Sergey Sobyanin threw money for New Years celebration

Moscow spent almost 2 billion rubles on jewelry and skating rinks.
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Moscow will spend more than 914 million rubles on New Year’s celebration, RBC calculated based on data from the public procurement portal. This is 12% more than in 2018. A comparable amount will additionally cost skating rinks, which during the winter holidays occupy a significant part of the area of ​​the largest Moscow parks - VDNH and them. Gorky. In total, park rollers will cost the city another 825 million rubles. At the same time, the contractors of their arrangement were hidden.

Spending on the design of the city and parks will amount to more than 561 million rubles. The city did not order special New Year lights this year: OEC repaired and used components purchased in previous years. Two years ago, the Moscow government spent up to 500 million rubles on New Year’s lights.

Nevertheless, expenses for processing increased by more than 1.5 times compared to 2018 (323 million rubles). Costs of parks for skating rinks also increased significantly: last year they cost only 381 million rubles, RBC considered. Expenditures for fireworks almost did not change: fireworks this year will cost parks and the city 34.8 million rubles.

As we thought

The budget expenditures for the celebration of the New Year include expenses of city parks, administrations, prefectures and other district administrations, as well as organizations subordinate to the city hall. The expenses of state-owned companies and federal departments on gifts and decoration of their own buildings are not included. If the contract did not clearly indicate that festivities, decoration or gifts were timed for the New Year, but the order was due in the second half of December 2018, it was considered to be related to the New Year. The amount also included the traditional New Year decoration - Christmas trees, luminous stars and cones, balls for decoration.

Who is involved in the design

Tenders for the design of Moscow were played by various structures - councils, prefectures and directorates of housing and communal services. Parks are independently engaged in their decoration. The grandmother’s park spent the most on design - 18.3 million rubles. This is a small park on the outskirts of the capital. The largest Moscow parks - VDNH and them. Gorky, as well as Zaryadye located in the very center of the city, did not announce a single tender for their design. RBC sent inquiries to their press services. Zaryadye explained that the city was engaged in decorating the park. A source in the Moscow government told RBC that the design of the parks to them. Gorky and VDNH were centrally occupied by JSC "OEC" as part of the "Journey to Christmas" festival. At the same time, old designs were used for decoration, which were repaired for reuse.

A significant part of the design of the city is carried out by Install-Profi LLC, which in 2019 again received a contract for the organization of Moscow fairs. For the festival "Journey to Christmas", it decorated 40 sites in the city. The company received 284.6 million rubles for organizing the festival, it follows from the acts of the work performed, this is almost a third of the annual contract for organizing Moscow fairs (the total amount is almost 910 million rubles). Some part of this amount went to the design of the two largest New Year's venues - VDNH and PKiO them. Gorky.

The increase in spending on the design of the city is associated with an increase in the number of holiday venues, explained RBC at the city hall. However, the total spending for the New Year increased slightly due to the reuse of jewelry. It is impossible to estimate how much ECO costed to repair the old backlight and lighting structures. In just a year, the company entered into contracts for the repair and maintenance of lighting with subcontractors for 786 million rubles.

Most of the contracts for registration and New Year festivities have hidden suppliers. According to the decision of the government, since December 2017, customers may not send information on contract executors and subcontractors to the register, reminded RBC Director of ANO “Information Culture” Ivan Begtin. The measure was taken due to international sanctions against individual Russian companies. Among their other suppliers this year, some Moscow parks that made purchases under 223-FZ have also hidden.


Different city structures will spend 296.3 million rubles on New Year’s performances, RBC estimates. This is significantly less than last year, almost 1.5 times. More than a third of this amount, 108 million rubles, the Moscow Directorate of Mass Events (GAUK “MDMM”) will spend on organizing the “Christmas Tree Mayor” and New Year’s performances in Gostiny Dvor. Among the parks, Kuzminki-Lublino will spend the most on celebration - 38.7 million rubles. There is the Moscow estate of Santa Claus.

Moscow ice rinks

The cost of construction and maintenance of skating rinks, which during the New Year holidays often occupy a large area in Moscow parks, in 2019 amounted to about 825 million rubles, more than two times more than a year earlier. The skating rink at VDNH in 2018 cost about 260 million rubles. (the sum of several contracts for installation, dismantling, decoration and maintenance). In the 2019/2020 season, the park paid for the installation and dismantling of the ice rink 202.6 million rubles, and hid both the participants and the winner of the tender. In almost 100 million rubles. the operation of the ice rink and the organization of the rental points will cost, and the total amount the exhibition will pay for the operation of the ice rink is almost 385 million rubles.

The Director General of VDNH Sergey Shogurov explained the increase in spending on the ice rink by the fact that in the season 2018/2019, because of the large-scale restoration of the historical fountains "Friendship of Peoples" and "Stone Flower", conducted by GBU "Gormost", two ice rinks worked at the exhibition. Their area was one third less than in the 2019/2020 season and from 2014 to 2018. “This year, the restoration of the fountains was completed and the large skating rink returned to VDNH. The cost of installation, dismantling and maintenance of the ice rink has remained almost unchanged throughout its history since 2014, with the exception of the season 2018/2019, ”said Shogurov. In the winter season, VDNH hosts several dozen events of various kinds, attended by more than 1 million people, primarily the ice rink.

From the protocols for determining the winners of tenders, RBC managed to find out that the contractor for the arrangement of skating rinks in PKiO named after Gorky and at VDNH one and the same company - LLC Russian Ice Development. It has been servicing skating rinks since 2014, and in 2018, in particular, it designed and installed a pedestrian bridge over the skating rink in Gorky Park: on January 1, 2019, this bridge collapsed, visitors were injured.

Investment jewelry

The mayor's office indicates that holding large-scale festivals brings additional revenue to the budget. “Almost 150 billion rubles. will bring city festivals and tourism to the Moscow budget in 2019. Total tourist spending will exceed 1 trillion rubles, which is five times more than in 2010, ”a source at the Moscow City Hall told RBC. He also noted that 1 ruble invested by the city in the “Journey to Christmas” festival brings almost 15 rubles to the Moscow budget. “With a significantly increased tourist flow, the amount of financing for the New Year’s program and festive decoration remains at the level of previous years,” the source emphasized. The mayor's office noted that if, until 2014, most tourists came to Moscow for business purposes, then from 2014 this flow began to decline and the city managed to avoid stagnation precisely thanks to the organization of festivals.