Sergey Shoigu is not afraid of the new Spetsstroy

What was silent in an interview with Timur Ivanov.
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Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov told reporters about the reform of the military department building complex, and at the same time he complained about unscrupulous contractors and boasted of success in building facilities to strengthen Russia's defense capability. A lot was said, but Sergei Shoigu’s deputy chose not to talk about many things: for example, he was suspected of stealing and disrupting state defense orders, as well as extortion of bribes from contractors, arrest of entrepreneurs who refused to pay kickbacks. , and double billions in already constructed facilities in the Arctic. Details are in the PASMI material.

Much of the interview that Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov gave to Novaya Gazeta dealt with another reform in the military’s construction complex. In February, it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a plan to create a public law company (PPK), which is designed to replace the eight federal state unitary enterprises and three joint-stock companies that are now engaged in the construction of military facilities.

The main goal of the reform, Timur Ivanov, called the exclusion of the commercial component in this area and deliverance from subcontractors, with whom the liquidated predecessor of the special structure Spetsstroy, according to the official, had serious problems.

Control or impunity?

Speaking about what amounts of funds will be at the disposal of the CPD at the Ministry of Defense, Ivanov said that in the next 10 years only about 1 trillion rubles will be allocated for the construction of special objects for the deployment of weapons and military equipment. The Novaya journalist Irek Murtazin had a reasonable question, is it not possible that the new structure will uncontrollably absorb such enormous money.

Timur Ivanov assured that there will certainly be control, but the Defense Ministry is not afraid of him: “This does not frighten us. We are controlled by colleagues in the military-industrial complex, we are controlled by the Accounts Chamber, we are controlled by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, we are controlled by the president, no doubt, as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. ”

Perhaps the deputy Sergei Shoigu was referring to the crystal honesty of the employees of the departments involved in the construction of facilities for the armed forces, but PASMI investigations suggest a different interpretation of his words.

Among them is the story of Natalia Krasavtseva, the now former head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense, who received this high post after she frustrated a number of contracts with the military department totaling about 900 million rubles.

After the PASMI articles about how, due to the fault of Krasavtsev, nuclear military physicists had to live in tents, about spending a businesswoman on expensive trips and overseas real estate and about withdrawing budget funds through one-day firms, the military prosecutor's office became interested in Krasavtseva.

According to a PASMI source, in the autumn of 2018, Shoigu personally ordered that the contract for the military unit in Sergiyev Posad be executed, where the deadline for the objects was delayed by three years. The editors received information that the auditors were hinted at by the high patrons of the contracting company, including the name of Timur Ivanov, and it was easy to believe it: there were no visible results of this check at that time.

Runaway contractors

The “Krasavtsev case” cannot be ignored in connection with the statements of Timur Ivanov about the difficult legacy of Spetsstroy, which was eliminated after a series of scandals: “This concerned unscrupulous subcontractors involved in litigation and return on previously paid advances. That is, we needed to deal with a large number of subcontracting organizations that turned out to be unfair, and, as in well-known verses, they are “looking for firefighters, looking for the police”. But they are not looking for the police and the police, and the prosecutor's office and the FSB. And people are looking for, and money. "

But Natalia Krasavtseva was not looking for anyone after the breakdown of contracts, although it was easy to find her: as mentioned above, the former businesswoman occupied a high office in the office of Sergei Shoigu. By the way, PASMI has evidence that, having become an official, Krasavtseva, in violation of the law, did not abandon her business activities.

However, her appointment as head of the Department of Defense is puzzling. According to sources, PASMI, when Krasavtseva was expecting a high position, she was in the operational design of the FSB, which officials in charge of personnel decisions could not but know.

It is possible that the appointment, as well as the long absence of any reaction to the public outcry around Krasavtseva, was promoted by Timur Ivanov, who, by many signs, including recordings of informal telephone conversations, can be considered her patron.

After PASMI applied to the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu and the Chief Military Prosecutor Valery Petrov with a request to verify the data on abuses by the official, Natalia Krasavtseva was dismissed. But no legal assessment of her actions. as the role of Timur Ivanov in this story, not yet.

Arctic fiction

During an interview with Novaya, the deputy minister mentioned success in building strategic facilities in remote regions of Russia, including the Arctic zone: “At Cape Schmidt, Wrangel Island, on Franz Joseph Land ... Everywhere is under construction. Moreover, the president himself was at these construction sites. And we invited to a number of objects. These are really fantastic objects to be proud of and not ashamed to show. ”

PASMI spoke about construction projects on Cape Schmidt and Wrangel Island in a series of investigative journalism about RusAlliance Stroy and its founders, Alexey Ekkert and Dmitry Bushmanov. And in these articles there is a lot of information that does not quite correspond to the words of Timur Ivanov.

The facilities built by this company in the Arctic can truly be called unique and fantastic, only Eckert and Bushmanov, instead of awards and thanks, were sent under arrest and have been in jail for more than three years.

The conflict between the general contractor of construction - the head office of engineering works No. 2 at Spetsstroy of Russia and RusAlliance Story began after the new head of GUIR Oleg Sirazetdinov demanded a rollback of 700 million rubles from company representatives - 20% of the contract value. The businessmen refused to pay, as a result, practically constructed objects were not accepted, they demanded to repay RUB 3.2 billion from RusAlliance Building, and then accused of embezzling this amount.

The almost finished objects were assigned to an unknown company Spetsstroy-1 to finish building, they were allocated 2 billion rubles in advance. The objects were to be commissioned at the end of 2016, then the deadline was postponed to the end of 2017, but there is still no news of the completion of construction. At the same time, the objects built by Eckert and Bushmanov were reported by all federal channels.

By the way, the scandal around the construction of Arctic facilities could be associated with Timur Ivanov, who at that time held the position of General Director of Oboronstroy.

However, you will be able to read about the PASMI website in the very near future about who is behind the Eckert and Bushmanov case, as well as other facts that contradict the statements of Deputy Minister Ivanov in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.