The government will help Rusal through Promsvyazbank

Before the announcement of the collection of donations among state employees and pensioners in favor of the victim of US imperialism, the oligarch remains very little.
The government can help UC Rusal with short-term liquidity through Promsvyazbank. This was stated by the Minister of Finance of Russia Anton Siluanov, reports Interfax. "We must now take care of the stable operation of the enterprises owned by UC Rusal and which were subject to sanctions. There are still about 170,000 employees. The state, of course, should bear this in mind, "the minister said.

According to him, the government interacts with companies that have fallen under new US sanctions. "Undoubtedly, we will support them: be it short-term liquidity, be it other support measures that are currently being worked on," Siluanov said. He is confident that the state will be able to provide the affected companies with temporary liquidity. For example, through Promsvyazbank.

The Central Bank announced the rehabilitation of Promsvyazbank in December 2017. The bank needs 100-200 billion rubles. capital, the proposals of the owners - the brothers Ananiev - on the support of the bank were unrealistic, explained the state regulator. Financial recovery will be completed in six months, that is, by July, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev.

In January, it became known that Promsvyazbank would be turned into a bank for state defense order and large state contracts. The need for such a bank arose after the adoption in August of an American law on sanctions against Russia, the top manager of one of the defense-industrial holdings told Vedomosti.

On Friday, April 6, the United States imposed new sanctions against Russian companies and businessmen. Among them, UC Rusal and its main owner Oleg Deripaska. Because of this, he already lost more than $ 1.6 billion, and the company warned about the risk of technical default. In addition, the quotes UC Rusal fall for several days in a row - from the first day of trading after the introduction of sanctions. By 17.38 Moscow time on April 11, one UC Rusal paper costs 2.05 Hong Kong dollars (-2.83%) on the Hong Kong stock exchange and 21.87 rubles. (-4.04%) on the Moscow Stock Exchange.