How the problems of Transaero mount up

Failure of Transaero to follow the labor legislation may be a prelude to the airline's leaving the market. 
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In mid-August it will be exactly half a year to one of the most resonant of labor conflicts of the country in recent years - the struggle of the trade union of airline "Transaero" with the carrier in advance. At stake is all the time there are many months of wage arrears pilots and flight attendants, arrears in payment of per diem and that the company complies with the labor laws of the working time account.

This protracted conflict, which attracted the attention of the country's leadership, coupled with accumulated financial problems of the company, may cause "Transaero" in death. In the worst sense of the word.

Work days

In May this year the airline "Transaero" union complained to the Labour Inspectorate and the transport prosecutor's office for gross and repeated violations of the timing payment of wages. According to the head of the council of commanders of JSC "Transaero" Dmitry Savishina, as of 03/03/2015, the wages for January were not paid before the pilots in full.

Management parried all the allegationsand accusations in his address referring to the difficult financial situation and a sharp drop in profits, which in the first nine months fell by 5.6 times compared to the same period last year.

The union in such an interpretation does not believe. The website of its representatives asked the question: "Why does the whole burden of responsibility for the failed management decisions has shifted to those who earn money for the company?". The report pointed out - the top managers of "Transaero" blame the crisis of the problems, rather than to take the blame for the fact that anti-crisis measures have not been developed in the company for a year.

It is for this reason, be sure to trade unionists, and made possible the enormous delay in the payment of wages, as well as inconsistent with the union wage cuts pilots and flight attendants more than 40%, while wages are office staff "Transaero" shrunk by only 20%. Also, the union insisted that a deterioration of working conditions of flight staff in the first ordinary passengers can turn to suffer.

Workers complain Guide "Transaero "mercilessly exploits the staff, forcing the pilots and flight attendants to hold in the air excess, above-standard hours, which may not affect the safety and puts on a threat to thousands of human lives. Complaints union representatives were filed in May, and in June, the problem with the payment of salaries to pilots and flight attendants "Transaero" have been the subject of publications in the federal media. overclocked activists wave information has borne fruit. As stated Dmitry Savishin union leader, after the start of checking airline management started to liquidate the debt.

But it turned out that the salary arrears - only a part of the accumulated problems in the relations between top management and the workforce. "The next point of our work is a huge delay in payments daily," - said Savishin in mid-June.

All this time, the administration of "Transaero" not only denies the existence of debt, but also the fact of a 40% reduction of salaries to pilots and flight attendants. "The natural decrease or increase payouts flight attendants proishdit, depending on the increase or decrease plaque ", - stated in the press service of" Transaero "of 18 June.

However, as it became known "version" of the source in the company, is still paying the salaries of employees comes with a three-week delay. In addition, the team is preparing for the forced leave care.

heavy debts

The situation with salaries and compliance with labor legislation - is not the only serious problem "Transaero", caught in a difficult financial situation. The airline, finished last year with a profit, suddenly reassessed their same financial report and the result of this reassessment was the statement of the multi-billion dollar losses, does not prevent, however, the press service of "Transaero" to regularly report on the growth of passenger traffic and the occupancy of seats in the aircraft.

Reasons for optimism Olga Pleshakova, director of the company is. After all, the carrier received their salvation substantial loan to VTB, and even under the state guarantees. In late 2014, the Russian government approved for the & quot; Transaero "state guarantee to ensure fulfillment of the obligations on the loan for a period of not less than three years in the amount of up to 9 billion rubles.

However, a new airline credit only drove into debt. At the end of March 2015 net debt "Transaero" amounted to 67.6 billion rubles. Two-thirds of this sum - 43.9 billion rubles - accounted for short-term debt. The largest creditor at the time were VTB (12.7 billion rubles) and Gazprombank (7.7 billion rubles). With this state of affairs there is every reason to suspect that the state guarantee will contribute not solve the social problems, but rather to encourage irresponsible management, ultimately increasing a risk of bankruptcy. If the debt would be "very heavy", no state guarantees will not be saved. That is why the airline was forced to apply to the Ministry of Transport to support the extension of kovenantnyh holidays a number of banks - Sberbank, VTB and Bank ( "Rosneft" daughter). As the "Vedomosti" writes, in a letter sent on the eve of "Transaero" manual states that these banks becameand only among all the creditor banks who have not agreed to restructure overdue debts Airlines in May this year, and it represents "a serious threat to activity."
An employee of one of the three banks mentioned in the letter, told "Vedomosti" that the credit institution is prepared to extend kovenantnye vacation until the end of September, otherwise the number of tourists will not be able to come back from holidays. Of course, tourists can hide behind a long time, and the management of "Transaero" certainly cherish the hope that the country's leadership will not allow bankrupt the second largest player in the Russian aviation market.

However, it seems, the situation began to take shape not in favor of such a development.

Weak leave

In early August, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation were in favor of withdrawal from the market troubled airlines, which can not solve the problem of losses. According to "Kommersant", the agency Alexei Ulyukayev has analyzed trends in the civil aviation and concluded that the industry was unable to overcome the consequences of the 2008 crisis.

As follows from the analysis of the debt to the banks of two of the five largest carriers, including "Transaero" (second debtor - "UTair"), exceeded 150 billion rubles. A number of major airlines will inevitably leave the market, according to ministry officials. The crisis in the industry may be exacerbated in the autumn, so the department propose to increase funds reserved for passengers in the event of bankruptcy of airlines transportation. So that the owners of "Transaero", perhaps, in vain hope for their offspring unsinkable.

In addition, an ally of the rebellious union "Transaero" has become Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who gave instructions to the Ministry of Labor last week to check compliance with the labor rights of airline "Transaero" and "UTair".

Minister Maxim Topilin confirmed that, according to departmental examinations revealed "inconsistencies with the law" and "Labour Inspectorate has already given instructions on how to re spetsotsenke" UTair ", and is now preparing a decision on the" Transaero "."

Do not forget that the problma salary debts, which has long been wearing all-Russian character, forced the authorities to get serious about fixing it. A month as the laws adopted in Russia, expanding arsenal of legal workers in the fight for their rights. Even after September 29 (the date of entry into force of amendments), Russians will be able to bankrupt employers delaying payment. Considering how mounting problems in the "Transaero", can not be excluded among fans of opportunities and this development, in which the combination of the financial problems of the company imposed on inefficient management and does not fulfill obligations to employees may lead to the departure of the carrier №2 market.

In the meantime, can only wait for the new ministerial test results promised by Mr. m Topilin, and what conclusions do for himself from the whole affair administration of airline "Transaero".