Roskosmos may leave production at the Moscow site of the Khrunichev Center

Roskosmos may leave production at the Moscow site of the Khrunichev Center.
As it became known to Kommersant, Roskosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin instructed to work out an alternative option for the development of the Moscow site of the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs). We are talking about the establishment in Fili not only of an engineering center, but also the preservation of an experimental plant, where work will be carried out to modernize the Angara missile system, and also to create orbital modules. Thus, the management of the state corporation expects to keep jobs for the ordinary staff of the SCNC.

The fact that Dmitry Rogozin instructed to prepare an alternative option for the development of the Moscow site of the SCNPC, "Kommersant" told two sources in the state corporation. According to them, the plan assumes not only the construction of an engineering center (it will unite the capabilities of all Moscow's design bureaus), but also the preservation of a pilot plant in Fili that will engage in "improving the promising Angara carrier rocket and creating orbital modules." Thus, in the Omsk Production Association "Polet" it will be possible to concentrate the mass production of universal rocket modules for a new missile, and in Moscow - design bureaus and an experimental plant. Earlier it was reported that "Polet" will begin mass production of the Angara missiles by 2022-2023. By that time, as Roskosmos has claimed, the creation of the Proton carriers is already completed, since it will be impossible to launch it from the Baikonur cosmodrome in 2025 (because of the restrictions that were imposed on the use of rockets with heptyl).

The SCNC "Kommersant" indirectly confirmed possible changes, saying that the options for the development of the Moscow site are now being worked through. "The results of working out in the near future will be submitted to Roskosmos for approval and approval," the press service of the company added. The interlocutor of Kommersant, close to the state corporation, specified that a meeting on this matter involving Alexei Varochko and Dmitry Rogozin, the director of the State Space Research Center, should be held soon.

According to Kommersant's information, the immediate cause for this decision was social tension, which appeared in the SCNPP after promulgating in the media plans to reduce staff and transfer production of the Angara to Omsk. One of the interlocutors of "Kommersant" at the enterprise says that altogether from the beginning of the year there were three or four rallies in which dozens of people participated: "The degree of their discontent was colossal". In the trade union of the workers of the SCNPC, as well as in the youth council of the center, they state that they did not conduct such actions and do not have anything to do with it. According to another interlocutor of "Kommersant" at the enterprise, salaries after the changes that occurred this year, stopped responding to "common sense". As previously reported to Kommersant, the leadership of the SCNPC refused to pay bonuses to employees of the divisions and branches that make up the structure of the enterprise: this involved employees who previously had a raise for their permanent place of work at Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes, for long service, academic degrees, languages, for the qualitative execution of urgent and especially important tasks. Also, payments were lost by those who take leave for caring for children with disabilities, work during extra-hours and at night, are allowed to protect state secrets. "They removed everything and left only salaries," confirmed the "Kommersant" employee GKNPC.

The source of Kommersant in the state corporation asserts that the solution of social issues in the SCNC is one of the priority. Given the hole in the company's budget of 96 billion rubles. "taking urgent measures" is required. Such interlocutor "Kommersant" refers to the accelerated fulfillment of contracts for the supply of "Protons" (this will allow to load the plant's capacity in Fili for the coming years, and the missiles after assembly will remain in the custody of the manufacturer), as well as the prospects for the deployment of the Sfera satellite system Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated. To bring into orbit about 640 satellites, at least 25 "Angara" rockets will be required. The implementation of the project, according to Roskosmos, will allow to patch up the holes of the State Space Research Center in due course.

How the Khrunichev Center tries to become less so much better

The Khrunichev State Research and Production Center's leadership does not abandon attempts to optimize expenditures through mass reductions. By 2025, it is planned to reduce the number of employees at the Moscow site by more than 2.5 times and increase it to 1691 people. Debt obligations of SCNC are at the moment almost 100 billion rubles.