Sheremetyevo hit the wall

The airport tries to stop the construction of a warehouse in the neighborhood.
Sheremetyevo International Airport (MASH) complained to the prosecutor's office for the construction of 2 km from the territory of the warehouse complex "Sherrizon-Nord". It will be located very close to the end of the third runway. Sheremetyevo say that the construction was not coordinated with the airport and could threaten flight safety, including due to "mass gathering of birds." Lawyers are reminded that a similar situation was in 2005 at the Metro network, which tried to build a shopping center near the airfield Voronezh aircraft factory.

Yesterday JSC "Sheremetyevo International Airport" reported that the Moscow prosecutor's office has asked for the implementation of laws on air and water transport, "to understand" in the situation with the construction of a warehouse complex "Sherrizon-Nord" in the immediate vicinity of the airport. A letter with the same request and MASH sent to the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov. The MASH believe that the construction "poses a threat to take off and the setting for a landing aircraft", as the complex is located aboutabout 2 km from the end of being built third runway (runway). In the MASH emphasize that construction began "no positive justification" airport and contrary to the requirements of the Air Code, which states that the construction in the aerodrome site should be "carried out in compliance with the safety requirements" and in agreement with the owner of the airfield. In addition, the MASH note that federal regulations prohibit air space to place "in the air approaches the bands' sites that promote" mass gathering of birds. "

On appeal have already responded MASH near Moscow government. Governor Andrei Vorobyov said yesterday that the issue of the construction of a warehouse complex was not submitted to the Urban Council area. Now analyze the legality of building a special commission. "Any construction is authorized on the basis of certain procedures, and if it has a legal violation, it's another story if all legitimate, you need to watch, to whom and why it prevents", - said Mr. Vorobyov.

Rosaviation allowed FSUE "Administration of Civil Airports (airfields)" to build a third runway at Sheremetyevo in 2012. The construction of a warehouse complex "Sherrizon-Nord" (total area -.. 55.6 thousand square meters) began in February 2014, it is planned to complete it before the end of the year. Its lead developer Griffin Partners and GC "Stolny city", a complex built in the free economic "Sherrizon" zone (established in 1994), where the plant is located PepsiCo, warehouse complex "Terminal" Europe "," Revival Express logistics center. In a press release, Griffin Partners to begin construction "Sherrizon Nord" stated that "the airport area stimulates the demand for storage space among customers, one of the main criteria of which are speed of delivery of products to the storage and speed of delivery of products to the final consumer." Phone Griffin Partners yesterday did not answer.

Sources "Kommersant" people familiar with the situation said that if the construction of the "Nord Sherrizon" began, it means that the developer "had permission." "But the Town Planning Code, and legislatorTVO, which regulates the construction of air around objects interrelated in terms of building permission, so permission for construction is not enough to match the airport, "- says one of the interlocutors" b ".

"Construction of 2 kilometers from the runway should be agreed with the owner of the aerodrome for the Air Code, therefore, in my view, justified claims Sheremetyevo" - says partner at the law firm Goltsblat BLP Vitaly Mozharovsky. But the procedure of challenging construction very difficult. "If the prosecutor's office confirmed the illegality of the construction, it may issue representation Gosarhstroynadzor, which will have to take action up to suspension of construction", - the lawyer explains. He says that a similar situation was in 2005 at the Metro network in connection with the construction of the shopping center in Voronezh on the land at the rate of aircraft landing at the airport of Voronezh aircraft factory. At Metro we had all the necessary approvals for the construction, but the problem arose because of the proximity to the aerodrome and the disagreement with his owner.