as former Education Minister Shahabas Shakhov. They were sent to Moscow, where they were arrested by the Basmanny District Court, accusing them of particularly serious fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code) for the same episodes as Shamil Kadiev.

"We do not exclude that the investigation will try to accuse the members of the government of participating in an organized criminal community, at least in order to exert pressure on them and force them to confess to less serious crimes," said Eduard Isetsky, the representative of the former prime minister, Hamidov, . However, according to him, the investigation has no grounds to raise new charges against former high-ranking officials, let alone participation in the OPS. "What does it mean that people went to work in the government with malicious intent, having previously agreed with someone that they will commit theft of state funds? This, of course, nonsense, "- said Mr. Isetsky. In the TFR, they refrained from commenting.

Meanwhile, in the plot of the accusation of the former Prime Minister of Dagestan Abdusamad Hamidov, a new episode appeared, which the investigation qualified according to part 3 of item "c" of art. 286 of the Criminal Code (exceeding official authority). According to the investigation, in 2013, Mr. Hamidov issued a government decree granting state guarantees to OOO Dagagrocomplex for a total amount of 1.3 billion rubles. For this amount, the company subsequently obtained loans from banks for the construction of a vegetable processing plant. However, as established by the investigation, when granting state guarantees in violation of the current legislation, an expert examination of the economic efficiency of the project was not carried out.

As a result, Dagagrocomplex did not fulfill its obligations to credit institutions. Based on the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, 1.3 billion rubles were collected from the budget of Dagestan in favor of the bank loans granted to the LLC.