TRC "Winter Cherry" was not insured

The market is once again discussing mandatory firefighting policies, but it is unlikely to lead to their success.
As the president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers (ARIA), Igor Yurgens, TC "Winter Cherry" was not insured. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in Russia about 200 thousand fires occur annually, the number of deaths in them is about 14 thousand people. For comparison: in the US, with a population of 300 million people, the number of fatalities in fires is about 4,000 people. The market sees a way out in the introduction of a system of compulsory fire insurance and the responsibility of owners of places of mass congestion. Similar initiatives were offered after the fire in the Perm club "Lame Horse" - but beyond the bills the authorities and the insurance lobby did not advance.

The burnt Kemerovo TC "Winter Cherry" was not insured, the president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers Igor Yurgens announced. "By the present moment we have found out all the circumstances of the given object: the insurance covers only the old building that did not suffer, the new building of the shopping center, which was completely destroyed by fire, remained uninsured. The owner was negotiating the purchase of the policy, but they did not end ", - said the president of the ARIA. As a result, without payments from insurers, the owners of the building and the families of the victims will remain. Relatives of the deceased can rely only on payments from the state. Already announced compensation of 1 million rubles.

In obligatory kinds (OSAGO, compulsory insurance of passengers) the amount of compensation is 2 million rubles. "Undoubtedly, when people are grieved by such grief, they do not think about payments. But the task of a civilized society is to provide decent support in such conditions. And it should not depend either on the resonance of the event or on the will of the owner of the facility, "says Igor Yurgens. He assures that "the insurance expertise would not leave room for careless violation of fire safety rules." According to him, on Wednesday the union will send to the State Duma its proposals for imputing imputed fire insurance and liability to visitors of places of mass gathering of people.

"There should be comprehensive supervision, both firefighters and the Federal Tax Service - how this enterprise was opened. It was registered as a small business and received a vacation on inspections, this is unacceptable, "Mr. Jurgens said at the event," with imputed insurance this could not happen. You can not cut the ribbon until you are insured and have not passed all the insurer's checks. "

According to the head of the ARIA, a number of tenants of the "Winter Cherry" were nevertheless insured - for a total of 100 million rubles.

Every time after the tragedies associated with fire, insurers and authorities begin discussions on the introduction of mandatory fire insurance. So it was after a fire in the Perm club "Lame Horse". The Ministry of Emergency Situations developed a separate draft law on the introduction of a mandatory fire safety policy, but it was not considered by legislators.

At the same time, the legislation generally explains who and how should compensate for harm without a special insurance law. In accordance with the Civil Code, the harm-bearer is obliged to compensate in full the damage to life or health in the amount of medical expenses, lost earnings, moral harm, and so on, as well as compensation for damage to property in the amount of its actual value. However, unlike compulsory insurance, these compensations are carried out by a court decision, and the limits on moral harm, as a rule, are significantly less than 2 million rubles.

In addition, the Town Planning Code provides compensation for the injured individuals, who must immediately pay the owner of the building, - from 1 million rubles. while causing moderate damage to 3 million in the event of death. In addition, tenants may require the owners of the complex to reimburse lost profits and indirect financial losses.