Sergey Chemezov - RBC: "How can I advise the president? Who am I?"

The state corporation entrusted to Sergey Chemezov was once engaged in the export of arms, and now creates monopolies in the domestic market. In the interests of the country, it is sometimes better to appoint suppliers by decision, the head of Rostec believes. 
Origin source
"I hope, Mr Andersson realized his mistake"

- The first question is about the "Platon": Rosavtodor had to choose an operator for a new system of road charging in the competition, but you insisted that this operator has been appointed directive - reasons of national security. As a result, the contract was awarded to "Rostec" Andrew Shipelova and son Arkady Rotenberg. Additional charges itself "Plato" sparked protests among truckers. Do you consider yourself responsible for this situation?

- We, as stated earlier, took over the development and produced system. Today it is one of the largest telematics systems in the world. All equipment that is installed (on the slopes, in service "Plato", etc. - RBC), made on the basis of Russian technologies, including enterprises' Rostec ". For the first time in our country a system of this scale is created without a license foreign producers - all of their own, domestic.

Global claims to it does not, the system works. There were no major disruptions, during the first days of the "Platon & raquo; (Earned from 15 November -. RBC) system withstood one of the most powerful hacker attacks in Russia.

The contest was canceled, indeed, due to the fact that such a project could not prevent the possibility of leakage from Russia is very sensitive information. Moreover, we would be forever deprived of the opportunity to create your own product in the transport telematics. Therefore, we have clearly given their position at the time: that foreigners should not get all the market.

- But you see - drivers blocked the road, why do not you think?

- This question is probably not need to ask us. "Rostec" - performer. We ordered the equipment, we have manufactured and installed. We did the software.

- That is also your software? 

- Software is entirely Russian. All started, the system works. The size of tariffs, we do not set the fines, the relevant departments are engaged together with the Ministry of Transport. They should explain to the drivers, what is being done to build the order of system integration.

Collected through the "Plato" money earmarked will go onrepair and construction of roads. That is not in the general budget pot, and clear objectives. Tolls on roads exist throughout the world. Why Russian carriers do not have to pay? The major instigators of public protests are mostly small carriers. Companies in which the owner and the driver - the same person.

- That's the thing - the main blow fell on small businesses, which seems to be intended to support the ...

- Just a legitimate small business is protected, is supported. The system of "Plato" protects small businesses from unfair competition. This start-up businesses and small companies, who in the park, there are between two and ten machines, suffer from illegal carriers who do not pay taxes, do not carry out proper maintenance of equipment and virtually destroy the competition due to dumping prices for the services of carriers. A system of "Plato" it reveals: where he went, where he took a cargo that was carrying. Do not hide. I think that's what they do not like. After all, the fee for use of the trails are not as big.

In aultimately all costs are passed on to the carrier customer service, so there is incorrect to speak about infringement of the rights of small businesses.

- "Rostec" - a minority shareholder of AvtoVAZ, the largest car manufacturer in Russia. For two years he headed west manager - Bo Andersson. You recently said that you do not like his style of management. What do you actually do not like it? You will initiate a change of management at AvtoVAZ?

- So I did not say. K Andersson have questions. First of all, they concerned the reduction of employees. I did not like how the process so people can not leave. In 2008-2009, AvtoVAZ has cut about 45 thousand. Employees. But there was no sound, was clearly built process, we worked together with the regional authorities and the Ministry of Labor. They found new jobs, transferred people have trained, they got a new profession. But the cut firmly on the principle of "half go and let the rest work" - that is impossible. We interviewed him, I hope he understood.

- And if you do not understand?

- In any case, I can not be firedbe self-AvtoVAZ general director, because there is a controlling shareholder (Renault-Nissan group -. RBC). But we have an understanding on the part of our French colleagues, Mr [Renault-Nissan President Carlos] Ghosn, and I hope that all the same, Mr. Andersson realized his mistake.

In any case, now in order to avoid cuts in the framework decision was adopted the Board of Directors to transfer the [enterprise] in the four-day working week - it will fall on the background of the general economy and the automotive market to save jobs for thousands of people.

- But in general, you are satisfied with the development of AvtoVAZ?

- I believe that Andersson - a strong leader and adequately manages the company. He has successfully implemented the achievements made even with [the previous president of AvtoVAZ Igor] Komarova. Factory has released a new model Lada Vesta. December 15 presented another novelty - X-Ray, and has already launched into serial production.

- The "Rostec" is in the proportion of "Aeroflot", you sit on the board of directors. How will the market withdrawal of its nearest competitor - & laquo; Transaero "? Do not undermine this trust if investors and banks in general to the industry?

- Yes, this problem may occur. As a shareholder of "Aeroflot" I am satisfied, because the company will grow. Around the world, there is consolidation in the aviation market, in every country grows only national carrier - see what happens on the markets of Germany, France and Switzerland.

- Whether it was possible to save the "Transaero"?

- In early September, we are on the "Aeroflot" Board of Directors decided to buy for 1 rbl. "Transaero" all debts. But there was a condition that the sellers have put together a package of at least 75% plus one share. Unfortunately, they were unable to do this, so the deal never took place.

To me personally, the shareholders of "Transaero" did not come, they did not conduct conversations. Although, of course, I know all of them well. In my opinion, the company with a debt of 250 billion rubles. rescue was not possible without the help of the state. On this subject the economic situation is hardly worth it to count.

The situation, of course, can affect ticket prices. Therefore it is better if a blocking stake in the largest pensozchika will always be in the hands of the state, somehow you can adjust the pricing.

- Is not the market has to adjust the price?

- Of course, a must.

- You planned reconstruction of the airport in your native Irkutsk Region and the like have been negotiating on this project with the Chinese Alibaba Jack Ma.

- Yes, that's right. With the Chinese met my deputy. They really showed great interest in the Irkutsk airport because there is expected to make a hub through which it would be possible to organize a large cargo.

As long as I can remember, the talk is repeated every year that need to carry the strip to another place that exists leads to a crash. And for various reasons, the project could not move.

We proactively offered to "Rostec" took on the task of collecting a pool of investors and started work. What are the required investments - we do not know yet. When will the project when it is ready to design and estimate documentation, then we can talk, what tools are needed.

SergeiChemezov and "Rostec"

Trip with Putin

Sergei Chemezov was born in 1952 in the city of Cheremkhovo Irkutsk Oblast. In an interview with "Itogi" in 2005, he told me that growing up in a disadvantaged area, where the "fight was almost the only form of entertainment." Chemezov was engaged in boxing section, became the winner of the championship of Russia. After high school, he enrolled at the Polytechnic Institute, but because of the competition missed classes and was expelled a year later. Then he entered the Irkutsk Institute of National Economy, which in 1975 he graduated with honors.

Chemezov worked first in Irkutsk Research Institute of rare and non-ferrous metals, and then moved to Moscow and worked in the experimental-industrial association "Luch".

In 1983-1988 years Chemezov headed the representative office of "Ray" in the GDR, where he met with President Vladimir Putin. "We lived in the same house, and spoke in the service, and a neighbor. In general, a common thing, in the long business trip abroad always pull to the nation ", - Chemezov recalled in an interview with" Itogi ".

Career at home

In 1988, Theezov returned to the USSR, and became deputy director general of the foreign trade association "Sovintersport". In 1996 he was appointed Head of Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the RF President Administration, where he worked under the leadership of Putin. He then became Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the presidential administration.

In 1999-2000 Chemezov headed FSUE "Promeksport", then became deputy general director of "Rosoboronexport". In 2004, he was transferred to the post of director general.

In 2007, Chemezov was the decree of the President appointed General Director of "Russian Technologies" State Corporation (later renamed "Rostec").

family Business

"Profile" magazine pointed out that Love Chemezov, the first wife, with residence times in the GDR was friends with his wife Lyudmila Putin. Subsequently, the couple divorced. Chemezov married to Ekaterina Ignatova, which is actively engaged in business in a variety of industries - from banking to pharmaceuticals. Also, is the eldest son of a businessman Chemezov, Stanislav, who was born in 1973y.

In 2011, the newspaper "Vedomosti" has put forward the theory that business interests Ignatova and son Chemezov associated with the "Russian Technologies". Chemezov, commenting on this assumption, stated: "The scope of work of" Russian Technologies "is so vast, that wherever worked Ignatov, with a strong desire to communicate with the state corporation could always pull the ears."

According to Forbes in March 2015, Ignatov holds 70% of the company "Kate", which developed automatic transmission, which is set including AvtoVAZ cars (29% of AvtoVAZ thus belong "Rostec"). Stanislav Chemezov, according to Forbes, was the co-owner of "Medfarmtehnologiya" management company "Farmapolis" project ( "Russian Technologies" project lead). He was also co-owner of Gelendzhik resort complex "Meridian", "Genpodryadgrupp" and other companies.

Altogether Chemezov four children. According to data for 2009, the second after Stanislav son was in medical school, a daughter was a student at the MGIMO, and the younger son - a schoolboy.

In 2014, revenue totaled Chemezov family803 360 000 rubles. 56,230,000 earned personally Chemezov, and 747 130 000 - Ignatov.

More than 700 companies

Now in the "Rostec" includes more than 700 companies, divided into 14 holdings (nine and five civil defense). In particular, "Rostec" include concern "Kalashnikov" holding "Russian Helicopters" holding the optical product development, "Schwabe". Many of the works are the monopoly of the state corporation.

One of the "daughters" "Rostec", "RT-Invest", is co-owner of "Invest RT Transport System". This company became the operator of the money collection system with truckers "Plato", the launch of which is accompanied by massive protests.

"Rostec" was formed in 2012 on the basis of "Russian Technologies", created in 2007, during the re-branding. "Vedomosti" newspaper has learned that the project worked Center for Strategic Communications "The Apostle" and the founder of the British agency Winter Ilya Oskolkov-Tsentsiper. The "apostles" newspaper reported that $ 1.5 million was spent on rebranding. The main idea was otkas by the Soviet army-image in favor of a more modern image.

"And we do not forbid anyone. Build and sell "

- On "Rostec" website still says that it is a corporation that facilitates the creation, development and export of high-tech products. In his message to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin unexpectedly announced plans to build another structure - Agency for Technological Development. You about it know something? Will you participate in the work of the agency?

- It is difficult to say. We promote products that the company produces "Rostec". But this is not the whole industry. Perhaps it is about helping small businesses, which itself is not able to promote their products.

- "Rosoboronexport", on the basis that there was "Rostec" engaged in supply abroad. But at some point you start to add in portfolio assets of the corporation is not associated with the export - on the contrary, focused on domestic consumption, on government orders. At what point has changed strategy and why?

- Yes, we originally created"Rosoboronexport" and the system of military-technical cooperation, which is now successfully operating. We are criticized for monopolizing the export flows, but time has shown that everything was done correctly. In 2000, when the "Rosoboronexport" has been created, the export volume was less than $ 3 billion today - more than $ 13 billion and order backlog was approximately $ 8 billion, and in 2014 -. $ 45 billion.

Military-technical cooperation is subject to Board of UN Security standards and controlled by the President of Russia. This provides maximum protection against the spread of weapons to terrorists.

Then we began to gather around him productive assets. It was decided to establish a "Rostec". The new company transferred from the Federal Property Management Agency various businesses, one third of them - in a state of crisis, a part on the stage of bankruptcy, lost part of their property. These state-owned enterprises, we subsequently partitioned between holdings in different directions and its strategy for the development of each holding.

For comparison, the loss of the enterprises included in the "Rostec", drawn up in 2009. L 60 billion rubles, revenues - 500 billion rubles. Today, the net profit - about 40 billion rubles, revenues -. More than 1 trillion. Today "Rostec" - this is a very diverse organization that is engaged in manufacturing a wide range of products - not only military but also civilian, in particular pharmaceutical.

- That's just interesting - you create a monopoly producers and sellers, has focused on the domestic market. For example, you created a pharmaceutical corporation "Natsimbio" claims to be the main supplier of insulin and other medicines in the framework of public procurement.

- There is no such purpose - to monopolize public procurement. We start to produce its own pharmaceutical products. In some groups made only 7-8% of the drugs, the rest is imported (ie demand is met through imports -. RBC). And it is a question of security of the country. Because any vaccine can include any item that is not known what impact on our people, future generations. That I exaggerate, but hypothetically the possibility of this is.
<br /> So we set out to do a full production cycle. Such plants (in the holding -. RBC) are working - for example, the "Fort" near Ryazan. Then the state management "Rostec" transferred the largest vaccine manufacturer - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Microgen". We plan to create other production sites. Thus we force competitors to do full-cycle production here in Russia, rather than simply deliver, packaged and pour [ready, in fact, the drug].

At one time, someone allowed to consider bottling and packaging of local production of medicines. According to statistics obtained all great - 70-80% of its production, and in fact - 10 times less! After we announced plans, foreigners too fussed, too, wanted to build factories in Russia. And we also do not forbid anyone. Build and sell, create production here in Russia, not abroad. As soon as the market will be a sufficient number of producers and we will provide medicinal independence of the country, it will be possible to get away from a single supplier.
- But like in Russia now operates five businesses that produce insulin - three Russian and two with foreign capital, is not it?

- A full cycle of production has only one. Others, at best, do some part, a substance is brought, and then from then on doing here. Only one company - "Geropharm" - completely produce insulin in Russia, but it is a few percent of the needs.

- But if there was a demand, there will be and the manufacturer that would let domestic insulin, so?

- Demand is. People are sick, unfortunately, and the state buys drugs. Just more profitable to import finished products here and receive up to 600%. arrived. They do not need to invest anything. I put the bottling line and all. It is also investing?

- Was the information that you are negotiating the acquisition of the plant "Bioran" in the suburbs.

- Yes, we would like on the basis of this plant to build full-cycle production of insulin.

- Your eldest son Stanislav invests in the pharmaceutical market, owns 30% of the company "Medfarmtehnologiya" which exerciseS THE "Farmopolis" project in Volokolamsk district of Moscow region - there are 200 hectares of pharmaceutical cluster should appear ...

- He was with a small share in one of the enterprises. But already I sold it.

- That is "Farmopolis" will not be the basis for building a full-cycle production of some drugs?

- No. If they want to, then do it. They do not want - so, no. While there is only bottling.

- You said that you are applying for 25% of public procurement markets in general and 8% of the total pharmaceutical market. There are deadlines to achieve these figures?

- His targets we plan to achieve, as soon as said by 2020. According to some vaccines much has already been achieved. It is important to understand that our key goal - not market share, and the independence of the country in the production of essential medicines, the organization of production in the conditions of a full cycle.

"They're your iPhone is made in the same factory as we do"

- Do you think "Rostec" effective organization? How can it be assessed? You were going to bring some of his company on the stock exchange, but are not ETSLali this.

- Recently, the strategic committee of the supervisory board approved a new development strategy until 2025, I hope that before the new year it will adopt and the Supervisory Board. "Rostec" is already among the top ten engineering high-tech companies in the world. We put a very ambitious goal - to make our company grow by 17% per year. The task is heavy, but all the leaders agreed holdings and signed this.

By 2035, "Rostec" expects to become a global player in the markets, having caught up with companies such as GE, Siemens, and others, and also become a leader in at least two or three segments. To this end, we "redistribute" our technology and product line in favor of fast-growing markets.

- How can I control it? You do not have the same reporting IFRS in any of the companies.

- We already have a consolidated reporting. Some of our holdings have already switched to IFRS. It is clear that an IPO in the near future is unlikely to be given, and political and economic situation. But this does not mean that we will not seek financial and technological partners, investorsThat could enter into the shareholders of our holdings.

We are in negotiations, including the Arab countries, which are showing great interest, such as our helicopter holding, and are willing to act as co-investor. That is not necessary to go to the open market securities can be without it to find partners.

- It's like Yota Devices was? (Hong Kong investholding REX Global Entertainment in October acquired 64.9% of the Russian manufacturer Yota Devices smartphones, its share of the $ 100 million sold Sergey Adoniev and Albert Avdolyan "Rostec" kept in the company's 25.1%, but did not rule out the sale of this share in the future . - RBC)

- Yes, a good example.

- There have been publications that Yota Phone smartphones sold very poorly: the costs of production, promotion and organization of the first-generation phone system sales were estimated at $ 50 million, and sales in 2014 - almost five times less ...

- I do not know where you get this, it sold much more. Maybe, when I started selling these figures appeared. But now the demand is high for a startup, including abroad, do not have time to claimrivozit.

Compare with recognized international brands, like the iPhone, of course, difficult. We are still very small by world standards. But we have created the first Russian smartphone, and it is no worse quality. It is clear that we have to buy accessories all over the world to be the most competitive, but so do the Americans. iPhone is manufactured in the same factory as we do. But all the ideas at the heart of our Yota Phone, our architecture, our design.

- Still, the investment paid off or was not such a goal?

- Of course, the purpose of this was. For what then create a business if it does not pay off? We all built on commercial principles. While the cost has not yet been paid off, the sales are, but I hope that will pay off. Investors who sold his stake, went out with a small plus.

- Do you have a phone?

- I've got three of them - Yota Phone, Samsung and iPhone.

- Most any use?

- Basically two - iPhone and Yota Phone.

- What are the new trends may appear in "Rostec"?

- As long as enough. Enough of what is. An important question is how we are going Global DevelopingWe are what we are, and what the industry to focus in the future. After all, you need to look in the future 10-20-30 years. The priority is, of course, telekomoborudovanie, robotics, new materials, control systems, and others.

- Still periodically it becomes aware that "Rostec" became interested in the new industries. For example, your people suddenly appear at the Kaliningrad Amber Plant.

- No, it's core assets. We got at the time the shares of several mining companies and together with them - Kaliningrad field. The "Rostec" there is a large division that deals with mining projects, which includes the three institutions have remained ever since the Soviet Union.

- Chairman of the Board of Directors Amber Plant Vitaly Maschitsky. He also took the same position in the "Natsimbio". It's your old friend?

- On Amber Plant Vitaly Maschitsky - Independent Director. In the pharmaceutical industry it participates own means. He has already bought part of the package "Bioran" shares; and will make it to the "Natsimbio" to invest in the construction of a new plant. In addition, the company Maschitskogo - partners "Rostec" for mining projects. Maschitskogo I know for a long time, and we have long been effective partners.

- Why do you need foreign projects for the oil industry, the gas pipeline in Pakistan?

- We have a huge corporation like instrument - on the one hand, the opportunities and resources to ensure an agreement at the level of the two governments. On the other hand, we can take part in a very complex tenders. But our ultimate goal - the promotion of technology and products that make our businesses. For example, the construction of a gas pipeline in Pakistan makes it possible to use our gas turbines production JDC [Joint Engine Corporation].

"Turkey is very little we bought"

- The Russian economy is going through a difficult period - reduced GDP, inflation accelerates. It is superimposed on the global crisis. What is your forecast how events will unfold?

- We expect the streetepide- 2018, if you focus on the forecasts of the Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank. In the defense sector - mainly for us - a serious deterioration yet. What is a crisis and we do not see in their enterprises. The state defense order is big, arms exports is growing every year.

In the civil sphere is more difficult. For example, the production of cars. In the automobile industry the situation is really very difficult, the market fell by almost half. Earlier in the Russian market sold about 3 million cars a year, but now - about 1.5 million, and next year could be even less. People tend not to buy expensive things, including cars, keep the money for a rainy day.

But in all that relates to the defense, we do not have problems.

- In the world there are several military campaigns, including with the participation of the Russian army. Armed conflicts are for the benefit of enterprises of the military-industrial complex? Is this feeling "Rostec"?

- On the one hand - fortunately, on the other - unfortunately, but it's true. We have the state defense order, despite CreasyAlmost not reduced. Let me add that since 2000 we have a steady growth of arms exports. For the past 15 years was not a single year decline.

The order book of "Rosoboronexport" is $ 45 billion. That's enough to our businesses feel confident.

- In 2014, the United States and European Union imposed sanctions against several "daughters" "Rostec" and against you personally. whether sanctions stopping you? Last year, as you wrote in the corporate report, about $ 2 billion, which were intended to "Rosoboronexport", hung in foreign banks. Did you solve this problem? Will it continue to occur?

- The problem was this really, but we solved it. We have moved to settlements with counterparts in national currencies, and as long as we have no problem. And now we have even more luck - the yuan hit the list of reserve currencies, and we will begin to pay for the delivery of many in RMB through domestic banks.

- But, for example, the famous "Kalashnikov" products "Rostec", due to sanctions has completely lost the US market. Will he be able to compensate for ADfrom loss, selling its products in South America and South-East Asia?

- Yes, this loss is already compensated. Although, I must admit, at first it was really difficult. "Kalashnikov" has worked hard to promote the products on the markets of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the company has even increase compared to previous years.

- As far as a substantial partner in military-technical cooperation for Turkey was Russia?

- Turkey is very little we bought.

- To clarify the situation around the supply of arms to Iran what they are buying - the C-300 or C-400? Can there be another delivery of weapons now that the country with the international sanctions lifted?

- Iranians have asked them to put the C-300. I expect that deliveries will begin by the end of 2016. The advance we have already received. I think that will continue to enhance cooperation, including in the civil sphere. Sanctions lifted, but there were, however, some limitations. You can sell any weapons to Iran, except for the means of attack.

- The European Union has banned the supply to Russia of so-called dual-use goods - that is,st of components that can be used in civilian and military products. In addition, we stopped deliveries of components from Ukraine. Is it complicated the life of enterprises "Rostec"? The government has set a target of full import of military technology by 2018. Do you deal with it?

- Companies' Rostec "has replaced more than half of the critical technologies. In total there were in 2014 about 450, 270 already mastered.

Obviously, it makes no sense to make everything completely on their own, if you have the opportunity to purchase supplies in Southeast Asia, in China. We will fully produce their own only what concerns nuclear weapons and strategic missiles. Everything else can be partially replaced by imports from the East.

As for Ukraine. Prohibitions primarily concerned the supply of engines for our helicopters. We have already started to produce analogues in our company, "Klimov" in St. Petersburg, which is part of United Engine Corporation. By 2018, we will be able to provide 100% of the demand, "Werthletov Russia "in the helicopter engines database.

"On the Internet, so much has been written about all"

- Recently "Rostec" announced the appointment of former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, industrial director of the aviation segment. Not everyone liked it, because Serdyukov appeared in a major corruption scandal. Why did you decide to appoint him to this position?

- The fact that he knows the first day of creation "Rostec", was the chairman of the Supervisory Board for five years. He is very well aware of and understands the aviation sector. Because, again, was defense minister for many years - is well aware of the process by the customer. And the money can count, he still led the tax office for many years.

To him specifically any claims from law enforcement agencies did not. Why it can not work? He has to go out into the street with an outstretched hand?

- He turned to you or you to him?

- He turned to me, because for a long time knows me. Serdyukov two years worked as an advisor of my first deputy. Aut just as the corporation was reorganized.

- Why is reorganization?

- Not a crisis. We now come to a new stage of its development. First, we collected and sequenced assets, now is the time to improve and optimize. At the same time we started with ourselves, with the central unit, and now this process we distribute on holdings.

We have today between the workers and the general director - about 17 subordination levels, and our competitors - six. There is a difference. We managers - 18% of all employees, and in the European large industrial corporations - 5.10%. The purpose of this process - improving operational efficiency. We are becoming leaner, leading non-core functions to outsource, often combined. We introduced the Institute of Industrial Directors, which brings together our holdings still larger structures - industrial clusters.

This gives us an effective stock control, and we are working on the growth of capitalization and increase dividends. At the same time, we can now offer the level of market wages and bring in a professionals, including those of large businesses.

- Have you seen the investigation Alexei Navalny on business family Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika?

- No. But I heard about him. I do not care. On the Internet, so much has been written about all. And about me, there can be a lot to read. I can say that there is just half fiction. Take some fact, and foam is whipped around him.

You still did not address accessing. I'm not the head of the investigation service and the prosecutor's office. Why should I have something to express their thoughts in relation to the Prosecutor General?

- It is believed that you are involved in politics. For example, are advising the President of the Nominations governors.

- This is from the realm of fantasy. How can I advise the president? Who am I? I'm the head of the production group, corporation.

- You work in many areas and, of course, the heads of the regions know firsthand ...

- Of course, I know, I work with them. But appoint them I can not. The President makes decisions independently. He did not need any consultants.

- But youublichno supported the losing candidate for the post of the Irkutsk Region Governor Sergei Eroschenko. How do you feel about his loss?

- Unfortunately, the trouble Eroschenko that he never had the experience of pre-election work. In May 2015 it was rated in the region of about 65%. It is thought that this is enough, do not need to do anything, and went on vacation. And all his competitors were active. As a result, he lost, he lost to rival a little.

- You stood up publicly for Alexander Gorbunov, director general of "granddaughter" "Rostec" - "Prominvest," co-owner "Barrier", which referred to the organizer of the attack on the journalist Oleg Kashin. Involved in the case say that the journalist Gorbunov revenge for harsh remarks against the Pskov region Andrei Turchak governor. You wrote a positive response Gorbunov to law enforcement. Confident in it?

- I still believe that it was all staged in order to take away his business. Because everything is made by people who had worked, he caught the hand. itstolen and simply decided to remove it. That's all. I still believe that the way it is.

I know Gorbunova on all sides as a positive person who can organize a major production. His company makes the components for our plants. If he ceased to manage, the enterprise could collapse and we have a large amount of the order would not be executed.

- How did you meet Gorbunov?

- I met him when he was an assistant to Serdyukov. Then he was Head of External Relations at the Ministry of Defense. Then he left the ministry, and I invited him to us. He was my advisor and at the same time engaged in distressed assets in Novosibirsk.

- Abroad, the arrests began at the suit of the Russian assets of the former shareholders of Yukos. You have not seen this? Ready lawyers in case of arrests?

- We do not have property abroad. Such issues do not arise, and therefore of our lawyers is not necessary.