This is written by the Russian BBC service with reference to the cadastral statement and the data of the Cyprus registry. A representative of Onexima (owned by Prokhorov) confirmed the publication that the businessman bought the villa from the vice-premier, but declined to comment further.
From the cadastral extract it follows that from 2008 to 2017 Khloponin owned a plot of land and buildings in the city of Forte dei Marmi on the western coast of Italy. Now the villa belongs not to an individual, but to the company FDM Real Estate LTD. The BBC found the same legal entity in the register of Cypriot companies. It follows that this FDM Real Estate LTD belongs to Neptolino Holdings, which Prokhorov owns. The last company with him was mentioned before - for example, through it he owns a share in the network of "Shoes of Russia". Neptolino Holdings and FDM Real Estate LTD are registered at the same address in Cyprus.
Khloponin's representative did not comment on this information to the publication. She noted that this has nothing to do with Khloponin's work in the government, and the name of the buyer is known only to the family.
The sale of the Italian villa became known after the publication of declarations of members of the government for 2017. Last year, Khloponin earned the most in the government - almost 3 billion rubles. From the declaration disappeared house with an area of 818.4 square meters. m and a plot of land in 8223 square meters. m in Italy. The house of such a square could cost 6.5-20 million euros, the Russian service of the BBC reports with reference to the data of two local real estate agencies and two experts.
Prokhorov and Khloponin studied together at the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Financial Institute. In 1996 Khloponin became the general director of Norilsk Nickel, one of whose shareholders was Prokhorov. The company's main production facilities are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. From 2002 to 2010 Khloponin was the governor of this region.