Igor Ashurbeyli creates his own space country

The virtual "state" of a scandalous ex-official can earn on sales of citizenship and posts.
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It seems that the most promising business today is the creation of private states. You buy an atoll somewhere in the ocean, rastrezvonivaesh in the world press about a new country with the prospect of recognizing the UN - and voila, you can attach a passport. Approximately such a business is now actively engaged in our compatriot Anton Bakov. But you can save a lot on buying an atoll, creating a country somewhere in space. Scandalous fame former Russian gunsmith Igor Ashurbeyli did and now, they write, he fights with aliens.

From the GSKB of the Almaz-Antei defense concern Igor Ashurbeyli was fired six years ago, in the media this was connected either with a conflict of interests in the company or with accusations of disrupting the timing. The dismissal occurred after a statement at a press conference by First Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Sukhorukov about the disruption of the state defense order. Later there were explanations about the internal conflict between the design bureau and the production enterprise and the announcement of gratitude "for fruitful work". Bright publications explaining that "the resignation was" the result of a compromise between the parties ", emphasizing the continuity of the directors and flavored with statements of unnamed sources from the environment of Ashurbeyli (which usually serious publications try to avoid) appeared one after another, but apparently the" sediment remained ".

In search of a siege, Igor Ashurbeyli tried to catch the general at word and present "inaccuracies" admitted at a press conference in court, but it was not so easy. It ended with the fact that the cutting eye publication still "flew" from the site of "RIA Novosti" and the resulting emptiness, it seems, very helped to clean messages from other publications. However, some people seem to have remained in their position. Is the opinion of the military expert Igor Korotchenko (published by him in his blog) that "the main outcome of Ashurbeyli's stay in this post is not only the disruption of the state defense order for the S-400 (as reported by the First Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Sukhorukov), but also almost complete The loss of "Almaz" its huge property complex ... Of the 152 real estate objects in Almaz's ownership today there are only 11 ", has no right to exist?

It seems that all these years, Igor Korotchenko continues the public investigation of the activities of Ashurbeyli, so that, perhaps, a lot of interesting discoveries await us. But now it's not about that. Not so long ago, the British tabloid The Sun reported: "In October," Asgardia "announced that it was attacked by aliens from space after its website was subjected to a cyber attack." Apparently, after the resignation, Igor Ashurbeyli had enough time to deal with the space country. What is this "Asgardiya" and what is Igor Ashurbeyli's attitude towards it?

God, just God

In October last year, Igor Ashurbeyli convened a press conference in Paris, where he announced the creation of the first ever space state - "Asgardia". "In ancient northern mythology, this is a heavenly country, the land of the Gods," Ashurbeyli explained to those present. - The philosophical shell of Asgardia is a digitized Noosphere, a mirror image of humanity in space, but without an earthly division into states, religions and nations. The goal is to protect the planet Earth from threats from outer space. " Such a program of "Star Wars" in Russian? In the 80's, overseas, on a similar idea, many weapons enterprises were gilded thanks to the idea of fixing the then US President Ronald Reagan. But they did not create cosmic states and did not declare them as "countries of the Gods". Americans, what to take from them.

But while the Russian state did not care about "protecting the Earth from threats from outer space" and sawing budget revenues early, it is possible to earn money in another way: according to Ashurbeyli, "the question of citizenship in" Asgardia "is topical. After the recognition of "Asgardia," the UN will raise the question of the arguments for granting such citizenship. " Well, it's clear: one of our compatriots has already tied up on the promotion of his citizenship - the combinator Anton Bakov, which our publication recently wrote about. So here again Ashurbeyli is not a pioneer, but he has a chance to realize a considerable number of passports.

"We do not build financial pyramids, we do not sell land on the Moon and water in Antarctica," the herald of Asgardia reports. "We do not trade at all now." The key word is "now"? "I will not be surprised," Ashurbeyli concluded his speech, "if one of you writes that some crazy Russian missileist has presented an absolutely absurd idea. It will be worse if you do not write anything at all. " And it's understandable - it does not matter what they say about you, just to be told. In the meantime, as Ostap Bender used to say, the complete secret of the deposits, that is, the organization. On the website of "Asgardia" registration of preliminary applications for citizenship has begun. "After a million applications," warns Ashurbeyli, "their reception will be suspended." In general, fly, before it's too late.

Sensitive to the sensation, the Western press immediately trumpeted Ashurbeyli's "Asgard" to the whole world. "The first" cosmic nation "" Asgardia "will hold talks with" earthly countries "in order to obtain recognition of the United Nations," Neil Baker wrote in The Sun. "The eccentric founder says he wants to work with the UN to declare his satellite state as an independent country." And further: "For the month that has passed since the foundation of the" Asgardia ", more than 500 thousand people have subscribed to become citizens." On the site of the "country of the Gods", however, there is another figure - 178 583 signatories. Someone clearly creates an unhealthy hype. Or the people, having understood what, why, on a mass scale, refused the citizenship of "Asgardia"? "We thought that the first 100 thousand future Asgardians will be registered by the end of 2016," the tabloid of Ashurbeyli says, "but we achieved our goal within the first 40 hours!" And not only the British tabloid writes about this - many media from different Parties have turned this topic. It is worth to pay tribute to the media support of the figure of Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli. But although it has recently begun to lose momentum, it is worthy of a separate investigation.
A combinator of space scale or a conventional money-grubber?

But cosmos is cosmos, and what trace has ashurbeyli left on Earth? In this regard, it is important to understand where the "gifted entrepreneur" and "the country's best crisis manager" came from. Here is what you can learn about Ashurbeyli if you trust in open sources: in 1991, he simultaneously launched two projects - the commodity exchange in Baku and the International Information and Telecommunications Exchange in Moscow. Then the future creator of the "country of the Gods" moves to live in Russia. According to the same sources, Ashurbeyli got into the defense industry by chance - his company rented an office in the territory owned by the NGO Almaz. Well, as the press writes, "the leadership of the defense giant has noticed a young businessman who felt himself in market conditions like a fish in the water." And in 2000, Ashurbeyli became the head of OJSC "TsKB" Almaz ". And further - the "success story", right up to the scandal.

And here's how, if you trust the blog of Igor Korotchenko, his former colleagues evaluate Ashurbeyli's activity: "At Ashurbeyli, the sale of Almaz's property acquired a large-scale character," recalled Viktor Nichiporuk, deputy general director of the Almaz-Antey GSKB. - Indirectly in his conduct was the bulk of the property of the enterprise. In one of his interviews, he himself says: "The holding of the military-industrial complex that belongs to me". It is there that firms that are now endowed with the former property of Almaz are included. At the same "Diamond" there were only 14% of its former property. " "Why does no one speak about our former training ground in Khimki, the medical unit at Gabrichevsky, the facilities in Povarov, near Moscow, the stadium on Ivan'kovskoe highway, the dispensary in Kurkin? - rhetorically asked the leading engineer GSKB Valentina Danilina. - I, as a representative of the trade union, people ask: where is all this? I learned. On the field of our former stadium in the park Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo now stands the palace ... We are not allowed there. "

Experts reminded him of his active trips abroad, then and now, despite the "secrecy" of information entrusted to him. Apparently, in contrast to those opinions, Andrei Karaulov's film "Moment of Truth", "Rocketists" about Igor Ashurbeyli, exclusively positively characterizing him, is released. Of course, there can be many opinions on the issue of Ashurbeyli's activities, and not the fact that all opinions are correct, but, you see, there is something to think about.

Word combinator

January 12, 2017 Igor Ashurbeyli recorded a video message to the Asgardians:

Asgardians, hello!

Igor Ashurbeyli, the founder of "Asgardia", welcomes you in his office in Moscow. It was here that the idea of ​​creating the first cosmic state in the history of mankind was born. Today - exactly three months since we announced publicly about the beginning of the creation of "Asgardia". And today I declare October 12, 2016 the first day in the new Asgardian calendar.

When I was called the father of the nation, it was very strange for me. But when the data was published that 70% of Asgardians are young people aged 18 to 35 years, I realized that our main task is to protect the planet Earth in order to leave our common home to the future generations of our descendants. In 2017, in the first year of the Asgardian calendar, we have many things to do: to approve the Declaration of Unity, to adopt the Constitution of the country, to choose governing bodies, to determine their location on earth's continents, to approve the flag, anthem, coat of arms and much more. We are also working on launching the first satellite of "Asgardia". We, the Asgardians, may not be the best of people, but we are definitely people of the future. And our motto, which I hope you will take today, is "One mankind is one community".