The "Basic Element" of Oleg Deripaska was headed by an ex-FSB officer

In the "Basic Element" the general director was replaced. Instead of Gulzhan Moldazhanova, the holding was headed by its deputy Valery Pechenkin, who before his arrival in the company was deputy director of the FSB.
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Director General of the Basic Element industrial group (Basel) appointed her deputy Valery Pechenkin instead of Gulzhan Moldazhanova. This follows from the SPARC database.

In addition, from SPARK base it follows that Moldazhanova also withdrew from the board of directors of Ingosstrakh, in which Deripaska owns 10%. She remains on the Board of Directors of the project operator for the creation of small reactors AKME-Engineering, together with Deripaska (he owns 50% of the company on a par with Rosatom).

The "Basic Element" industrial group consists of companies that are controlled or enter the sphere of business interests of Oleg Deripaska. The companies, whose assets are owned by the group's structures, work in various industries - machine building (Russian Machines, GAZ), aviation (Basel Aero, operating airports in several Russian cities, including Sochi), in metallurgy, (En + , UC Rusal), in agriculture (agroholding "Kuban"), etc.

For the first time the general director of "Basel" Moldazhanova became in 2005, but in 2009 Deripaska decided to take over the management of the group. In the summer of 2012, Moldazhanova again became CEO of Basel, and Deripaska took over as chairman of the company's supervisory board.

RBC sent a request to the "Basic Element" group of companies.

Prior to joining Basel in the early 2000s, Valery Pechenkin worked for more than 30 years in the security services: in 1997-2000, he was deputy director of the FSB and oversaw the counterintelligence department. After Deripaska became the head of the holding, Pechenkin became deputy general director.

Earlier Gulzhan Moldazhanova also announced her resignation from the board of directors of UC Rusal. Together with her, the Board of Directors is also left by other members nominated by En +: Vladislav Soloviev, Sigfrid Wolf, Maxim Sokov, Dmitry Afanasyev, Olga Mashkovskaya and Ekaterina Nikitina. Their resignation will come into force on June 28.

In early April, the US Treasury imposed sanctions against a number of Russian citizens and companies from Russia - it included 26 individuals (24 Russians and 2 foreigners) and 15 legal entities, including Oleg Deripaska, Rusal, Basic Element and En +.