Musa Bazhaev asks Sberbank for a huge loan

Billionaire Musa Bazhaev after buying the Italian resort in Sardinia, decided to get an impressive loan from Sberbank for his Russkaya Platina. 
Mr. Bazhaev began to beg the "Savings Bank" in a huge $ 1.5bn loan. Recall that last year, "Russian platinum" and Vnesheconombank (VEB) signed a memorandum of cooperation in implementation of the project in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. VEB will invest in projects Bazhaev 1.2 billion rubles. At the same time their money Musa Yusupovich prefer to invest elsewhere. In 2015, the brothers Musa and Mavlitom Bazhaev allegedly purchased an expensive resort on Sardinia's Forte Village - a tourist complex consisting of eight hotels 770 rooms and 33 individual suites costing hundreds of millions of dollars.

The resort is controlled by a company Progetto Esmeralda SRL, among administrators that General Director of "Russian platinum" Magomed Galaev and member of the "Alliance" group board of directors Andrey Sletov. Doubts that the complex belongs Bazhaev, virtually none.


"Russian platinum", owned by businessman, has applied for the allocation of state it in the form of state guarantees for the loan. Companies need at least 220 billion rubles. Following media reports etc.ESA service billionaire "broke" statement. In court for refutation Bazhaev will not go, so the company covered herself with spamming by the editors.

The text of the letter the press release states that "Russian Platinum" did not apply to the government for the provision of state guarantees. The company is asking for additional benefits, financial and other assistance from government agencies. The company develops independently owned her assets, using available in the markets and the corresponding current Russian legislation and methods of financing tools. "

Well, actually, the second contradicts the first. For grants and accessed via private companies repeatedly. Companies need at least 220 billion rubles, and take the money Bazhaev nowhere.

Next PR company wrote that "Russian Platinum" strictly comply with the conditions of licensing agreements and agreements on social and economic cooperation with the Krasnoyarsk Territory in relation to the Montenegrin deposit and the southern part of the Norilsk-1 "((one of the largest oilfieldREPRESENTATIONS on the Taimyr Peninsula. Stocks of the southern part of the amount to 273 thousand tons of nickel, 378 tonnes of copper and 12.7 thousand tons of cobalt and platinum group of about 518 kg.).).

Mr. Bazhaev company several years marking time, unable to start the development of the deposit "Norilsk-1"! Therefore, all the time asking for help from the state banks. The strange thing is that the state-owned banks, rather than to acquire an asset, it is sponsoring Bazhaev buying Italian assets.

malicious Bazhaev

Even before taking office, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina sent a letter to the head of state with a request to prosecute the Minister of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy. According to her, Don provided incorrect information when the government disassemble the situation with the "Norilsk-1". According to Elvira Nabiullina - state "material damage", and Don "started the situation into a dead end" and must answer for everything. "Caused material damage to the state. With investor received ugly: held a contest, then apparently changed their minds and wait for a new law on the transition to the auction system, disedeleniya rights to subsoil, - said the assistant handed a letter to the President Nabiullina.

When the government disassemble the situation with deposit "Norilsk-1", Don presented incorrect information, in the presidential administration. The Minister pointed out that the Ministry of Natural Resources may not issue a license until the entry into force of the Arbitration Court at the suit of "Norilsk Nickel", and to confirm his words put a supposedly independent study of the legal SPSU than government introduced misleading. St. Petersburg State University spokesman says that the feasibility study carried out one of the employees of the university, but he did it from a commercial company faces.

This is not the first story, which casts doubt on the work of Sergey Donskoy. In 2011, the Minister of Natural Resources do official favors his friend Artem Tretyakov, who without proper education, he was appointed Deputy General Director of JSC "Rosgeologiya" (in 2011, has been CEO of the Don himself).

Anyway, Bazhaev received the necessary assets.

Bazhaev banks

In September this year FinprombanAffiliated with Bazhaev Musa, he asked the Central Bank to select a license. Fighters with corruption say that from a financial institution may withdraw funds. It turned out that Finprombanka shareholders on October 14 will vote on whether to file if they request the Bank of Russia to annul or revoke the bank's license to conduct banking operations, it follows from the agenda of shareholders meeting published today.

In Finprombanka statements stated that he had "no person exercising ultimate control over their operations." This means that if the funds were stolen, it is not clear - who ... Although the main beneficiaries of the bank are the Peter Kondrashov (19.99%), Andrey Belkin (19.99%), Anatoly Goncharov (19.99%), Dmitry Semenov (18 , 22%), Stanislav Perminov (11.58%), Musa Bazhaev (8.41%), Evgeny Lyubimov (1.73%). The remainder of the shares (less than 1%) is distributed among the shareholders, minority shareholders. It should also be noted that Dmitry Semenov, Anatoly Goncharov, Pyotr Kondrashov Andrey Belkin, Stanislav Perminov and Evgeny Lyubimov are the ultimate owners of "CB" AyManiBank ".

About the bank problems became izvesbut still in the middle of this year, when people cash placed on Finprombanka accounts (FPB), decreased by 10%, the company, in turn, took 20% of their funds. Earlier, in May this year, customers are taken from the bank Bazhaev only 1.8 billion rubles, funds of companies decreased by 2 billion rubles, up to 8 billion rubles! Experts note that from January 1 to June 1, the volume of retail deposits in the bank fell more than a quarter (27%), or 5.8 billion rubles, the amount of funds the companies decreased by 3 billion rubles!

In December 2015 it was reported, according to which the structure of the owner of the "Russian platinum" Musa Bazhaev dokapitaliziruyut FPB money by 10 billion rubles. "As a result, the bank will additionally capitalized by more than 20 billion rubles, which will allow it to enter the top-50 Russian banks," - said the bank's employees. Bazhaev only invested 12.4 billion rubles. "Ran" to the client.

"Old songs about the main"

The market is much talk about the ability to negotiate Bazhaev known since the 90s. For example, in the Khabarovsk region, which previously led Viktor Ishayev, there have been major problemsboth public money and property and rule of law. When the fate of the Khabarovsk airport, which was sold for a nominal amount of 10 million dollars Ishayev friendly company "Alliance-Prom" (a subsidiary of "Alliance" group led by Musa Bazhaev), press again talking about another raider sandals.

Representatives of the "Russian platinum" write that the ownership structure of foreign assets "Russian Platinum" Company "Alliance Group" and their stakeholders transparent and to declare controlled by the Russian authorities in accordance with applicable law. Several media wrote that several tank farms "Krymnefteprodukta" "not quite legally" became the property of the family Bazhaev using OPG "Salem." It is noted that the structure of organized crime groups, "Salem" is the current head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov, and most Bazhaev Musa attributed the connection with the "authoritative Chechens" (eg, Abu Archakova and Sultanbekov Aydamirova).

Question by Shumakov

Note and the story of the mysterious death of pairsners Bazhaev. that for a long time lawyer Dmitry Shumkova considered a close friend and partner of Musa Bazhaev, the main owner of "Russian platinum." But in the summer of 2015, representatives Shumkova announced that he put up for sale its stake in one of the mining company's key assets - the southern part of the deposit "Norilsk-1". It was reported that Shumkov expects to receive for its 10 percent stake in the project.

"Shumkov ready to negotiate with Bazhaev on acceptable terms, or dispose of his interest to foreign investors", - reported by the media, citing a source. Businessman actively developed the business, though sometimes it calls "corruption issues", donated to charity, loved his family. But after a series of successful trades took and hung up! Immediately after that, his influential partners shared virtually all assets Shumakova, heirs virtually nothing.

A complex "Olympic" Moses went Bazhaev! Questions may arise and to Bazhaev ...

As a result, Bazhaev, which received the "Norilsk 1" violations, suspected of youode assets of Finprombanka receives money from the state-owned banks, which operates "Russian platinum." Meanwhile, billionaire buys elite Italian resort. No rollback situation with officials Bazhaev hard to imagine ...