Sergey Mikhailov reduced the budgets of Russian Railways

Well-known PR man Sergey Mikhailov made good profit on the budgets of Russian Railways.
Railways have become famous not only the resignation of its long-term president Vladimir Yakunin. The state company has become very expensive freight segment, increases tariffs on passenger routes, each year the state received from the large subsidies and complained about the lack of funds. This is not surprising, if very large sums were allocated to obscure advertising and information projects, which oversaw the former head of the Department of Communications of the Russian Railways Sergey Mikhailov.

Today it is known as PR, the head of "Mikhailov & Partners" and TASS agency. And when Yakunin Railways engaged in the development of tens of millions of dollars with affiliated companies. In particular, writes "Politika" , 15-year contract for advertising services monopoly won anyone to roofing is not famous of "Laith" in 2006. Rather, it simply became a monopoly in this area, as other participants in the tender was not allowed. This "Laith" was previously only known to drop a billboard in the Moscow subway, which led to the paralysis of the tunnel. Allegedly, all those years approached to Mikhailov firand brought him at least $ 8 million, and it belonged to Vitaly Krivenko - his longtime business partner. Also, observers have pointed to another office, "IPI" and its branch "T +", which directs man Aleksey Mikhailov Goreslavskii. The firm is also beneficial mastered finances Railways.

But it was not enough and our PR stimulated guide state-owned companies to allocate 150 million dollars. Allegedly, it was necessary for the rebranding Railways. And this despite the meager annual $ 5 million spending on a more important program for the repair of cars. The entire re-branding has been reduced to stealing logo in Hong Kong Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, painting trains gray and TVC, warning Russians about the fare. Since then, the "Russian Railways" brand has become an occasion for various anecdotes.

Later, after the scandalous resignation of former defense minister Serdyukov Mikhailov became his personal PR expert. Of course, to improve the unenviable public image of the man. And now our hero manages Tass news agency and a private public relations firm. Rumor has it that workers are not very comfortable Tass itself hvstvuyut under the new leader. And the news about the fact that Putin reportedly said of the shelling of Ukrainian territory of the Russian side, stirred up the whole Internet.