In Russia there was the last oligarch

This was told by Alisher Usmanov, who in the US is considered a pro-Kremlin oligarch.
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The entrepreneur and co-owner of USM Holdings, Alisher Usmanov, on the Russia 1 channel said that only one oligarch remained in Russia. He did not name his name.

Usmanov stressed that he does not attribute himself to the category of oligarchs. "I generally hate the word" oligarch ". Because in it there is some defective for men title. It's the same as saying "the Queen's favorite". In this case, the oligarch is the person who took everything without paying. I never treated them in my life, "said the businessman. At the same time, he noted that the main criterion for attributing to the oligarchy is the fact of receiving business from government.

Usmanov did not speak about the identity of the “last oligarch of Russia”, saying only a few words about his business. “I think one passenger remained with us in this car, he is already empty, and he alone is sitting - still rolling ... He is an oligarch. And he knows about himself. He lost everything except for one company, which is why he remains in it. And there are no more oligarchs, "Usmanov said.

The status of Alisher Usmanov Forbes estimates at $ 12.5 billion. Thus, the businessman is on the 10th line of the richest entrepreneurs in Russia. Commercial activity, he began in the period of perestroika. In the 2000s, Usmanov became the owner of shares in the venture capital fund DST,, founded the mining and metallurgical holding Metalloinvest and the company USM Holdings, combining the assets of a businessman including a stake in Megafon.

Usmanov was included by the US Treasury in January 2018 in the "Kremlin report", which listed the Russian "oligarchs" close to Vladimir Putin's entourage. The figurants of this list are potential targets for sanctions.