Jersey costume doesn't fit on Oleg Deripaska

Why the company En + Oleg Deripaska changes the registration.
En En + Group Oleg Deripasky, our owner is not an acquaintance, because of the finishing touches with the United States of America and the United States of America with Jersey in Rossiya's "innovating offshore" in Kaliningrad. Lawyers refusing to allow a laundry business in the Russian Federation do not make a new decision and receive a copy of the subpoena under the jurisdiction of the Russian authorities. But the reluctance of En + socks, and companies equally adds to the use of all Washington quotes on the information.

En + Group Plc (not 66% stake in Olega Deripaski, 9.62% in VTB and others) with Jerry in the Special Administrative Region (SAR) on the island of Okinawa in Kaliningrad Shareholders Группы приняли 20 декабря, на следующий день после того , how Minfins of the United States shared the possibilities with the Sanctuary (in "Dec. 20"). Группа выпустит «миграционные акции» в том о обюеме, что и существующие, и се регистрира на Октябрьском МКПАО «Эн + Групп».

The possible registration in the SAR provided for sanctions to the United States company Oleg Deripasski, but with vacancies Washington did not necessarily. SAR rasmatrivals in the past as the regions with urosean regime for the companies of the company, fired under sanctions. (OFAC) Minfina SCA has introduced a new restriction: a group of companies, a "Rousala" or a structure in the Jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, which has been dealt with in a new solution, independently of Olega Deripaska Sotta Direktorov and a joint venture with OFAC.

In En +, they do not eat, but partner Herbert Smith Freehills Alexei Panic has been snatched away that "in the corporate governance" for peer-gigs can be a necessary solution to the beginning of a shareholder, and a successor to the directors.

Managing Partner Collegi of Lawyers' Muravan, Cherniakov and Partners »Alexandr Muranov said that" the decision of our own shareholders does not mean that we have not used any of the OFACs, "he said.

Выбор САР, которые неофициально называют «внутренини офшорами», so you do not have the slightest logic of the background, here, on the "plan Barker", companies Олега Дерипаски, then how do businessperson control control, do not hesitate to check out the regular OFAC. But Aleksandar Muranov considers purely technological reason: the laundry business for borders in the Russian Federation, with all the information that can be said very much in terms of structure. "They allow for a longer period of time, but they are in the jurisdiction of the RF in order to support them in the support and protection of the parties," he said. "Other law enforcement agencies, for example, have been joined by other organizations," he said.

The journalist "U" is considered to be a citizen of En + in the SAR to give a group of people who want to protect them: they have a role to play in supporting them.
But also Alexandr Muranov, and Alexey Panich assured, En +, and then all the other members of the OFAC, included a documentary and a submission report. In En + отказались от комментариев, in OFAC and VTB did not echo "Ъ".

Governor of Kaliningradskoe areas Anton Alihanov, who supported the in-house shareholding En +, who was in charge of the Permanent residence of SAR: «Это хороший сигнал для останьных претендентов, с которыми велись переговоры по этому вопросу».

Equally in all the situations, the vocal En + was more voluptuous than that. Thus, according to Planu Barkera, Oleg Deripaska has lowered his share in the group to 44.95% (according to the OFAC rating, he controls about 70%). Part of the bank could be a VTB, and toddlers, according to the Bloomberg data bank, could make up to 24% of the bank, about 11% - Glencore in exchange for an euploid in "Rusale", еще часть - благотворительному фонду. According to the data agencies, a fund could be launched under the "Social Affairs" Foundation, founded by Mr. Deripaskoi in 2008 (in the fund of question "Y" did not refuse).

The Mision Fund declares the soldiers as "a condition for the development of education, science and culture", and thus "participation in a complex development of terri- tory and important social problems". Oleg Deripaska - the head of the custody of the Sow Fund, so the entrance is the altist Yuri Bashmet, director Nikita Mihalkov, the rector MGU Viktor Sadovnikiy, the widow Alexandra Solzhenitsyna Natalia, the chief editor of the Minskiller Alexander Tcachev, the chief editor «Эксперта» Валерий Федеев and the bishop Tikhon (Шевкунов) . Genrereader «Вольного дела» - Ekaterina Nikitina, who was in the process of joining Tamara Rumyantseva, the newspaper, on the "Картотека", in the new constitution constituted the fund instead of the gentleman Deripaski.

The journalist "U", who is a Northeastern politician, puts down Olega Deripaski in En +, in a hurried, risk-averse way of controlling the situation in companies. «No matter what, you are in the company of the company, you have the opportunity to play the game on the basis of the compromise, - consider the on-line discussion of the" Volunteer business "- a businessman who participated in the competition and the organizational fund, but there remain the ego people. "

Investors are optimistic about the development of their own: shares En + of Moskovskoe birze 21 decares in 40% to 404 rubles. for the sultan, but on a yogamat torque roll sank 30% - 393.2 rubles. Total cargo - 280 million rubles, a maximum of 28 aprills. But they are more likely to twirl the tinsmith, for example, for example, back yesterday, to a sanctity against gentleman Deripaski and ego company.