"Rosgosstrakh" through the court requires from life insurer "RGS Life" 116 billion rubles

Rosgosstrakh filed a lawsuit against RGS Life on 116 billion rubles because of the trademark.
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"Rosgosstrakh" on June 6 filed an action with the Moscow Arbitration Court against "RGS Life" for the amount of 116.5 billion rubles, follows from the materials in the database of arbitration courts. As the third parties in the suit are the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and the Central Bank.

The press service of Rosgosstrakh explained that the claim is related to the use of the "RGS Life" trademark. "We consider it to be wrong and unfair that a company that does not have any relation to Rosgosstrakh uses the trademark not on market terms," ​​a spokesman for the company explained to RBC. Rosgosstrakh intends to start selling its own life insurance products by the end of this year, and the company that will be established should act under its own brand, stressed Rosgosstrakh. The press service of the insurer noted that "the amount of the claim is 2 billion rubles., The rest - fines."

Only two months ago it became known that the president of CSKA football club Evgeny Giner is the beneficiary of RGS Life. Prior to this, it was believed that the owner of the "RGS Life" - Alhas Sangulia, a longtime acquaintance of the former principal owner of Rosgosstrakh Danil Khachaturov. It was he who Khachaturov sold the life insurer at the end of 2016. RGS Zhizn, unlike Rosgosstrakh, did not enter the perimeter of the deal on the sale of Khachaturov's insurance business to the FC Otkritie Bank and did not fall under the Central Bank's readjustment in August 2017.

RBC in the evening on Wednesday failed to contact Eugene Giner. The representative of "CSG Life" could not provide an operative comment.

In April, 2018, Giner stated that the owner of "RGS Life" is he, and so far he has not announced this in order not to spoil the company's resume. At the same time, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, 100% of "RGS Life" belongs to LLC "Life Invest". In this company, in turn, 3% is controlled by Alhas Sangulia, 97% by Cyprian "Datlodiks Investments Limited" (its beneficiary is Sangulia). According to Giner, all rights to the insurer belong to him since November 2015.

In late May, between Giner and the chairman of the board of FC Opening FC Mikhail Zadornov, there was a correspondence dispute. Zadornov, communicating with journalists during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, expressed his hope that "CSG Life" will "return to the balance of the company" (Zadornov specified that FC "Otkryt" plans to launch its own life insurer). The words of Zadornov Giner called "groundless and unacceptable." He recalled that "RGS Life" "never belonged to Rosgosstrakh, and talk of any" return "of the company to Rosgosstrakh's balance sheet, on which it never was, has no basis." At the same time, Giner maintains that he told Zadornov that he is the beneficiary of "RGS Life", back in October 2017, and did not conduct any further negotiations with him.

The Central Bank claims that he did not know anything about the fact that Giner is the owner of "RGS Life". "We just learned about it after his [Giner] announcement [in April]. We will find out who the beneficiary really is, "said Vladimir Chistyukhin, deputy chairman of the Central Bank last week.

"RGS Life" is one of the largest insurers of life in Russia. By the volume of insurance premiums following the results of 2017, "RGS Life" from 57.3 billion rubles. second only to the life insurer of Sberbank.

In May, the general director of Rosgosstrakh Nikolaus Fry said that the company intends to challenge the use of the brand "RGS Life". "Of course, we can not be happy with the fact that the trademark owned by PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh is used by other companies," Fry told TASS. The contract with "RGS Life" for the use of a trademark, he characterized as "not responding to commercial reality". Rosgosstrakh is almost a centennial brand, one of the strongest brands in the country, like Aeroflot, Sberbank and so on. It is wrong that someone can use our trademark literally for a penny, "the general director of the insurer emphasized.

Last week the general director of "RGS Life" Evgeny Gurevich announced an early rebranding of the company - the insurer will work under the name "Capital Life". "The rebranding decision was made. I can repeat: this process is not fast, it requires preparation. We are moving in the direction of realizing this task, "he said. "RGS Life" already owns a company with the name "Capital Life" - this is the former "Discovery of Life Insurance".

Commentary on the "Boiler":

For Giner comes hard times. Rosgosstrakh, which is part of the Discovery Group, requires 116 billion rubles for the use of the trademark with RGS-Life. This is the continuation of the dispute between Zadornov and Giner, which may lead to a change in the brand of the company RGS-Life, since there is no means to pay off the state bank from the owner of CSKA. He did somehow unexpectedly become the owner of the insurer after Khachaturov began to have problems. Zadornov accused the former management of the CWG in theft and its top managers went to the SIZO.

In general, Opener is on the way of the publishing house Enlightenment, which was charged from the competitor Eksmo 3.7 billion rubles for the trademark. So Zadornov followed the Rothenbergs and now demands money from Giner, it is obvious that this is a new trend in corporate raiding. Most likely, Zadornov will be able to achieve his goal and remove the remnants of the CSG from the market. The main patron of Giner, Abramovich, now and so many problems because of the visa. And Giner will offer to pay the bills to his old acquaintance Khachaturov, since our athlete obviously did not sign for such expenses.