American sanctions left the Russian factories without details

At the enterprises of the Urals, problems with the supply of foreign components began.
Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region began to experience difficulties with the supply of foreign components due to mutual sanctions between Russia and the United States. As the regional minister of industry Sergey Perestoronin said, in particular, the Kamensk-Uralsky metallurgical plant (KUMZ) because of this can not complete the second stage of the rolling complex worth 45 billion rubles. In the special economic zone (SEZ) "Titanium Valley", where the launch of the Russian-American plant Ural Boeing Manufacturing is planned in September, they are sure that their situation will not touch.

The Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region Sergei Perestoronin told about the impact of sanctions on Ural enterprises at a press conference in Yekaterinburg. As an example, he cited KUMZ, which in connection with the sanctions "problems began" with the timing of delivery and conclusion of contracts for a number of components for equipment. Contact with the factory, "Ural" failed - the phones did not answer. According to the representative of the plant "Interfax", "problems", in particular, concern the completion of construction of the second stage of the rolling complex. We will remind, the factory realizes the investment project on construction of a rolling complex, investments into which make 45 billion rbl. Its design capacity is 166 thousand tons, however, representatives of the plant noted that the capacity of the complex exceeds this figure by almost two times. "It is being built with the prospect of full supply of developing Russian industry with semi-finished products and products made of aluminum alloys," KUMZ reported. The first stage of the complex was launched in 2015, the launch of the second was to be held in 2017, but was postponed "because of the scale of the project."

Recall, on July 6, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the introduction of compensatory measures by Russia in response to the application of the US additional import duties. Washington introduced protective tariffs of 25% and 10% on the supply of steel and aluminum (in particular, from Russia, China and Turkey). In response, the RF raised duties on metal cutting tools, machine tools, pipelayers, loaders, compressors, road machinery and fiber. For most items - up to 30% of the cost, the maximum increase (from 7% to 40%) will affect certain types of machines with numerical control.

Sanctions did not lead to staff reductions, there was no "failure on the raw material component and sales," said Sergey Perestoronin. "There is either stability or an increase in prices for the main products supplied abroad - aluminum, copper and steel," he explained. He admitted that if the regional authorities found new tools and methods of selling for the raw material component, then the questions of the delivery of component parts remained. According to the minister, most of the equipment that was installed in Sverdlovsk enterprises over the past five to ten years was produced outside the Russian Federation. "The most critical issue is the provision of consumables," the minister added. He stressed that the authorities of the region are working to solve the problem, in particular, they are considering the possibility of producing products on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, which they are now "forced to buy."

Meanwhile, last year, the United States ranks first in the trade turnover of the Sverdlovsk region, its volume was $ 1.39 billion, mainly due to Boeing and VSMPO-Avisma. In the Titanium Valley SEZ, where the Ural Boeing Manufacturing plant will be launched in September, they assured that "the changes that have occurred in the customs legislation will not affect current and future residents of the SEZ in any way." "This is a territory in the Sverdlovsk region with a special legal status, customs and tax preferences. They are provided to all our residents and are guaranteed for up to 49 years FZ-116 "On special economic zones in the Russian Federation", - stressed the general director of the SEZ Artem Kyzlasov. In particular, according to him, from November 1, 2017 in the "Titanium Valley" the free customs zone regime is applied, thanks to which imported foreign goods are placed and used on its territory without paying customs duties and VAT.