Senator Lebedev accused Vekselberg and Blavatnik of fraud

Former shareholders of TNK-BP Leonard Blavatnik and Viktor Vekselberg believe that they settled accounts with the senator from Chuvashia Leonid Lebedev in 2003, when they agreed to transfer $600 million to him.
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Lebedev, who calls himself a "secret shareholder" of the oil company, claims that his package was worth twice as much as the funds - payment of income on shares which he could get. It still requires the former partners of at least $ 2 billion, and also accused them of fraud

Lebedev in February filed a lawsuit against the Blavatnik and Vekselberg in a New York court, claiming that he was their partner with a share of 15% in the company OGIP, which in turn owned 25% of TNK-BP. From former associates, he demanded at least $ 2 billion from the sale of shares in the oil company "Rosneft" (in March 2013 the state company acquired 100% of TNK-BP for about $ 55 billion, Vekselberg and Blavatnik earned about $ 13.8 billion). His claim Lebedev justified by the fact that the defendants helped to participate in the auction for the privatization of 40% of TNK in 1997 recalling a competing bid and providing $ 25 million in cash, and gave them another 1.8% stake in TNK and 10.5% of its "daughter" "Nizhnevartovskneftegaz". According to the lawsuit, in 2001 the parties concluded an "Agreement on Investment", which is assigned to Lebedev, "ownership of 15% of the totalthe second part of the parties in the oil business, "and Blavatnik and Vekselberg combined their stake in TNK company OGIP. In 2003, TNK became part of TNK-BP, which received 25% of respondents, but they withheld information from BP still on the beneficiary, according to the lawsuit Lebedev.

Until recently, the representatives Blavatnik and Vekselberg Lebedev denied all the claims, although they did not go into details. They tried to transfer the proceedings to the UK, filed a counterclaim in the High Court in London, but it was rejected in September. From the decision of the London court, which examined RBC became known businessmen argument.

On the eve of the transaction to combine assets with BP TNK-BP in 2003, Vekselberg was negotiating with Lebedev to buy back its indirect stake in TNK, according to court records. In this case, both parties agree. Blavatnik and Vekselberg argued that a deal on the acquisition of these assets for $ 600 million. However, Lebedev said that such a transaction could not be concluded because based Sovlink 15% estimates OGIP he wanted to get $ 1.4 billion. For $ 600 million Senator was willing to give up income to participate in a joint enterprises (TNK-BP) and of the bill by $ 200 million, which in 2001 issued in favor of OGIP Coral Company, acting on behalf of Lebedev (this bill provide dividend payments Lebedev). The court decision is to purchase agreement (Acquisition Agreement), dated 20 June 2003, in which Coral conceded OGIP bill and other rights for $ 600 million.

In an interview with "Vedomosti" Lebedev said that controlled the company Coral. But in a London court Blavatnik and Vekselberg failed to prove that he owned the company, and that in his name she could give up the rights to TNK. "Not in my power to determine whether the Acquisition Agreement to settle all the claims of Mr Lebedev or only a right to income," - decided to judge. Because, in his opinion, the senator was not a party to Acquisition Agreement, concluded under English law, the judge rejected the claim Blavatnik and Vekselberg. They appealed, the date of its consideration by the parties did not disclose.

Won the case in London, 13 October Lebedev sued New York additions to the suit. According to this document (RBC has a copy) in London has found out during the processs, the company OGIP, which is considered the senator, respondents concentrated TNK belonging to them, never owned oil company securities. OGIP was a "daughter" company with a similar name - OGIP Ventures, which is actually owned shares in TNK, follows from the testimony of representatives of Blavatnik and Vekselberg, says Lebedev. In fact OGIP pacifier was created only for negotiations with Lebedev, that he gave the impression that it is regarded as a partner in the joint venture, while he was excluded from the final beneficiaries of TNCs, according to the lawsuit. On this basis, the senator accuses former partners of fraud. And to their requirements to pay him at least $ 2 billion, he added fees that could get from TNCs and AAR (a joint venture Blavatnik, Vekselberg and "Alpha-group", which in 2003 received 50% of TNK-BP), if partners "fraudulently" not persuaded him to deal with the pacifier company in 2001 (with the exception of funds received from the OGIP - about $ 600 million).

Lebedev and Vekselberg's representatives refused from commentsentariev representative Blavatnik did not respond to a request to RBC.