Katerina Bosova in vain rolled her lips on her husband's business

The court imposed interim measures on the stake in the Alltek company as part of the lawsuit filed by Dmitry Bosov's mother and his children.
The Odintsovo City Court imposed interim measures on Katerina Bosov's share in the Alltek holding company (controls Sibanthracite) at the suit of the mother of the deceased businessman Dmitry Bosov (was married to Katerina) and his four children. This is stated in a copy of the court ruling of October 12, which is in the "Vedomosti".

“To prohibit the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service 46 in Moscow from taking registration actions in terms of registering the transfer of a share in the authorized capital of Alltek LLC owned by Bosov Katerina Evgenievna to other members of the company, the society itself and third parties, as well as other actions entailing a decrease or an increase in the size of shares in society, ”the court ruling reads.

In addition, the court banned transactions and other actions that lead to the alienation of the share owned by Katerina Bosov.

A spokesman for Katerina Bosov told Vedomosti in response to a request for interim measures that "the requirements of the issued judicial act will certainly be complied with." The information about the court's decision to Vedomosti was confirmed by Dmitry Bosov's son Artem.

On October 6, the mother of the deceased businessman Dmitry Bosov, Lyudmila, and four of his children from two previous marriages filed a lawsuit against the widow of businessman Katerina Bosov in the Odintsovo District Court.

As RBC wrote with reference to sources, the mother and four sons of Bosov are contesting the transfer of half of the businessman's share in the Alltek holding company to the widow. As previously reported by Vedomosti, in August half of Dmitry Bosov's share in Alltek went to Katerina Bosov. As a result of the transfer, Katerina began to own 43.29% in Alltek LLC, the same amount belongs to the deceased Dmitry Bosov. The co-owners of the company are also its CEO Dmitry Aga (7.9%), as well as top managers Igor Makarov (3.16%) and Oleg Shemshuk (2.37%). Bosov's relatives decided to challenge the allocation of a share, since Bosov began creating a business before his marriage to Katerina, said one of the sources of RBC.

In turn, Katerina Bosov intended to increase her stake in Alltek to a control one. In the lawsuit sent to the court, she claims that her share is not 43%, but 77% of the company, a widow's representative told RBC. In the Odintsovo City Court and the Arbitration Courts of Moscow and the region, Katerina's claim was not registered, the newspaper noted.

The production assets of the Sibanthracite group are owned by the Cypriot Sibanthracite, the sole owner of which is Alltek. More than 86% of Alltek shares were controlled by the chairman of the board of directors Dmitry Bosov. At the end of May, Katerina Bosov replaced Dmitry Aga as head of the board of directors of Sibanthracite Management Company LLC.

The company "Sibanthracite" was founded in 2000. It is one of the largest producers of coking coal with assets in the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Amur regions. In 2018, the company produced 24.1 million tons of coal, almost a quarter of Russian production. By 2022, the company plans to increase production to 58 million tons per year, according to its website.

Bossov joined the Sibanthracite team in 2017. She was appointed general director of the company's subsidiary, SA Logistic, and then became the commercial director of Sibanthracite. In this position, she was responsible for the group's sales and logistics. In 2018, Bosov joined the board of directors of the company.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Katerina Bosov became the trustee of her husband's 50% stake in Vostokugol Management Company, another asset of the group. The other 50% are recorded in the company itself, but its former owner, business partner of Dmitry Bosov, Alexander Isaev, is challenging the loss of this asset in court. Isaev was dismissed from all posts in Dmitry Bosov's companies. Dmitry Bosov committed suicide on May 6 this year.