Igor Chaika did not understand why his property was encrypted in Rosreestr

The son of the Prosecutor General said that since 2016 he had not performed registration actions with real estate.
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The son of Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika, Igor, did not encounter any problems caused by the change of his name and the name of his brother Artem in the extracts from the Russian Registry. About this Igor Chaika told Forbes in Sochi, where the Russian Investment Forum is taking place.

He stressed that so far he had not encountered any problems with this, since he had not taken any registration actions with real estate.

Igor Chaika confirmed that there were no requests and statements to the Rosreestr from him or from his brother, and he doesn’t know what the designation of their names in Rosreestr now looks like. According to the Prosecutor General’s son, information about his real estate “has already been published 10 times” has been published and it’s not clear why they were to be closed. He also noted that he does not have real estate and accounts abroad, but only a company that sells products. Igor Chaika suggested that, at the Unified State Register of Companies, apparently, they did not encrypt anything, since “if he registers the company, journalists will ring up after an hour”.

In December 2015, the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), Alexei Navalny, in his investigation, told about the Moscow Region real estate of the family of the Prosecutor General Chaika. In July 2016, FBK announced that the names of the Prosecutor General’s sons, Artyom and Igor, were changed in the Rossrestre to the encodings LSDU3 and YFSAU9. Igor Chaika himself then said that he had learned about the encoding of his name from the media and laughed a lot at it. He also confirmed that the property declared in the registry under encodings belongs to him and his brother.

In August 2016, it became known that information about the owners of houses previously registered to Artem and Igor Chaek completely disappeared from the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.