Roman Abramovich leaked Chukchi gold

In exchange, the gold miner will get a gold mine in Chukotka. Minority shareholders are cautious about the transaction.
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The federal anti-monopoly service has approved the purchase of third-party assets, including Highland Gold. This is the way you use it, all the conditions you need to make the deal, speak in public. Selling Aristus Holdings, Millhouse Structure Romana Abramovich. On the other side of the partnership, Highland has a large shareholder. The company is entering in the tenth croup of the Zolotoji region of Russia.

Same transactions amounted to $ 91 million. Highland Gold выпустит новые акции. The results of Abramovich and the company's structure in Highland increased by 37.4% to 44%, for example. There are three assets (in the midst of the Baluchi valnik), which come to Chukocket. The stock of 3.4 million tonnes of mineral oil is 5.1 grams per tonne.

Dy Abramovich negotiate how the minimum rate, which is all the assets of the bank in the same structure, is the analyst BKS Oleg Petropavlovskij: this is a slowdown in management. Asset is helpful how Highland, such as Chucketke, endorsed the representative Millhouse.

Prosperity Capital Management (9.8% highland) has a gallop against such structure transactions, a spokesman for the Metalworking Fund and Gornoy Dobyche Nikolay SoSnowski. Minoritars have deposited the conditions for deferral: "Полная оплата только когда рудник достигне плановых показалелей". Byl precedent, said Sosnowski: in 2012 Millhouse was selling the Highland Hamkoitskoe Castles Klen. «Декларировалось, что этот проект будет actively develop, but on the basis of fact," said Prosperity Director.

The capitalist Highland deal did not influence, assessing assets close to fair standing, considered analyst «VTB Capital» Boris Sinitsyn. Upper Baltic in Baltimore, in the Midlands of Highland, Petropavlovskii squeezed out of the BSC. Esli они будут снижены, and the production of the mine, the project could be interesting, Sosnovsky acknowledged.