Rosneft expects growth in global demand for hydrocarbons

Oil will be small, and the share of gas in the energy balance will increase steadily, said the head of the oil company drowned in the debt swamp.
"Rosneft expects growth in global demand for hydrocarbons, which in the horizon of ten years against the backdrop of the depletion of deposits of world oil and gas companies will lead to a deficit of oil. Its Rosneft estimates at 700-750 million tons. At the same time, the company believes, the share of gas in the world energy balance will grow and by 2040 will reach 25%.

"By 2022, Rosneft could reach the level of annual oil production of 250 million tons per year or more, the company said in its materials to the annual meeting of shareholders held today in Krasnoyarsk. This figure will be achieved through organic growth, specified in the documents. By the same time, Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, said at the meeting, the company intends to replace at least 100% of the produced liquid hydrocarbons and ensure a total organic growth of hydrocarbon production to the level of 330 million tons of oil equivalent (at the end of 2017 - 281, 7 million tons). The extraction of new projects by Rosneft, which in 2017 was 14 million tons, by 2022 should reach 87 million tons of oil equivalent, the top manager added.

As Mr. Sechin said, the company proceeds from the expectation of a shortage of oil in the perspective of ten years. "Today, the market is quite unanimous in assessing that in the next ten years we are facing structural oil deficit, because the growing demand for oil is imposed on the decline in production in depleted major fields and the effect of reducing their capital investment over the past five years," the top manager of the " "Interfax" .- The oil deficit is estimated at 700-750 million tons of annual production by 2025. " For Rosneft, he pointed out, this is an opportunity to increase its market share. At the same time, the oil company expects an increase in the share of gas in the world energy balance "from 22% in 2016 to 25% in 2040, which in absolute terms means a 50% increase in consumption of almost 1.5 billion tonnes of oil equivalent," RIA Novosti ". "Rosneft expects by 2025 to begin deliveries from a new LNG plant in DeKastri, Mr. Sechin specified: according to him, the company proceeds to the stage of its design.

Igor Sechin also named three reasons for the increase in gasoline prices in Russia. According to the head of Rosneft, they have become a devaluation of the ruble, an increase in world oil prices and an increase in the cost of its processing. "If you used to have a dollar worth 30 rubles, now - 64. Thus, the purchasing power of the ruble devalued ... The company can not do anything to this factor was not: it already exists," Mr. Sechin said (quoted on "RIA News"). Russian companies supply oil, which has risen in price by 25%, for export, and for Russian refineries, Mr. Sechin reminded. "Add to this the growth of transportation costs, energy, and you will see that the cost of processing has grown significantly," he added. Igor Sechin stressed that at Rosneft's filling stations, "prices are the lowest in comparison with the prices of competitors."

The price of gasoline is frustrating ... I, too, are frustrated with the motorist, but if the state increases excise taxes on gasoline, then what does the company have to do with it? "- said the head of Rosneft.