Mintimir Shaimiev approved the increase in retirement age in Russia

81-year-old former president of Tatarstan said that Western pensioners spend their money on vacation at the resorts.
On the eve of the hearings on pension reform in the State Duma in support of raising the retirement age, the first president of Tatarstan, now the state adviser of the republic, Mintimer Shaimiev, spoke. At a forum of regional media he reported that he often sees how foreign pensioners are resting in sanatoriums. Mr. Shaimiev expressed hope that "our pensioners could have the appropriate savings and allow themselves to provide normal old age." The ex-president of the republic is sure that the reform of the pension system in Russia "will not go away."

The 81-year-old Mintimer Shaimiev announced support for the government's pension reform yesterday at a plenary session of the forum of national and regional media in Kazan. "We see with you how difficult the pension reform is going through, we have to explain. The main thing is to prepare this reform, "said the former president of Tatarstan. Mr. Shaimiev stressed that "it does not go away if we want our pensioners to have appropriate savings after a certain period and allow themselves to provide normal old age." "We see a lot of pensioners when we rest in foreign sanatoria. They earned it, such a system is justified, "he cited, noting that" the most painful moment is a transition period. " "Maybe, it was necessary to start earlier, but how is it different? No country can survive in any other way. So many retirees for one working ... Fortunately, life expectancy increases, "- he listed the arguments in favor of raising the retirement age.

Recall, the authorities propose to increase the retirement age of Russians from 60 to 65 years for men and from 55 to 63 years for women. July 19, the State Duma adopted the draft government in the first reading. The second reading of the bill should take place in the autumn. On Tuesday, the State Duma is planning parliamentary hearings on raising the retirement age.

The authorities of Tatarstan earlier tried to avoid public assessments of the government reform. So, the current president of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov, did not speak on this issue. His press service only noted that he sent a positive response to the government bill. "Its essence lies in the fact that we consider it necessary to really make changes to the pension system, that this need has matured in terms of the need to increase the pension content," the press service told Kommersant. The State Council of Tatarstan did not prepare an official response, because at the end of June the republic's deputies went on vacation. The parliament decided to limit itself to the meeting of the committee on social policy, which supported the "concept of the bill."

At a forum of regional media Mintimer Shaimiev also raised another important issue for the republic - the preservation of national languages. Recall, on July 25 the State Duma in the third reading adopted amendments to the law "On Education", which consolidated the "free choice" of the language of education, as well as the studied mother tongue and state languages ​​of the republics. Provide the opportunity to learn languages ​​should the federal state educational standards. "The law is passed, but now there will be zealots again. You can not try to put the state educational standard above the Russian Constitution, constitutions of subjects or their charters, "Mr. Shaimiev said, adding:" This is not the policy if the interests of the state language of the country, the state languages ​​of its peoples are not taken into account at the level of standards. " The State Councilor believes that Vladimir Putin's statement about the inadmissibility of compulsion to study national languages ​​was absolutely correct, but a year ago it was misunderstood: "After this went-went, attacks on national languages ​​began. At what time do we live - for prosecutors to go to schools! "Mintimer Shaimiev believes that after the adoption of the new standards," anxiety should disappear and people should calm down. "

Mr. Shaimiev at the forum remembered how in 1990 the republic adopted a declaration on state sovereignty and "tried to stick a label of separatists to Tatarstan". Now, according to him, the republic is in the top five most developed regions of the Russian Federation: in 2017, 850 billion rubles were collected on the territory of the republic. taxes and duties: of them 595 billion rubles. "Sent to the center", the region left 250 billion rubles.