On one of the sites of the company "Eurodon" introduced quarantine because of bird flu

Breeding turkey can be fatal for business Vadim Vaneev: over the past two years this is the third case of bird flu on his farms.
On the official website of the government of the Rostov region, the order of the governor Vasily Golubev about the introduction of quarantine on the territory of Evrodon LLC due to avian influenza was published. The virus was found in the growing area # 5. Now on this site the company is prohibited from moving, exporting, selling and letting the bird to slaughter. All the number of birds on it will be destroyed by a bloodless way.

By order of the governor of the Rostov region, Vasily Golubev, because of bird flu, quarantine was introduced on the territory of the cultivation site No. 5 of LLC Eurodon. The order is published on the official website of the regional government. It says that the infected shop is 6 km to the right of the Novoshakhtinsk-Maisky road of the Oktyabrsky district. The threatened zone was determined 5 km from the epizootic foci, including the Kalinovka farm, and the observation zone - a 10-km radius, which includes the Novopavlovka, Novogrigorievka, Vesely and Krasny Kut farms. The Veterinary Department of the Rostov Region has been tasked with developing and approving an action plan for the elimination of avian influenza.

The company was ordered to ban entry to unauthorized persons and the entry of transport to the contaminated territory. It is also not allowed to pass personnel who previously did not serve this site, the shop's employees are forbidden to contact other birds. In the territory of the quarantine zone restrictions are imposed on the turnover of poultry, poultry products, feed and feed additives. Indeks can not be moved, exported, sold and allowed to be slaughtered.

"Now it is impossible to determine the terms of quarantine. The commission has left for the place, the events are being held, "Nikolai Bessarabov, first deputy head of Oktyabrsky district administration, told Yuganskneftegaz.

In the press service of the Veterinary Department of the Rostov region, "Y-Yug" explained that the "Evrodon" all livestock turkeys in the quarantine area will be destroyed by a bloodless method. All remains of fodder are also subject to elimination.

Recall, for the first time this year, the gene material of the bird flu virus was detected on two of the 24 sites of turkey producer "Eurodon" on July 13. Then, from the Eurodon sites, the same patrol material was sent to the laboratory of the Federal Center for Animal Health in Krasnodar and Vladimir to establish the presence of the virus. The laboratory in Krasnodar confirmed the presence of the virus, the examination in Vladimir - no. Therefore, the company initiated additional studies. Repeated examination in the Krasnodar branch of the Federal Center for Animal Health identified an error in the first study. After that, the company declared no infection. Now in the press service of LLC Eurodon, no new comments on the fact of detection of avian flu are given. In early July, the company noted that the birds could become infected due to the ingress of wild birds into the ventilation system during field work and a hurricane.

As of July 2017, Eurodon was the second largest turkey producer in Russia. In late 2016, the company's sites recorded the first outbreak of avian flu. Then the losses from the disease exceeded 2.5 billion rubles. Recall that the last time the genome of avian flu in the products of Eurodon was found in May last year. Infected turkey meat was found in nine regions of the Russian Federation: in the Kirov, Moscow, Rostov, Voronezh regions, the republics of Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Krasnodar and Primorye. The products were disposed of.