Sberbank as hell

Sberbank branches, like a plague spreading throughout Western Europe in the Middle Ages, exist in every Russian city. 
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Sometimes "effective management" of the bank under the control of German Gref are sending illegal spam, which causes excitation of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia case against Sberbank, seeing the part of the organization signs of violation of the Federal Law "On Advertising". But this is not the biggest "violation" of a financial institution. On account of "Savings Bank" extortion, corruption and a service that can only be compared to the sale of sausages in the late USSR.

"February 13, 2014 the Moscow Regional Office of FAS Russia initiated a case against OJSC" Sberbank of Russia "for violating h. 7, Art. 5 h. 1 tbsp. 18 hr. 1 and 3 tbsp. 28 of the Federal Law of March 13, 2006 № 38-FZ "On Advertising", - says the official report of FAS.

The decision was made after consideration of the Moscow Regional OFAS individual complaints on the actions of the Savings Bank. The applicant in the appeal pointed out that the bank sends him SMS-advertising without the prior consent of the subscriber to receive it. Facts described victims of confirmed spam - Sberbank has not received priorAnnounce the subscriber to receive advertising.

If spam and phone calls about the "favorable loans at 20% per annum (!)" All over, it would be possible not to pay attention, but when managers are "Savings" are beginning to engage in extortion, and the head of the financial institution determined Forbs as "eccentric and madcap" it is worth considering where to keep the money.

In mid-2013 it was completed on the extortion case managers Mid bank "Sberbank" Russia 100 million rubles for the failure to return the loan in 700 million. Mediate a top manager of "Savings Bank" Andrei Zorin received four years of the colony, instead of the desired eight million for his services.

Investigators have been proven that Mr. Zorin entered into negotiations with businessman Konstantin Vachevskih about the elimination of its debt of 700 million rubles in June 2012. Vachevskih took in the Central Russian bank Sberbank for the needs of the firm a large loan, but in time it could not repay. Sberbank went to court, and the court of appeal of the Moscow Arbitration Court in February 2010I met all the requirements for the recovery of debt under the credit agreement. But Constantine recover Vachevskih could not do anything with the Savings Bank of the company, because it went bankrupt. Then he was asked to repay the debt with the help of "rollback" was, according to investigators, 100 million rubles. At the same time Zorin mediator demanded from the debtor an additional 8 million for his services, and at the beginning of August 2012 addressed to the FSB - soon turns detained all defendants in the case.

The most "baby" corrupt history - a "rebranding" "Savings" when slightly changing the bank's logo (a circle bent), and the color of the brand has become a rich green, spent about 20 billion rubles! This is not corruption, it is in Russia "rebranding" such as "rebranding" Gref "Savings Bank" has been since 2007.

It should be noted that in October 2011 Mr Gref was marked by the authoritative Forbes magazine as one of the 9 most unusual Russian businessmen - screwball oddballs and eccentrics.

Of course, all these things are not touched as long queues and are serviceds customer service in 1984. One such story took place before the New Year of 2013. Employees of the Udmurt branch of the "Savings Bank", in front of a festive party thrown documents with personal customer data to unauthorized dump! During the January holidays almost any bum could go and get credit for one of the "Savings Bank" clients. In addition to an application form for a consumer credit in the "Savings Bank" Russia and decisions on loan applications, on the "financial dump" two weeks were: personal data filling up their customers, there is a man of property, debt liabilities information, as well as the "salary" bank cards Savings bank of Russia with account number and copies of the documents (passport, work books, certificates of income)!

After these unpleasant stories "Savings Bank" would suit the name "Svalkabank". But if you go into one of the compartments, it's easy to come up with a name: "Ocheredbank" or "Hamstvobank" in any case of withdrawal of buttons (which are near to the banks inoryh you "service") is always switched off, so that the claims are likely to remain with you, unless you want to leave a note in the "Guest Book", which is equivalent to obtaining a loan to Russia by 2.5% in Western Europe, which of course is impossible .