Russian Agricultural Bank continues to milk the budget

The Agricultural Bank again cannot cope without state support. By the end of the year, they want to replenish the capital of the RSHB by another 10 billion rubles.
The Ministry of Agriculture proposed this year to capitalize the Agricultural Bank for another 10 billion rubles. This was reported by the deputy head of the ministry Elena Fastova.

If before that it was supposed to replenish the bank’s capital by 15 billion this year and another 10 next year, but now it’s decided to allocate all 25 billion by the end of this year. Unplanned recapitalization is considered due to the transfer of 10 billion rubles. from 2020 to 2019. Given this money, this year the bank will receive 25 billion rubles. from the state. The decision should be approved by the Presidium on October 7.

Earlier, RSHB already received money ahead of schedule: for example, in December 2017, 20 billion rubles planned by the budget for 2018. In 2017, the RSHB received 50 billion rubles from the budget. Last year, the bank was capitalized by 20 billion due to a lack of working capital, as well as money for various types of lending to farmers.

As the deputy minister explained, the funds will be provided to increase the authorized capital of RSHB, as well as lending to agricultural exporters. It is estimated that thanks to this money lending to export-oriented agricultural enterprises in 2020 will grow by 20–25%.

RSHB rises from his knees

From 2010 to 2018, Dmitry Patrushev held the post of the board of the Russian Agricultural Bank. Under him, the RSHB accumulated bad loans, regularly wrote them off, and at the same time constantly received state aid. In total, during this time, the state "poured" into the bank about 300 billion rubles.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that last year the Russian Agricultural Bank for the first time since 2013 ended with a net profit of 1.5 billion rubles. This year, he also shows a positive trend: in the first half of 2019, RSHB has already earned 3.6 billion rubles. net profit. For four years, RSHB suffered huge losses due to large reserves: a maximum of 94.2 billion, which they reached in 2015. Now, in the first half of the year, the bank allocated RUB 14.6 billion for loan reserves. - This is 8.6 billion less than last year. In total, by June 30 of this year, the bank created 337 billion rubles. reserves.

Is it possible that with the change of leadership of the bank, things will go uphill and Dmitry Patrushev, finally, managed to tear him away from the "feeder"?

Experts are skeptical about the growth of the RSHB business - the same people remained in the bank’s leadership and he himself, most likely, is still supervised by Dmitry Patrushev - though now from the chair of the Minister of Agriculture. Apparently, now the bank is capitalizing so that it closes old problems and puts its balance in order, which Patrushev so diligently smashed.

RSHB is responsible for lending to the agro-industrial complex, but after a change of leadership, it should have developed as a universal, unprofitable bank. However, it failed again and has to ask for extra money. Which again will go on increasing loans to agricultural exporters.

Do not forget about who took his place. Now the RSHB is headed by his deputy Boris Listov, who worked with Patrushev for almost 10 years. And now it’s obvious that the new chapter is working to reduce the damage caused by his predecessor, but still continues to work under his patronage and directs new loans in the right direction.

And if everything is clear with Patrushev, is it really possible for the Rosselkhozbank to get away with it. It should be assumed that yes. And the matter is not only in the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, where "their people" are now everywhere. According to rumors, the successor of the bank still has “useful” connections in the person of the Rotenberg family. They say that it was Rotenberg who also participated in the appointment of Listov as head of the RSHB. In any case, their banks have already worked together.

So, for example, in August, the Investigative Committee completed a criminal case against the head of the Nastyush group, Igor Pinkevich, who was credited by the Agricultural Bank and Rotenberg Bank. As a result, the construction site of the Tsaritsyno residential complex was appropriated by Rotenberg for debts. Whether the RSHB has lost something is unknown.

Another murky story linking Rotenberg and the RSHB is the incorporation of NPF Blagosostoyanie, controlled by Russian Railways. Why is the Agricultural Bank - it is not clear. It only comes to the mind of the experts that they act as nominal holders of shares in someone's interests. For example, the head of Oleg Belozerov, who is also considered the protege of the Rotenberg brothers.

It seems that the bank will continue to fulfill its function - to work in the interests of a certain group of people. Now you can see how deeply Patrushev launched his tentacles into the bank, however, apparently, he still had to moderate his ardor a bit, leaving the post of head of the Agricultural Bank.

Or is he waiting when he can use RSHB “to the fullest” to implement his (and not only) initiatives? Despite the fact that RSHB shows profit, it is obvious that without the help of the state it would not have been able to stay afloat. And support in the form of recapitalization will continue further, without a doubt, because now Patrushev has even more authority for this.