Sberbank failed to sell the shopping centers on Novy Arbat

Not a single bid has been submitted to the auction.  
Russian Auction House (RAD) December 1 was to hold an auction for the sale of shopping centers "Novoarbatsky" and "Valdai" on Novy Arbat, it follows from the bidding documents. According to the glad auction did not take place due to lack of applications. Sell ​​planned six commercial premises with a total area of ​​15,855 square meters. m according to the documentation. It is also said that the bids were made in the interest of the companies "Evromagazin 21" and "SBC-car." According to "SPARK-Interfax", both of these companies through the "SBC Total" control "Sberbank Capital". Owners' Novoarbatsky "and" Valdai "planning gain for the area in a complex of at least 4.1 billion rubles, said in the bidding documents. Taking into account the location of objects in one of the major shopping streets of Moscow, and the presence of "Children's World" in one of them as the anchor tenant, this assessment can be considered an adequate market, says senior director of Capital Markets and Investment CBRE Irina Ushakova. But in the absence of any legal risks, it is stipulated.

On two representatives of investment companies, are considering the purchase of space in the center on Novy Arbat, said that the complexity of the object with the documents last week. In particular, in the words of one of them, the structure of the Savings Bank is not fully resolved all issues with the previous owners of objects on the transfer of ownership rights to the area. Considering these factors, the proposed price seems quite high, he said. What are these owners, the source "Vedomosti" said. However, according to the "SPARK-Interfax", 25% "Evromagazin 21" belongs to the company "Arbat Total Group" (developed network of "12 months" stores) the former adviser to the head "Rostec" Aynitdina Karzhauv. The same share of the "SBC-cars" in the co-owner and director of the company "Stroysevergrupp" Sergey Zorin. Savings Bank representative declined to comment. Contact with representatives of "Arbat Total group" Karzhauv and Zorin failed.

"Novoarbatsky" and "Valdai" built in the late 60s. last century. In March 2001, he was killed by one of the owners "Novoarbatsky" - Vyacheslav Gavrilov. And in 2004 the center management and tenants reported an attempt to capture "Novoarbatsky" structure associated with the Bank of Moscow. They attributed this to the fact that back in 1997 the company CJSC "Trading House" Semenov and sons "(owned at the time" Novoarbatsky ") took a loan of $ 2 million in Mosbusinessbank, which a year later was acquired by Bank of Moscow. Himself trading house "Semenov and sons" in 2001 was declared bankrupt. Ex-president of Bank of Moscow Andrey Borodin in an interview with "Vedomosti" in 2004, said that all credit commitments have been settled mall during the sale of the object "investors acting through Cypriot companies." Other details he did not disclose. A businessman Dmitry keys in an interview with "Vedomosti" already in 2012 called the owner "Novoarbatsky" exactly "Arbat Total Group".