An official from Roskosmos landed on a villa in the United States

The plot in Florida passed by the declaration of Yuri Urlichich.
Origin source
The first deputy head of Roskosmos found undeclared real estate in the United States, which was issued to the minor daughter of a top manager of the state corporation. The concealment of property by employees is a serious corruption violation, and Dmitry Rogozin recently said that he would not allow any corruption in his department.

Regardless of reputation

After a loud speech by President Vladimir Putin, who noted the ongoing theft during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, journalists decided to pay more attention to those who oversee the historical construction. And the first deputy general director of Roskosmos for the development of the orbital group and promising projects Yuri Urlichich came into their view.

Urlichich has been working in the space industry for 35 years. Previously, he headed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Research Institute of Space Instrument-Making”, later transformed into JSC “Russian Space Systems” (RCC). In 2012, the RCC revealed the theft of 6.5 billion rubles allocated from the budget for the development of the GLONASS system.

The management of the company was suspected of embezzlement, according to investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, top managers withdrew money to the accounts of controlled companies, followed by cashing or transferring them abroad. Yuri Urlichich managed to avoid a criminal case, he escaped with a slight fright - dismissal by agreement of the parties, then went to work in the Analytical Center under the government, and in 2018 he was taken in by the new deputy head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin.

American daughter

At the civil service Urlichich repeatedly reported on his property, indicating in the declaration several apartments in Moscow, a house in the Istra district of Moscow region and two apartments in Spain. But for some reason, the top manager decided to hide from the state real estate in the United States, bought in 2011 and recorded on his minor daughter.

“From the 2014 Urlichich’s declaration it follows that at that time he had a minor daughter. At the same time, according to the same declaration, she had nothing but a house for free, at that time, ”Baza edition.

The daughter of the “father of GLONASS” is Diana Urlichich, now she is 22 years old. As follows from the American databases, Diana Urlichich became the owner of a land plot in the state of Florida in the town of Belleer Beach (USA) in 2011. At the time of purchase, she was 14 years old.

The land sale and purchase transaction was conducted by Alina Urlichich - her mother and former wife of the top manager of Roskosmos. Urlichich family laid out $ 150 thousand for a modest plot of 817 square meters. meters.

“Thus, filing a declaration for 2014, Yuri Urlichich, hid that his daughter is the owner of land in the United States,” - said the journalists.

Information about foreign real estate is confirmed by photographs from Diana Urlichich’s personal Instagram. Together with her mother, the girl lived next door to her plot in a villa that was bought by Alina Urlichich in 2006 (sold in 2018 for $ 1.2 million). All data is confirmed by extracts from American registries.

Perhaps, in “Roskosmos” they will not find anything reprehensible in the secrecy of Yuri Urlichich. Recall that earlier, Dmitry Rogozin’s Anti-Corruption Fund discovered a summer cottage in the Moscow Region for 200 million rubles. Activists found another cottage in the neighborhood, for 150 million rubles, in the property of his father-in-law Rogozin, just a pensioner. Rogozin's official income does not allow him to make such acquisitions.