Poroshenko's factory won a suit against the Russian tax authorities

The Arbitration Court of Lipetsk Oblast took the side of Roshen confectionery factory, owned by Pyotr Poroshenko, in a dispute with the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The court invalidated the additional accrual of taxes for 35 million rubles.
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Court invalidated the decision of the inter-district tax inspectorate on the largest taxpayers in the Lipetsk region, which assessed additional Lipetsk plant more than 35 million rubles. VAT, fines and penalties, reports RIA Novosti. Also another solution tax authorities denied the application of the tax deduction for VAT for the fourth quarter of 2014 and the return of RUR 25.9 million.

The motivational part of the decision is not published yet. By law, the Arbitration decision will come into force one month, but the tax authorities have the right to lodge an appeal before that date.

In a criminal case under part 4 of article 159 (fraud on a large scale) was initiated against Roshen Lipetsk factory in April this year. According to investigators, during the construction of candy factory in the Lipetsk region fraudulently 180 million rubles were stolen. budgetary funds. According to investigators, in 2012-2013, representatives of the Lipetsk confectionery factory "Roshen" and "Research and Production Company" Metallimpress "sent to the Federal Tax Service of Russia interregional inspection of the Lipetsk region fake documents allegedly executedIn 2012 the works on the construction of confectionery factory totaling more than 1 billion rubles. "The cost of work performed subcontractors engaged by NPF" Metallimpress "was obviously too high, and some organizations do not engage in any financial activities", - he explained the consequences of the position of representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin.

The founder of the company Roshen is the current president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Lipetsk confectionery factory he bought in 2001. Later there was also a second production site in the village Sentsovo Lipetsk region.

July 29, 2013 Rospotrebnadzor banned the import to Russia of confectionery products Roshen Ukrainian companies because of non-compliance to quality. In the control department said that in the milk chocolate Roshen found benzopyrene, which indicates a lack of proper control of food raw materials for manufacture of confectionery products.

In 2014 Lipetsk "Roshen" stopped production several times: for the first time - in the spring, due to the arrest of accountsMpano the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow in the framework of the criminal case on the suit of "United Confectioners" (Russian holding demanded 2.4 billion rubles for the illegal use of trademarks.), the second - in the fall, because of an overabundance of products in stock.

In April 2014 Poroshenko promised the German edition of Bild, which sells its business assets, if elected president. In May 2014 Poroshenko became president of Ukraine, however, still on Roshen buyer is not found. One of the reasons the President of Ukraine called the obstacles that make it the Russian authorities.

In June 2015 Poroshenko said that the pass of Roshen, which claimed three of the buyer, an investment banking firm NM Rothschild & Sons (Rothschild), "to stop the insinuations" and "to the name of Poroshenko among owners is not a number" (the transfer of property in trust it goes to the full disposal of the control, the owner can not interfere). According to unofficial information, asset Roshen interested Swiss Nestle and US Mondelez.