Alexander Lukashenko has broken the bickers of Russian foreign policy

The President of Belarus supported the territorial integrity of Georgia in Tbilisi and was horrified at what Abkhazia turned into under the Russian protectorate.
While in Tbilisi on a two-day visit, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a framework agreement on cooperation with Georgia, reaffirmed respect for the territorial integrity of this country, despite Moscow's recognition of the independence of former Georgian autonomies and, in fact, condemned Russia for Abkhazia. According to him, this region "has been turned into something incomprehensible". At the same time, being in Tbilisi, Mr. Lukashenko called for establishing relations between Georgia and Russia in spite of all disagreements and disagreements in positions.

At a meeting with Georgian President Georgi Margvelashvili, Alexander Lukashenko made a loud statement about Abkhazia. "I somehow reached Sukhumi, and I did not succeed in Soviet times," Alexander Lukashenko said in reminiscence. And after that he complained that now "nobody can come to Abkhazia" and "a beautiful beloved land was turned into something that was not clear."

With this statement, Alexander Lukashenko developed the idea he expressed in 2015, during his first official visit to the "legendary country", as he then called Georgia. At that time, the leader of Belarus noted during a meeting with his Georgian counterpart that he had already been to Georgia, "but only in Sukhumi".

Meanwhile, on Friday, Mr. Lukashenko met with Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II, who was told: "You mentioned Russia. We often talk with the leaders of Georgia on this issue, I believe that relations should be established, despite all the existing disagreements and incompatible views. We support the solution of all problems and conflicts only by peaceful means. " "The day before, I told my Georgian colleague that the Russian-Georgian conflict is not a conflict between the Russian and Georgian people, it is a conflict between the authorities, so it is necessary that both sides postpone their ambitions and establish normal relations," Alexander Lukashenko cites "Public Television Georgia ".

During the current visit of the Belarusian leader to Tbilisi an agreement was signed on visa-free travel. Between Georgia and Belarus, and before the visa-free regime, but on the basis of an agreement issued within the CIS in the 1990's. "Georgia is thereby trying to break the last strands connecting it with the CIS space," Nika Imnaishvili, an expert of the GHN news agency, explained to the "new" idea of ​​the new initiative, noting that Alexander Lukashenko "agreed with this approach and sent his signal to Moscow." After signing the framework agreement, Georgi Margvelashvili specifically noted that the document "is based on respect for the principle of territorial integrity."

Alexander Lukashenko promised "to help Georgia with everything necessary, as necessary, at the first request." "Two thousand kilometers separating Tbilisi from Minsk - it's not so much," said the head of the Belarusian state. According to him, "Georgians should know that they have a reliable base in the center of Europe, where Belarus is located." In response, President Margvelashvili promised the guest "to share the benefits of European integration."

Then the presidents visited the cognac factory, and a guest from Belarus tasted brandy of the century before last. At the same time, he uttered a toast to the "great and wise" Georgian people.

In the meantime, participants of the Georgian-Belarusian business forum, which is taking place in parallel with the official visit, noted the explosive growth in trade turnover, the number of tourists and the volume of investments. At the same time, the days of Minsk were opened in Tbilisi, the response event for holding the Tbilisoba holiday in the Belarusian capital in October.

It should be noted that the visit of the President was preceded by the arrival in Tbilisi of a representative governmental delegation of Belarus. It was headed by Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusy. Together with the Minister of Economy of Georgia, Dmitry Kumshishvili, Deputy Prime Minister Rusy opened the first joint venture - a plant for the production of elevators. In addition, the parties have concluded a number of agreements in the fields of medicine, science, education and tourism.