New embezzlements in Russian Ministry of Defense: details

In the morning of September 26, it became known about the arrest of Alexander Vakulin. The head of the department of food supply management of the Ministry of Defense is accused of a recording bribe for the long-suffering ministry - 368 million rubles.
Origin source
According to the investigation, Vakulin facilitated the conclusion of contracts with the Ministry of Defense for the purchase of kitchens, bakeries of cisterns and other special equipment, in the execution of which they stole about 20 million rubles. He is charged with a particularly large fraud (part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code) and receiving a bribe in a particularly large amount (part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code). The colonel was sent to remand prison before October 29.

Sources of “Kommersant” said that data on embezzlement appeared in the spring of this year. They mean the contract of the Ministry of Defense and LLC Profbusiness, concluded in the winter of 2015. This and 11 other treaties became the subject of proceedings by the St. Petersburg FAS. The service check revealed the links between the founders and the general directors of the companies.

Petersburg LLC Profbusiness was registered in 2009, and since May 2016 is in the process of liquidation. Over the past 12 months, the company has acted as a defendant in eight cases for the amount of 11 million rubles.
The balance at the end of 2015 was 240.3 million rubles, revenue - 11 billion rubles, net profit - 974 thousand rubles.
The sole owner and director of the company is Anton Batskikh. He is the founder of eight companies, of which six still operate - LLC STILLAG, LLC TD STILLAG"(three companies with the same name but different TIN), LLC Profbiznes, LLC B Mу i-Europe Rus.

On the forums for feedback on the employer you can find feedback on the work in Batskikh’s companies: gray salary, complex character of the head.

"I can honestly and openly tell Batskikh Anton Alexeevich thank you for the experience that I acquired in this company. If the level of development of an employee is reduced so that he isolates from the whole conversation with Batskikh A. A. only obscene vocabulary and a description of the genitals in all its glory, then he hears only this,"- writes Maria, one of the former employees of the company STILLAG. "When you work, you write an application for hiring and then they tell you: we will not fill out your labor book yet, we will fill it in 1 to 1.5 months. You think you will be paid - as sad as it is, they won’t. You will be deceived 100%. Director in Moscow Batskikh Anton Alekseevich appears at work at best by lunch time, and may not appear for long. What is also very strange: when it comes to you interview with the director - the interviews are arranged very late in the off hours! The company that rips off!!! ", - one of the former employees writes about "KB GROUP” in 2009. According to the official website of KB Group, Stillag is a St. Petersburg representative office of a supplier of equipment for public catering and trade enterprises. The company's subdivisions are also located in Moscow, Voronezh, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

All companies are interconnected: LLC Stillag has common phones with LLC Spetstehmash. "TD" Spetstehmash" LLC (Ecotrade LLC, Baltiyskiy Vesovoy Zavod LLC) has common telephone numbers with LLC TD Stillag and LLC ProfBusiness. Its head - Igor Medyntsev plays with Batskikh in one basketball team. And Sergei Kalitin is a former founder of TD Steelwall and LLC Styllag.

Over the entire period of the company's existence, Batskih, Kalitin and Medyntsev received orders for billions: Profservice LLC - 1.3 billion rubles, LLC TD Stillag - 2 billion rubles, LLC Bee Mi-Europe Rus - 356.6 million rubles. The customers were the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the city of Tosno (Leningrad region), the Central Base Customs and the Vsevolozhsk state order service.

ProfBusiness LLC started working with the Defense Ministry in 2013. In September, the company received an order for refrigeration equipment with the contract amount of 82.9 million rubles. The company received contracts for a little more than 1.2 billion rubles.

At competitions from the Ministry of Defense in 2014, the companies LLC TD Stillag, LLC ProfBusiness mostly competed among themselves. The same scheme worked for companies at other state auctions - for example, ProfBusiness LLC and TD Spetstechmash LLC fought for deliveries of equipment for Vsevolozhsk's Single Customer Service.

ProfBusiness LLC concluded four state contracts with the Ministry of Defense in January and February 2015 - for 14.6 million, 30.1 million, 135.1 million and 684.2 million rubles, respectively.

OOO TD Stillag also entered into contracts with the Defense Ministry. The last one was concluded in November 2016 - the amount of the contract was 564.9 million rubles. The sum of all state orders from ministries was 2 billion rubles.

There is one more company - LLC TD Stillag. Its founder is Anton Batskikh, owner - Victoria Kalitina. The company has been in a liquidation stage since April 2017. The liquidator is Sergey Kalitin. Phone numbers coincide with the company-namesake and Kalitin’s LLC Nabat. This company concluded six state contracts with the Defense Ministry for 233 million rubles in 2016 and 2017.

LLC Spetstehmash concluded in 2016 three contracts with the Defense Ministry - 1 billion rubles.

The first claim for non-fulfillment of obligations under contracts to ProfBusiness LLC was submitted by the Ministry of Defense in June 2015. In total - eight arbitration cases. Each demand is about 1 million rubles, respectively. Another agency that is suing the company is the Ministry of the Interior. It is trying to collect 3.6 million rubles. Another 3.7 million rubles the Ministry of Internal Affairs recovered from LLC "TD" Spetstehmash".

On December 28, 2016, the St. Petersburg Federal Antimonopoly Service initiated a case of cartel collusion. As stated by OFAS, the companies even coincided with IP-addresses, from which the placement of bids was made.

On December 28, 2016, the St. Petersburg Federal Antimonopoly Service initiated a case of cartel collusion. As stated by OFAS, the companies even coincided with IP-addresses, from which the placement of bids was made.

Thus, the law enforcement agency will still have to dig into state contracts: probably, the amount of thefts, voiced by the press, is not yet final. Like the bribe of an official from the Ministry of Defense as well.