The court in Spain concluded that the deputy Resnick - not a mafia

Spanish prosecutors demanded more than five years in prison.
The Spanish National Court acquitted the defendants in the so-called “Russian mafia” case, who were accused of participating in a criminal community and money laundering in Spain, RIA Novosti reports, citing a judicial decision.

The lawyer of Reznik, Alexander Gofshtein, confirmed this information to Vedomosti. According to him, the "good news" found the deputy in Russia. “Together with his wife Diana Gindin, he participated in court hearings, and upon termination, with the permission of the court, returned to Russia,” the lawyer said.

According to RIA Novosti, the court did not find sufficient grounds to prove that the persons involved in the case were associated with a criminal group, in particular the Tambov and Malyshevskaya organized criminal groups, which were engaged in money laundering, obtained by illegal means.

The investigation took more than 11 years. According to prosecutors, a group of Russians under the leadership of Gennady Petrov (in the case he is called “authority”) has been involved in money laundering since 1996, managing this activity from Spain. The Russians have created hundreds of companies that have registered real estate, which has been repeatedly resold at increasing cost through firms controlled by the same people. This was done in order to launder money and was used to legalize money, in particular, from drug smuggling and arms trafficking, prosecutors say. Petrov, together with other persons involved in the case, was arrested in 2008 in Spain, held under arrest for a year and a half. He was released on a written undertaking not to leave the city, and in 2012 he left for Russia. His case is considered separately, for him the prosecutor's office demanded 8.5 years.

In December 2015, the prosecutor’s office filed accusations of participation in the criminal community and money laundering in Spain against 26 citizens of Russia and Spain, including Reznik and his wife Diana Gindin. In total, the prosecution demanded 126 years of imprisonment for all the accused and a fine of 2.7 billion euros, wrote the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

The trial against 18 defendants in the case, including Reznik, began on February 19, 2018. For the deputy, the prosecutor's office demanded 5.5 years of imprisonment. He and his spouse were present in court. He did not admit guilt. “I am not guilty of anything and trust the Spanish justice,” he stressed.