Oil General dug into the coal pit

Maxim Barsky will head the coal assets of Dmitry Bosov.
Former TNK-BP top manager and longtime acquaintance of the head of the Alltech group Dmitry Bosov, Maxim Barsky, will manage the Alltech coal companies, including Siberian Anthracite. The industry is on the rise due to high prices, analysts say, and Sibanthracite can use this to buy assets.

The former deputy chairman of the board of TNK-BP, Maxim Barsky, is returning from the United States to Russia to lead Dmitry Bosov’s Siberian Anthracite, Negazar telegram channel reported and sources told Kommersant. According to their data, it is not just about one company. Lord Bosov and Barsky declined to comment. The website of the Alltech group, which combines the assets of Dmitry Bosov and partners, indicates that its coal enterprises are the “production complex” of Sibanthracite and the Vostochny mine in the Novosibirsk region (total reserves - 327 million tons of anthracite), the Kiizassky mine Kemerovo region (reserves - 209 million tons of energy brands T and TC). As “Kommersant” reported on September 27, Dmitry Bosov, on behalf of the “Sibantratsit Group”, wrote to the Russian Railways OJSC that its enterprises produce more than 26 million tons of coal per year, and by 2022 it is planned to bring the volume “only in Siberia” to 52 million tons.

The revenue of AO Siberian Anthracite in 2017 was 36 billion rubles, a profit of 7.5 billion rubles, the revenue of Razrez Vostochny LLC was 13.46 billion rubles, a profit of 5.6 billion rubles, revenue Open Company "Cut" Kiizassky "" - 21,3 billion rbl., Profit - 6,68 billion rbl. (data of JSC and Kartoteka.ru). In addition, Mr. Bosova and his partners have projects for the extraction of coal in Taimyr (Arctic Mining Company) and in the Amur Region (Ogodzhinsky Energy Holding), as well as in Indonesia (Blackspace).

Maxim Barsky has long been acquainted with Dmitry Bosov: in the late 1990s - 2000s, they jointly invested in, among other things, the Internet provider, Cityline, and the oil company West Siberian Resources. After Mr. Barsky left TNK-BP in 2011, he headed Alltech’s Pechora LNG company (2012–2015) and was nominated from the group to the board of directors of oil Urals Energy. In addition, Mr. Barsky together with Alltech invested in Marta Petroleum, which owns hydrocarbon sites in Texas (reserves - 21 million barrels of oil equivalent), a businessman heads it and controls 28.1%. One of the sources of "Kommersant" claims that in the United States, Maxim Barsky was also involved in Internet projects in the banking sector.

Sources of "Kommersant" admit that Dmitry Bosov "wants to rest, transferring operational management in the group to an authorized person." Advance Capital's Karen Dashyan describes Maxim Barsky as a “competent negotiator and a good strategist” who has proven himself in various industries. In his opinion, the main shareholder of Sibanthracite with this appointment sets the goal of “more dynamic development of the company”.

Sibanthracite was preparing an IPO in 2013, but refused it due to poor market conditions. Now, coal prices continue to hold at multi-year highs (a ton of coking coal - $ 215, energy - $ 110), a revival is observed in the industry, says a Kommersant source at an investment company. According to him, the moment is not suitable for an IPO, since public markets are weak now, but the situation is favorable for consolidation: many assets are put up for sale. Investors are cautious about placements at the peak of the cost of raw materials, demanding from owners a substantial discount to the desired asset price, adds Oleg Petropavlovsky of BCS. At the same time, in August “Sibantracite” itself stated that shareholders “do not intend to sell the company or shares in it”.

The average prices for Mechel anthracite in April — May were about $ 90 per ton. The anthracite market is specific, it correlates with the coking and energy coal markets due to the various possibilities of using raw materials, explains Oleg Petropavlovsky. Coking coal prices will depend on the volume of supply from Australia and the USA, and the prospects for energy coal look ambiguous in light of the planned reduction in demand in China. It is unlikely that the growth in demand in Southeast Asia will be able to replace the outflowing volumes of China, the expert adds, especially since China is flexible in regulating the industry and can increase production at any time.